The Sledgehammer Killer – Zachary Davis

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25th October 2017  •  7 min read

Zachary Davis was just 15-years-old when he bludgeoned his mother to death with a sledgehammer & attempted to kill his brother. What caused him to commit such a gruesome act?

The Sledgehammer Killer - Zachary Davis

Morbidology Podcast

The article continues below

Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

One of the most horrific acts that a human being can carry out against their fellow human beings is murder. It’s perplexing enough to imagine the motivation behind an adult killing another adult but what about when it is a child or teenager committing this violent deed? In this article, we shall look at the murder of Melanie Davis and the attempted murder of Josh Davis.  Was the killer impaired by a severe mental illness or was he just pure evil?

The 10th of August, 2012, started just like any other day but by the following morning, Melanie Davis would be dead and her 15-year-old son, Zachary, would be in police custody.

Melanie was as Australian citizen who moved to Hendersonville, Tennessee, to marry Chris. The couple went on to have two sons – first born was Josh and second born was Zachary. They were your average all-American family that lived in a middle class neighbourhood. Melanie worked as a paralegal and in her free time, she partook in triathlons.

The Sledgehammer Killer - Zachary Davis
Melanie Davis.

However, in 2007, tragedy struck when Chris died from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The death came as a blow to the whole family but it particularly had an impact on 10-year-old Zachary who fell into a deep depression.  Within just a few months, Zachary would be sent for psychiatric treatment with Dr. Bradley Freeman at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Zachary told his psychiatrist that he would very frequently hear disembodied voices. It was evident that he was suffering from some form of mental disease from the very first meeting. Nevertheless, Zachary’s case was terminated when Melanie stopped bringing her son to his appointments with Dr. Freeman.

The Sledgehammer Killer - Zachary Davis
Zachary Davis.

Throughout his teenage years, Zachary was known to be an outcast by his peers at Station Camp High School. He possessed some bizarre quirks and characteristics. One student recalled how Zachary often refused to speak in his regular voice and almost always responded in a whisper when being spoken to. This same student added that Zachary would wear the same hoodie day in and day out.1

At approximately 9PM on the 10th of August, 2012, 46-year-old Melanie went to bed just like usual. Earlier on in the evening, Melanie, 16-year-old Josh, and 15-year-old Zachary had attended a showing of the comedy film “The Campaign” at the local cinema before returning home together. As Melanie drifted off to sleep, she was completely unaware that her youngest son, Zachary, was planning something extremely sinister.

When Melanie and Josh were both asleep, Zachary crept into his mother’s bedroom. He was armed with a sledgehammer that he had retrieved from the basement. With that sledgehammer, Zachary bludgeoned Melanie in the head over and over again. The medical examiner would later conclude that Melanie suffered at least eight blows to the head.

The blood-spattered teenager then left the bedroom, locking the door behind him, and walked to the game’s room. In here, he poured gasoline and whiskey over the walls and floors and set it alight before fleeing off into the night. Thankfully, Zachary closed the game’s room door thus the fire did not spread due to lack of oxygen. Moments later, the fire alarm quickly started beeping and Josh awoke from his slumber. Realising that his mother’s bedroom door was locked, he broke the door down and was met by an unimaginable scene.

Josh ran to a neighbour’s home for help.

Approximately five hours later, a Sumner County Sheriff’s Office deputy found Zachary, walking along a two-lane road roughly five miles from his home off Long Hollow Pike. Zachary was taken in for questioning without incident and readily confessed that he had murdered his mother as she slept. Sheriff Sonny Weatherford said that when he confessed, he had a malevolent smirk on his face.

It was April of 2015 and after narrowing the jury down to seven men and five women, Zachary’s trial was ready to commence. Zachary was being tried as an adult and was pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. Defence lawyer, Randy Lucas, and prosecution, Sumner County Attorney General Ray Whitley, laid out the basis of their arguments in opening statements. “There was harmony in the house,” said Whitley. “Zach Davis had planned and intended to kill his mother and brother, and tonight was the night,” announced Whitley to the crowded court room. 2This was cold-blooded murder, the prosecution declared but the defence offered a different motivation.

