Gwen Araujo and the Panic Defence

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6th July 2021  •  5 min read

Gwen Araujo was a 17-year-old transgender woman from Newark, California. In 2002, she would be brutally murdered by a group of men who uncovered that she was transgender.

Gwen Araujo and the Panic Defence

Morbidology Podcast

The article continues below

Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

Gwen Araujo was a 17-year-old transgender woman from Newark, California. Her family said that by the age of just two, Gwen showed a more feminine side and when she went to elementary school, she was bullied. She would come home covered in bruises and tell her family that the others had called her a “faggot.” Her sister, Pearl, always stood up for her and defended her from the bullies. “I tried to make sure no one messed with her,” she said.1

As a teenager, Gwen began to wear makeup and confessed to her family she felt like a girl trapped in a boy’s body. While she was born with the name Eddie, she started to go by the name Gwen. She chose this name in particular after her favorite singer, Gwen Stefani. Shortly afterwards, Gwen started hormone therapy. “She was really good at putting on makeup. She was a lot better than some of us,” fondly recollected her mother, Sylvia. While Gwen’s family accepted her for who she was, she craved to be accepted by her peers. “She was having a hard time with other people accepting or not accepting her,” said her aunt.

Ultimately, she wanted gender reassignment surgery but her life was cut short before she got the chance.

In summer of 2002, Gwen met Michael Magidson, Jose Merel, Jason Nabors and Jason Cazares. Gwen soon became a frequent visitor at Merel’s home, where they would all often play dominos and drink alcohol. According to the men, they knew Gwen as a “flirtatious and attention-craving 19-year-old.” Over time, however, Gwen and Magidson would begin to engage in oral sex. Gwen then had oral and anal sex with Merel. If either man attempted to touch Gwen, she would push their hands away.

Magidson and Merel would compare their sexual experiences with Gwen and would come to question her gender. On the 3rd of October, 2002, Gwen went to a party at Merel’s home with Merel, Magidson, Nabors and Cazares. It was the very first time she felt confident enough to wear a skirt. A woman named Nicole Brown was also at the party.

As the night wore on, the topic of Gwen’s gender was brought up. Brown grabbed Gwen’s genital area and yelled: “It’s a fucking man.” What was once a relaxing environment soon turned to an extremely dangerous and heated environment. “I swear, if it’s a man, I’m going to fucking kill him. She ain’t leaving,” shouted Merel.2

The men asked Gwen to strip or allow them to touch her to which she replied: “I’m not going to let you molest me.” Merel and Magidson then slapped Gwen before pushing her to the ground and pulling up her skirt and underwear. “I can’t be fucking gay,” shouted Merel.

Over the course of the next three hours, Gwen was bound, beaten, kicked in the face, and hit in the face with a shovel and skillet. She begged for mercy, crying: “No, please don’t. I have a family,” but the men continued. Merel and Magidson were said to be the two ring-leaders. At one point during the prolonged attack, Gwen had offered Cazares money to get her out of the house but he refused.3 Finally, Gwen was strangled to death.

After killing Gwen, the men drove her body 150 miles east to the Sierra foothills where they buried her in a shallow grave. They agreed to not tell anybody what they had done but just a couple of days later, Nabors told a friend and would ultimately lead police to Gwen’s grave. When she was unearthed, she was still bound.

During the trial, the defence referred to Gwen as the name she was given at birth as opposed to Gwen. They also contended that the perpetrators were only guilty of voluntary manslaughter, adding that Gwen was guilty of “deception and betrayal.” Defence attorney Michael Thorman would accuse Gwen of deceitfully luring the men into having “homosexual sex.” Gloria Allred, who was representing Sylvia, described the defence’s arguments as “offensive” and said that Gwen had every right to be the person she wanted to be and that did not warrant her getting murdered.4

Magidson and Merel were convicted of second-degree murder after the jury rejected a first-degree murder charge. They would be sentenced to 15 years in prison. In 2016, Merel was paroled from prison, a decision which was supported by Gwen’s mother who felt as thought he had felt genuine remorse over what he had done.

