Who Killed Janette Roberson?

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6th August 2018  •  4 min read

Janette Roberson, 27, was beaten and stabbed to death in the basement of a local department store in Reed City, Michigan, in 1983. Her killer has never been identified.

Who Killed Janette Roberson?

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

The brutal unsolved murder of 27-year-old Janette Roberson still haunts the city town of Reed City, Michigan, to this very day. Janette, her husband Alvin, and their two children moved to the quaint city in 1983. Those who knew Janette described her as being remarkably kind to everybody she met. “She was patient, gentle and one of the sweetest people ever,” recalled family friend, Carrie Hudson.1 As well as being a caring mother to two young children, she also had a profound compassion for animals; one friend recollected how she nursed a small bird back to health after she found it injured. “She was the quintessential homemaker. She did the kids, she did the house,” her sister fondly recalled. Janette wasn’t just a housewife, either. She worked in the pet department of a local store called Gambles – now Reed City Hardware. Her department was located in the store’s basement.

Unfortunately, on the 19th of January, 1983, somebody cut Janette’s life tragically short. At some point between 2PM and 4PM, Janette was murdered in broad daylight as she carried out her work duties in the small 10-by-10 room filled with pet supplies. She had been raped, violently bludgeoned with a blunt object and then stabbed multiple times with multiple objects found in store. Janette died alone on the cold basement floor of Gambles as shoppers perused without a care in the world on the floor above. She was found by another store employee. The store had been relatively busy that afternoon yet nobody heard a thing. Almost all of the people who were shopping above were identified and questioned except for one man. Composite sketches of this anonymous man were drawn up. He was described as a white man with sandy blonde hair and a blue jacket; he stood around 5 feet 9 inches and weighed approximately 170 pounds.

Who Killed Janette Roberson?

The brutal murder rocked the small city where there hadn’t been a murder since eight years prior when Frank Kronski murdered his estranged wife. Around 200 mourners congregated to pay their last respects to Janette at the McDowell Funeral Home. Afterwards, she was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Reed City.

As is the case with all murders, the first suspect was Janette’s husband, Alvin. An investigation uncovered that he had been having an affair behind his wife’s back. In fact, Alvin later went on to marry this same woman and move to Georgia with her and the children. Nevertheless, investigators soon ruled him out as a suspect. While their marriage had been on the rocks, he still deeply loved his wife and would never wish harm on her. “He was devastated. He couldn’t have had anything to do with it,” said Janette’s sister, Lana. Another suspect came to light when police tracked down a man who had left town on a bus that same afternoon. He was questioned and later released. One line of enquiry early on in the investigation was the bizarre phone calls Janette had received. On the 18th of January, she received two separate phone calls at home; however, when she picked up the phone, nobody spoke and then hung up. After this became public knowledge, a friend of Janette came forward and told police that Janette had been receiving obscene calls.

Since the brutal murder, there have been a number of theories as to why Janette was targeted.

One widely believed theory was that Janette was killed in a fit of rage by somebody she knew; the murder was an exceptionally frenzied and brutal one. She was murdered with objects that were discovered in the shop indicating it wasn’t a premeditated murder but more likely a crime of passion. Her family have long believed that maybe Janette’s killer had a crush on her and when she turned down their advances, they were left seething.  Investigators also looked into the theory that Janette’s killer had potentially been hiding in the basement and waited for the perfect moment to ambush her.

Who Killed Janette Roberson?

Eventually the tips dwindled to a halt; no other suspects were ever publicly named and the case was put back on the shelf. In 2014, Michigan State Police Det. Sgt. Mike Stephens took over the Roberson murder case from Det. George Pratt who had retired after serving the department for longer than Stephens had even been alive. The two have continued to communicate when any tips or leads surface. When the investigation began in 1983, DNA collection and analysis wasn’t standard procedure. However, DNA from the crime scene was retrieved but hasn’t yet been matched to anybody. This indicates that the perpetrator has avoided being charged with any other crimes; if he were to commit another crime and be apprehended for said crime, his DNA profile would have been entered into the national database and linked back to the Robertson crime scene. “This person could have committed this crime and not committed another crime ever, but because of the violence, that’s not likely,” said Det. Pratt.

Eventually the case went cold, but over the forthcoming years, Janette’s family held an annual “Justice for Janette” walk to keep Janette’s name and face in the public eye. During the 2018 walk, Janette’s sister, Javie, addressed the theory that Janette’s husband killed her. “He didn’t,” she said. “There is a murderer walking around free. Somebody has to know something, had to have seen something that day. Maybe it is something small, something they think is irrelevant – it’s not.”2

If you have any information in regards to the murder of Janette Roberson, please call (231) 832-3743. The cold case still remains unsolved.