Zachary’s defence lawyer announced in his opening statement that jury would see a taped confession of Zachary , declaring that even though he admitted to the murder, doesn’t mean that he is guilty. Zachary was suffering from an untreated mental illness at the time of the murders, his defence lawyer argued, and for this reason, he shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions.

Dr. Bradley Freeman, who had earlier examined Zachary, took to the stand and testified that Zachary had told him that when he killed his mother, he did so at the request of his father.  However, as mentioned earlier, Zachary’s father passed away in 2007. Zachary had earlier revealed to Dr. Freeman that he had frequently been hearing his father’s voice and Zachary would relay this information to the court room.

“We’ve heard talk about you hearing voices when no one is there. Do you hear voices, Zach?” an attorney asked.

“Yes,” the teen replied quietly.

“Can you tell the judge, do you recognise that voice?”

“It’s the voice of my father,” Davis said.

“And does he continue to talk with you even after you’ve been in the jail?”



He believed that his father had been telling him that he needed to kill his mother. Assistant District Attorney Tara Wylie refuted these claims when she pointed out that Zachary had not mentioned hearing his father’s voice until after his first hearing at juvenile court. Dr. Freeman announced to the jury that he had diagnosed Zachary with schizophrenia, adding that due to this disorder, he could not form the necessary thought process which was needed in order to commit first degree murder. “His judgement was driven by his psychosis. That’s what I believe prevents him from premeditating this crime,” Dr. Freeman said.

Another psychologist who had interviewed Zachary 30 times since his arrest agreed with this diagnosis. “I’ve never encountered someone so severely detached from his emotions” she told the jury, adding that she diagnosed him with schizophrenia as well as depression. 4

Throughout the trial, Zachary frequently manically laughed at inappropriate times. On the third day of the trial, Zachary took to the stand to testify on his own behalf and said something that nobody – including his attorney – expected to hear: “I didn’t do it,” he exclaimed. 5 “I took the fall for my brother. I didn’t do it. He killed her with a sledgehammer,” Zachary told the stunned courtroom. When Zachary’s defence lawyer, Randy Lucas, reminded him that there was a hand-written confession as well as a taped confession, Zachary replied: “I didn’t kill her…” In addition to the confessions, Melanie’s blood was spattered over his trousers.

The prosecution had argued that regardless of mental illness, Zachary had meticulously planned his attack. He had written his plans in his diary in the days leading up to the murder. He had poured gasoline and whiskey into the bedroom before setting it alight.  Additionally, Zachary had fled the home with a packed bag that he had prepared earlier and threw his cell phone into a ditch so that police could not trace it. This is a clear indication of premeditation. Presiding over the trial was Sumner County Judge Dee David Gay, who concluded that while Zachary probably did suffer from mental illnesses, he knew wrong from right. “The thing that bothers me is that you have shown no regrets, no remorse, in murdering your own mother at age 15,” he bellowed to the stone-faced Zachary.

The trial took another unexpected twist when Zachary’s diary was presented to the jury. This diary had been found in Zachacy’s backpack when he was apprehended following the murder. On an entry that was dated the 10th of August, 2012 – the same day Zachary killed his mother – he claimed that his brother had raped him. “I was raped by him that day, and I’ve been planning to kill him ever since.” Following the murder, he wrote another journal entry which read: “I killed Melanie and left Josh alone to suffer… I didn’t feel anything… I didn’t feel remorse… My only true regret was that I didn’t give her a faster death. I didn’t want her to suffer.”

However, these claims were meticulously investigated and the Department of Children’s Services found no evidence to back these claims up. Furthermore, when Josh was questioned about these claims, he told investigators that he loved his brother and that these claims were “ridiculous.” Was this just an instance of a damaged mind becoming confused or was Zachary trying to place the blame on somebody else?

One of the most harrowing moments of the trial was when Zachary’s taped confession was played. In this confession, he explained his reasoning behind using a sledgehammer to kill his mother: “I was worried that I’d miss,” adding that the sledgehammer gave him the “highest chance of killing her.” When asked by the detective if he could go back in time, would he still carry out the attack to which he replies: “I would probably kill Josh with a sledgehammer too.”

Family members and family friends disclosed that they never believed anything to be amiss with Zachary. While yes, he was different, nothing could have indicated that he was capable of such violence. He had a good relationship with his mother and brother and Melanie Garner, a TBI expert in computer forensics corroborated this. While investigating Zachary’s phone, she found text messages between the family. In fact, there were pleasantries exchanged just the day before Zachary killed Melanie.

After a four day trial, the jury sided with the prosecution. Zachary was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment plus another 20 years for the attempted murder of his brother.  “I think that Zach Davis is a little bit smarter and a little bit wilier than we give him credit for,” announced Sumner Country District Attorney Ray Whitely following the sentencing phase.

While Zachary serves his life sentence, the outside opinion on the true motivation behind the senseless murder still remains very much divided.

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  2. The News-Examiner – 15 April, 2015
  3. MSMV News – 15 January, 2014
  4. MSMV News – 15 January, 2014
  5. The Tennessean – 15 April, 2015


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7 years ago

This story is so disturbing… How could he do that to his own mom? And the way he laughs in the video… scary.

7 years ago
Reply to  Allison

The nod is what got me the most!

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Me too! It was very odd

Ever Rain
Ever Rain
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You are seriously disturbed. You always leave the most fucked up comments on all of these posts. Seek help immediately. Twisted fuck.

Dawn Gladden
Dawn Gladden
4 years ago
Reply to  Ever Rain

I agree with you completely, Ever Rain. I surmise that Frey is either an unstable, attention-seeking adult OR an immature, attention-seeking adolescent. Either way, Frey apparently needs to get a life or, at the very least, find a healthy hobby.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I suspect a sign of severe mental illness and drugs injested to control his psychotic thought processes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It’s democratic. He is possessed

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Same here I actually love his sling blade voice and when he says um-hum SEXY!!!! 🖤❤️‍🔥💋

Sheila Miller
Sheila Miller
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I definitely concur that is what I’m saying the kid is possessed he needs a Catholic priest and a few other Church souls to get that thing out of him

6 years ago
Reply to  Allison

Because hes mentally disturbed, severly. Why mom pulled him from counseling is what i wanna know. Theres obv something significantly wrong w him. Wouldnt shock me to find out theres skmethjng amiss about the parents and bros too. That sh”t is hereditary

6 years ago
Reply to  Lar

Most definitely, the mom isn’t as innocent as the are making her to be. Why did she stop taking him? This whole story is missing too many pieces for him to be punished like that. Mental illness isn’t drooling on yourself and being cross eyed. Zach is true definition of mental illness.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jenni

It sells more papers (and mouse clicks) when you have an innocent darling victim and a big bad evil villain. It doesn’t matter who is truly innocent nor who is guilty..

4 years ago
Reply to  Jenni

Don’t judge her. She’d lost her husband and was raising two teenage boys on her own. If this kid said he wasn’t going to therapy she can’t pick him up and take him. We have no idea what she was dealing with. I’m just glad that she was asleep and didn’t (I hope) know that one of her baby’s was killing her… so horrific

3 years ago
Reply to  Jenni

I agree that’s the reason he doesn’t scare me but he’s very attractive to me,I feel somethings can be forgiven and understood. I mean hasn’t wanted to kill their mother, father, brother, sister or whatever I’m lucky enough to have gotten help and didn’t my mom I mean….I have friends who just read the drunken mean text and THEY!!! Wanna kill her you know so I can understand him and relate. Frankly in the end her death is her fault not his pulling him out of therapy 🤨 wrong move she did nothing at all for him in my opinion.