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  1. The Pioneer, 19 January, 2015 – “Community Unites during Justice for Janette Walk”
  2. The Pioneer, 29 January, 2019 – “Wanting Answers”


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6 years ago

I hope the cop n investigators find who did it ,😢RIP,⚘🙏NO ONE DESERVED TO DIE THE WAY SHE DID,😢

4 years ago
Reply to  Mazikeen69

the investigaters are being lazy. Look at DNA.

6 years ago

She was such a gorgeous young woman. It scares me that this depraved person got through the front door undetected… he must have been covered in blood. How could nobody notice?

Steve (host of the Skelecast forensics podcast)
Steve (host of the Skelecast forensics podcast)
6 years ago
Reply to  Carolyn

Speaking from forensics (and EMS) experience, one of the biggest myths people believe about murders is that stabbings always end up with the perpetrator covered in blood. Quite often, there’s a lot of INTERNAL bleeding and only a comparatively small amount of external blood loss. In fact, I can think of two fatal stabbings (including one with six or seven strikes to the chest and upper abdomen) I worked where the realization that the wounds were there came when the victim was examined on scene. The lack of “blood everywhere on scene” is often especially the case if the initial… Read more »

6 years ago

Where did you read about that? I’ve read a lot on this case as I am from the area but have never heard that before? What is your source?

6 years ago

composite looks similar to composite of regina mae Armstrong’s killer. same era, different location… different mo… but still… similar looking guys, like… how many killers looked like that around that time?

Knows ‘em when he sees ‘em
Knows ‘em when he sees ‘em
3 years ago
Reply to  ACM

Probably about 500.

David Zarrick
David Zarrick
3 years ago
Reply to  ACM

Probably about 10,000.

6 years ago

R u the killer???

4 years ago
Reply to  Bugsby

ru an idiot. please learn to spell

Punctuation police
Punctuation police
3 years ago
Reply to  dan

Please learn to put a period at the end of a sentence.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bugsby

her husband is the killer. He paid someone to snuff her out so he can be with his ho.

Mary fetters
Mary fetters
5 years ago

If they have DNA on this guy why not put it into an ancestry site. Maybe they could track them through a relative.

David Zarrick
David Zarrick
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary fetters

Yep. That’s how they caught the Golden Sstate Killer.

Barbara Kilman
Barbara Kilman
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary fetters

They did not match yet

1 year ago
Reply to  Mary fetters

police wont allow

Karen Bell-Booth
Karen Bell-Booth
4 years ago

Was the woman the husband was cheating with and subsequently married ever questioned? She certainly had motive to be rid of his wife. People can get highly emotional and high strung and certainly have committed murder due to feeling like the other woman.

3 years ago

Janette was raped. The murderer was male.

4 years ago

No security cameras??

3 years ago

Can genealogical testing bw done to try to locate the murderer through family?

David Zarrick
David Zarrick
3 years ago
Reply to  Brenda
3 years ago

Just mere speculation but did anyone look into Nicholas Paul Brasic who was convicted a few years after this murder for killing a northern Michigan woman? He had a very violent background and once lived near Reed City.

3 years ago

The killer was probably a sexual predator, stalker. Weird the DNA wasn’t matched considering how obviously unorganized it all was.

2 years ago

I’ve always wondered, if Alvin was having an affair, why was his name added to her headstone?
Seems odd, considering he remarried soon after.
Her headstone makes me feel sad.
Her husband’s name, as if he were to lie next to her in death.
But he built a new life early on.
I guess Alvin’s death date will stay empty, never filled out, as he’ll probably be buried wherever his new life is.
Hopefully they use genetic genealogy soon to close this tragic case.

Teja marrs
Teja marrs
4 months ago

I was thinking why don’t people start looking at old photos in the family they took while they where in reed city, parks, or whateve also including old photos of the town.. maybe this person was pictured without even knowing. Also looking at people in the town around that time that have a past for this type of violence.

Further Reading:

The Unsolved Murder of Amber Hagerman
The Angel of the Meadow
The Tragic Death of Genny Rojas
Unraveling a Nightmare: Shaun & Delylah Tara
The Greenough Family Massacre
The Double Jeopardy Case of Tim Hennis
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