Emily H
Emily H
3 years ago
Reply to  Sinder

I agree with you. He is an attractive guy. 💕 💋 😘 💘

1 year ago
Reply to  Emily H

Yes…. They’ll love him and his culo in prison 🍆🍑

5 years ago
Reply to  Lar

I wonder if mom pulled him from counseling because she didn’t want something being exposed during the sessions. Maybe the brother did hurt him and she protected him?

4 years ago
Reply to  Meagan


6 years ago
Reply to  Allison


5 years ago
Reply to  Allison

His mom removed him from therapy before he could recover from his father’s death and the deep depression that followed (against the wishes of some of their family). By some accounts, Zachary’s mother Melanie was “oblivious to her son.”

She chose to move on after her husband’s death by ignoring her son’s mental health issues. These issues, in turn, led to her demise.

4 years ago
Reply to  Cole


Sheila Miller
Sheila Miller
2 years ago
Reply to  Allison

Like I said he’s clearly possessed somebody in the comments above me said that it’s a nod that got them well the nod and the way he laughs and conducts himself he is definitely possessed by a demon

6 years ago

The laughing and the nodding in the video is so creepy. He knew what he was doing.

Carew Martin
Carew Martin
6 years ago

Killing his mom wasn’t very nice

6 years ago
Reply to  Carew Martin

Good point

6 years ago
Reply to  Carew Martin

It wasn’t very nice?? What a massive understatement. What he did was horrific.

4 years ago
Reply to  Carew Martin

No, it wasnt…..but she created it….

Ana Nimity
Ana Nimity
6 years ago

You know what I think? I think what he said about his mother not taking care of them was true. He probably thought she was a bad mother and she probably did things to support his thoughts. Regardless, MURDER is never the answer. Poor kid … probably thought that he couldn’t go to anyone to talk to. He was probably too socially awkward to do so anyway. He was literally trapped in his own distorted mind, and felt there was no way out. I feel sorry for him. Not disgust or hatred, but sympathy. He needs MAJOR help. Hope he… Read more »

Ana Nimity
Ana Nimity
6 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity

Whoa, just noticed that the time stamp is incorrect. I posted that and this reply on May 5th at about 11:34 pm and 11:38 pm

6 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity

Probably different time zones.

True Justice
True Justice
6 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity

You feel sorry for Zachary? Are you serious lady? He’s a young cold-blooded killer who seemed to have enjoyed killing his mother. He enjoyed every swing of that sledgehammer and the sound it made hitting her skull. But wait, you started off your ignorant comment by saying that Zachary was probably right about his mother not taking good care of them and was probably a bad mom etc.. How dare you come on here and say such awful things about a woman who had lost her husband and seemed to be doing everything she could do for those 2 sons?… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  True Justice

I disagree with your opinion. Zachary and his mother Melanie are both victims of one another. Zachary became increasingly mentally-impaired by his mother Melanie’s abuse. Melanie intentionally withdrew Zachary from therapy after the death of his father and Zachary’s newly-identified deep depression (which developed comorbidly with schizophrenia). Melanie selfishly wanted to move on after her husband’s death at the expense of her child’s well-being. Zachary’s peers described his mom as “oblivious to her son.” Her wanton child-neglect gradually developed into a significant abuse against Zachary. To conjecture further, I suspect that Melanie abused Zachary in other ways as well. It… Read more »

He who cannot be named
He who cannot be named
5 years ago
Reply to  True Justice

I think you are the self judging ignorant one.. calling someone ignorant for a difference of opinions shows just how narrow minded you really are. I hope you didn’t breed your ignorance.

Emily Jay
Emily Jay
5 years ago
Reply to  True Justice

Your comment is the ignorant one miss. Yeah, his mother lost her husband. And then went with another man soon after. Not caring enough to sit down and talk with Zachary about it. About how that one decision might affect him. Ask if he’s alright. What she did was selfish. And it’s obvious from listening to his story, she didn’t support him. They even had to do their own laundry and feed themselves. What parent doesn’t at least do those things for their child? Not a very good one in my opinion. If you had a head on your shoulders… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Emily Jay

Easy to blame her but nothing is worth this. I teach my son to do his own laundry and tell him I love fifty times a day. You mollycoddle your child, you raise a hopeless and entitled adult.

Anonymous Devil
Anonymous Devil
4 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

I think he’s kind of cute. 😏

5 years ago
Reply to  True Justice

It horrific, but well as you can see, that kids is pretty sicks dude, he should in mental ill hospital

3 years ago
Reply to  True Justice

Don’t be so bloody rude on the internet. Act like a lady and speak in a manner of respect. Terrible attitude to have online.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity

You must be crazy. You feel sorry for him and say “poor kid”. He’s a psycho who knew exactly what he was doing and planned it. He also claimed his brother committed the murder yet, conversely, said that if he could go back in time he would have killed his brother with the sledgehammer too. Nobody in their right mind would have any pity for an evil, twisted person like that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

I pity him because he has a broken mind. I pity the enyire famiky and in severe cases like this, there isnt any hope or rehab avail to fix him. Honestly, death would be a mercy move for someone like this.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cat

if one day you suffer mental disorder and do something bad, would you want someone to feel pity for you? Have you ever read in the Bible how many times Jesus set human beings free from demons? All the answers are in the Bible, but nowadays nobody cares… Anyway, be careful how you judge…….

5 years ago
Reply to  Cat

You have the brain of a snail.

4 years ago
Reply to  Cat

See Ellen Dunsmore aboves statement

Tara White
Tara White
6 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity

Bad moms dont usually bother to take their sons to the movies…some people are JUST BORN EVIL! Nature vs. Nurture

5 years ago
Reply to  Tara White

That does not appear to be factually accurate – from what I’ve read, the brothers went to the movies together (the mom could have paid for it, but I don’t believe she was with them).

Regardless of that fact, there are insane and bipolar people that exist in the world. Abusive people often try to make-up for their abuse by treating their victims to something nice (to keep them around so that they can continue the abuse).

You cannot base your entire evaluation of a person’s long-term conduct on a single action (without being wrong).

4 years ago
Reply to  Cole

Bipolar doesn’t equate to insanity. Many bipolar people hold down jobs and families with
Minimal disruption. I too used to think that someone with bipolar was mad until a member of my family was diagnosed with it. Now they’re the bravest soul I know.

1 year ago
Reply to  Charlie

I couldn’t agree with your statement more. My boyfriend was diagnosed bipolar and he was the most genuine, kind hearted guy I ever knew.
People always judge a person when they hear their diagnosis, without understanding what it really is about.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity

@ Ana Nimity… if they would just listen to the poor kid they will get the answers. I believe his brother raped him and his mom did nothing about it. Shit, she took him away from his family(dads) and cut off all ties. This kid dealt with his illness alone cause he asked for help and his own mom didn’t listen. Not saying she deserved it, but she was all he had left cause she isolated him. Also, He didn’t want to believe his dad was dead so he started imagining his dad speaking to him and with illness it… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Jenni

That’s a whole lotta speculation, Jenni.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jenni

Preach it girl !

3 years ago
Reply to  Ana Nimity


6 years ago

Did you guys hear the first words “i didn’t do it”, its very quick and soft.

6 years ago

Did you heard the very first worda “i didn’t do it” very quick and soft.

Richard Stone
Richard Stone
6 years ago

At the very start of the Dr Phil interview you can hear him mumble “It wasnt me”

6 years ago

I feel for him for there is no greater pain than to feel like your parents do not care about your health and well being.

Suzel V
Suzel V
6 years ago
Reply to  Michael

That’s no excuse for killing someone. Why not just run away? You’re not 5 you’re 15! Call CPS on your parents if they’re that bad or go live with a favorite uncle/best friend, etc! Get a job at Mcdonalds… or just THANK them for giving you a roof over your head and a place to grow up safely!

Ellen Dunsmore
Ellen Dunsmore
6 years ago
Reply to  Suzel V

Because he’s schizophrenic. He cannot reason like you and I can, he can’t think “I could just run away”. That’s exactly what makes someone schizophrenic, they are totally fractured from reality, they cannot tell what is real and what isn’t. They don’t feel remorse, or empathy, or sympathy, and are not able to form relationships with other people because they don’t understand what a relationship is…Schizophrenia is a total fracture of the brain from reality. They hear people who aren’t there and truly believe that they are there and speaking to them in a very “normal” way. So when you… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Dunsmore

I don’t know if you’ll ever read this comment Ellen but I couldn’t agree with you more. You’ve really summed this up. Of course there is a lot we aren’t privy to but I am absolutely dumbfounded by the Prosecutor’s decision. Shame on the legal system that has condemned this poor kid. I wish there was something I could do to help. Thanks for your insight, it is astute and valuable to say the very least

4 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Dunsmore

Very well put…thank u for that excellent explanation…!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Suzel V

Hahaha!! Yea cause CPS actually does anything to help. The kids that are abused and should be taken away are not and end up dead cause when they go to investigate the parents LIE and or don’t cooperate and therefore the case never moves foward. Some of y’all people really have no clue how fucked up this our government is, let alone the world. His mother did not nurture him she neglected him. Why don’t you y’all read the part where he was going to psychiatric doctors and HIS “wonderful” mother stopped taking him?? She isolated and neglected him. Yes,… Read more »

Mazikeen 777
Mazikeen 777
6 years ago

i feel bad for him n the fam,he do looks like he has problems he need it the help when he waz a child, the way he tlks too

Jj fortay
Jj fortay
6 years ago
Reply to  Mazikeen 777

You need help with that horrendous spelling

6 years ago

He sounds just like the main character from Swingblade.

5 years ago
Reply to  Swankerz

That’s all I could think about…Slingblade!

6 years ago

His voice alone is creepy!! Schizophrenic or not it was premeditated and the things he said in court are horrible!!! I’m glad he’s in prison and not on the streets.

6 years ago

He is severely mentally ill. He has to think very hard to mimic common human emotions, facial expressions and body movements – hence the on purpose, stilted three time head nod when agreeing or affirming and the occasional chuckle. He lives in a world created solely by himself only reacting to reality rather than living in it. Severe Aspergers at the least and Schizophrenia at worst he is still responsible for his actions. Tragic and sad no matter what… it reminds me of Adam Lanza and his mother.

6 years ago

this young man clearly needs an Exorcism

5 years ago
Reply to  josh

Right after fairies and pixie-dust bless his unicorn’s genie

6 years ago

Although what he did was un-excusable …. I do feel that his brother had raped him as he mentioned. I also just from reading this can CLEARLY see how odd his brother’s response to his allegation was. Its unfortunate that he did not get real help and things are now the way they are.

5 years ago

rott in hell fucker

He who cannot be named
He who cannot be named
5 years ago
Reply to  abo

You to Faggot!

5 years ago

Are you completely out of your mind? Are you even a pastor? Did you ever read the bible? If you did read ever, you wouldn represent Christ as sadistic as you did. The annihilation of the unrepented would occur once and forever, there is no eternal torment, and there is difference between sadism and punishment.

2 years ago
Reply to  stunny

Another fucking pussy. EVIL can never be dead enough and enough can never suffer enough. Go fuck yourself you cuck, savage loving, victim. Evil suffers eternally. Phaggguueettee

Robert Schlie
Robert Schlie
5 years ago

This kid is obviously mentally disturbed so I am not sure why they said he was able to stand trial. He should be in a hospital, not prison.

5 years ago

I couldn’t agree more with Jenni, Ana nimity and in particular Ellen Dunsmore on this site. Ellen you summed this tragic situation up very well. Despite a lot of people’s opinions, I do feel desperately sorry for Zachary and this whole unfortunate situation. It’s obvious to me he is unwell and suffering from a severe form of mental illness which unfortunately went undiagnosed before this tragic situation occurred. People with these types of illnesses often lack insight into their own conditions and are therefore less capable of initiating a course of action in seeking help. Personally when observing Zachary I… Read more »

Seymour Brighton
Seymour Brighton
5 years ago

This kid was like this for several years beforehand without treatment. He’s clearly mentally ill.

5 years ago

I couldn’t agree more with your comment Seymour and sadly I do believe this could have been prevented. People who may not have had any exposure to or experience in the area of mental health are very quick to judge and condemn. That’s not to say that people afflicted with any kind of mental illness are going to commit crimes, but unlike other illnesses or diseases (such as diabetes or hypertension for example) mental health remains an area of health that stills falls behind and lacks in understanding by some of the population.

He who cannot be named
He who cannot be named
5 years ago

Oh the self right loving Christian🤣🤣 If their is a god, people like you will be the first to burn in Hell. Go back and read the Bible you fucking imbecile.

5 years ago

In the very beginning of this video, right before he says yeah, he whispers “it wasn’t me”! Does no one else hear this?! I’ve always thought that was so odd.

5 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Join the discussion – type a comment here…

5 years ago
Reply to  Sam

I can’t re-watch that video I just find it too sad. Zachary is paying the ultimate price and shame on that pastor who condemned him to hell. I am trying to donate/set up a commissary for Zachary, but am finding it very difficult after numerous phone calls to Louis De Berry. Any information on how to go about this would be much appreciated.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sam

I was thinking of writing him a letter some day, but wasn’t sure how I’d go about it or where to send it. I was having a hard time even finding his address until I came across Lois De Berry. Is he still incarcerated there?

Emily Jay
Emily Jay
5 years ago

I should have known a so called “religious” person would type something this ignorant. I see it every day lol. Wow. Okay well first off, I highly doubt you’re a good person for one. You’re coming on here and making an ass out of yourself. This boy clearly needs help. Not some asshole like you posting awful comments on the internet about him. You’re a pathetic hypocrite. Oh and by the way pastor Bo, when you die I’m sure you’re God will gladly send YOU to hell.. you know, for all the altar boys you came on to.. or inside.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emily Jay

Shut the fuck up pussy. Go fucking kill yourself. EVIL can never be dead enough and can never suffer enough. Go fuck yourself you cuck, savage loving, victim.

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Emily Jay
Emily Jay
1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

You type the same shit on here constantly lol so you’re the one who needs to “shut the fuck up”. Evil has, and always will be POWER. Evil can’t suffer, you dumb fuck.

Emily Jay
Emily Jay
5 years ago

I feel massive amounts of understanding and sympathy for Zachary. I don’t think he’s a bad person, evil, whatever you want to call it. And I could care less who disagrees with me. I feel so sorry for him. I never fit in with anyone @ school and I was always different. I have high anxiety as well. I know what it’s like feeling unhappy, even numb some days. But this poor guy probably felt that way longer than I, or any one of you have. Losing his father was obviously a very traumatizing time for him. It hurts losing… Read more »

4 years ago

My opinion: someone from his school said he always talked in a loud whisper . But the way he talks now ,a deep whisper, is new (. But I think bc of puberty) . And she said people always tried to reach out to him. I personally believe he always had some type of mental illness and probably was abused at home . Which is why she pulled him out of counceling not long after . I actually think his brother planned it . And used zach and his mental illness as a scapegoat . I think the diary notes… Read more »

Miss Truth
Miss Truth
4 years ago

If this kid is faking it, he deserves an Oscar. Never seen such a good “impression” of a schizophrenic. He should be in an institution not prison. People are too affected by emotion and revenge than justice.

3 years ago

I am always suspicious as to why the mother removed him from the extensive mental health oversight he so desperately needed. She may have not had good personal boundaries after her husband was no longer there for her. I suspect the mother may have had many secrets that needed to be kept from any documentation. Mental or adaptive problems in children should never be ignored, if half of what is said is true that home was a hot bed of toxic behavior. Very strange family dynamics, indeed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mango

to be fair to the mother i am also mentally ill (schizoid not psychotic) and have been removed from therapy because i have a very difficult time having any kind of conversation with a therapist. i dont like strangers. i imagine it was probably a similar reason, either that or it cost too much money since she was a single mother

Dei Shiva
Dei Shiva
2 years ago

It is disturbing to me that people equate mental illness with the concept of evil. This kid is clearly mentally ill and his parents & the schools failed him. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to try to look at ones own child, in an unbiased fashion, and admit there was something wrong & said child needs professional mental health care urgently. The whole case is sad without a doubt, but the total ignorance of some people truly baffles me

2 years ago

Greetings, Violence is an epidemic of major proportions. We all need to pay attention and learn the act of kindness and caring for our human family. God was driven out of our schools and homes and lives. We have been left to rely only on ourselves to save ourselves instead of investing in fellowship. We need to put peace, forgiveness and tolerance back in to our everyday lives. Practice being patient with the senior citizens you encounter, be patient and forgiving with your family and neighbors and coworkers. Pray for your God, your family, your friends, your neighbors, enemies and… Read more »

2 years ago

I think he’s possessed dark eyes, the gestures and speech…. He’s not acting. He’s possessed. Bet

2 years ago

Perhaps the reason the Mom withdrew him from therapy was financial reasons. She was now trying to raise 2 kids on one salary, when most likely, they had been a 2-income family. Even with many insurances, they will only pay for a certain number of therapy sessions before you have to start paying for it on your own. She just may not could have afforded the mortgage and 2 kids AND therapy on her own.

Sheila Miller
Sheila Miller
2 years ago

I don’t understand why anybody hasn’t looked at the fact that this child is possessed by a demon! It’s a classic example of a demonic possession and if you guys can’t see that and the fact that he is completely emotionless and the way he conducts his body with the nod he’s doing and the whole way he wrote Zed requiem on the sledgehammer he killed his mother with also the fact that he has no emotion like I said whatsoever until he has that little laugh in this video there’s something wrong if they don’t go and get him… Read more »

1 year ago

What miserable self centered little faggot. Why house and feed him or people like him? If he is mentally ill to the point where he will kill real people he can never be saved and thus a severe net negative to mankind. Far too much effort, time, and pity is squandered on retards like this zachary goof.

caitlin harvey
caitlin harvey
1 year ago

Evil beyond words

1 year ago

His butthole is the size of the Grand Canyon by now.

Emily Hickman
Emily Hickman
1 year ago

The lack of empathy some of you on this comment section have for Zachary are unbelievable. Saying he should rot in prison, etc etc. is very unfair. He deserves proper treatment just like any other human being. Damn people, take time to understand someone’s life before judging so harshly. I hope Zachary finds some peace some time in his life. I feel for him. His mother’s life wasn’t the only life that was taken, he basically lost his too. He doesn’t deserve life in prison. Prison doesn’t help with emotional/mental problems, it worsens it. I’ve had friends who suffered from… Read more »

8 months ago

but was there any reason why his mom let him out of those therapy sessions??? just a question

also i don’t get why people keep bringing in religion here

Last edited 8 months ago by noirilight
2 months ago

I remember seeing this on a doctor phil episode, while all this was fresh. he interviewed zack in the episode titled mentally ill or monster. I’ve seen plenty of prison interviews on that show, but none that gave me chills like this. I mean, there is killer all in his voice. I saw someone compare him to carl in that film slingblade, but I believe even carl had more of a normal sounding voice. they should’ve waited till haloween to air that episode, I got a feeling it would’ve scared all age ranges.

Further Reading:

Opelika Jane Doe: Amore Joveah Wiggins
The Wood Chipper Murder – Helle Crafts
The Little Boy Fed to the Pigs – Adrian Jones
The Sad Life & Death of Gabriel Fernandez
Vera Jo Reigle: Goodnight Sugar Babe
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