Nabors pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter and would be sentenced to 11 years in prison. He was released from prison in 2016. Cazares pleaded no contest to manslaughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. He was released from prison in 2012. None of the men were ever convicted of the requested hate crime charges and Magidson is the only one who remains in prison today.5

Gwen’s brutal murder would draw national attention and would galvanize the small community where she lived and where she was killed into action. There were calls to prevent hate crimes. “It’s certainly been a huge wake up call, a time to mourn our loss for Gwen, but it’s an opportune moment to raise awareness and visibility of issues affecting gay Latinos and the transgender community,” said Eddie Gutierrez, a spokesman for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination.6

In the wake of the murder, Horizons Foundation, an LGBTQ+ foundation, would announce the establishment of the Gwen Araujo Memorial Fund for Transgender Education that would be awarding grants to Bay Area school programs that promote understanding of transgender people. TransVision, which is a health and social services program for transgender people, would also be set up in the aftermath of the murder.

In 2006, the Gwen Araujo Justice for Victims Act was signed in to law. It limited the use of the gay/trans panic defence in criminal trials by allowing parties to instruct juries not to let their bias influence their decision in reaching a verdict. Then in 2014, Assembly Bill No. 2501 would be signed into law which further restricted the use of the gay/trans panic defence. This meant that defendants could no longer claim that they were provoked to murder upon discovering the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Following her murder, Gwen’s family went to court to do something that Gwen could never do during her short life – they legally changed her name to Gwen. “It’s a promise I made to Gwen. I told her that I would petition the court when she had her sex change, but we never got the chance,” said her mother, Sylvia. She had requested the name change not only out of love and respect for her daughter but also in the hopes that it would spur the media to refer to Gwen as Gwen and not her dead name. “I said goodbye to Eddie a long time ago,” said Sylvia. “I had to say goodbye to Gwen, too.”7

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  1. The Daily Review, 25 February, 2003 – “Slain Teenager Sought Approval of Family, Peers”
  2. San Francisco Chronicle, 27 April, 2004 – “Araujo Begged for Mercy, Witness Says”
  3. San Francisco Chronicle, 18 March, 2003 – “Transgender Teen’s Plea Described”
  4. San Francisco Chronicle, 16 April, 2004 – “Defense Calls Transgender Victim Guilty of Deception and Betrayal”
  5. Alameda Times-Star, 27 January, 2006 – “3 Men Sentenced in Gwen Araujo Killing”
  6. San Francisco Chronicle, 3 October, 2003 – “One Year Since Transgender Teen’s Death”
  7. San Francisco Chronicle, 26 May, 2004 – “Posthumous Request for a Name Change”


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3 years ago

“It limited the use of the gay/trans panic defence in criminal trials by allowing parties to instruct juries not to let their bias influence their decision in reaching a verdict.”

Yeah, because that’s how people work. :/

Barbara E Campbell
Barbara E Campbell
3 years ago

I have lesbian, bi sexual, and probably transgender friends and family members. While I don’t have a full understanding I know that homosexuality, and transgenders have been around since God created mankind. I try to stay away from contentious confrontation or public debates on the subject which I know exists and which relatives and friends are or may be non-heterosexual. I myself am straight but I really don’t believe all this hate and contentious disrespectful confrontational very verbal and often abusive behavior over another person’s gender should even exist or be tolerated. Hate is hate and if a crime is… Read more »

3 years ago

Totally agree with you. My children are transgender f2M and are 24yrs old. I worry everytime they go out. There’s some nasty people about

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeni

Lemme guess, no brains in your home

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeni

Lemme guess. No caring mother OR father who learned to raise you right and to keep your f*cking comments to yourself? How did that rule go?? “If you ain’t got nothing nice to say don’t say shit??”

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeni


2 years ago
Reply to  Jeni

What a stupid hateful and sexist comment being gay or homosexual has zero to do with whether a male or female is in the home!!!!!

L. Flynn
L. Flynn
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeni

Legitimate question

3 years ago

Thank you so much for this article. People need to know about Gwen. I’m also Latine and transgender. We are too often ostracized for what we have no control over. For many of us, we have to choose between losing our families or living a lie. It sounds like Gwen had a wonderful family, but obviously others in her community were not nearly so accepting. Even though this was almost 20 years ago, so many trans people still live in fear that they will be the next Brandon Teena, Venus Extravaganza, or Gwen Araujo. I’m so glad we are making… Read more »

Madria Love
Madria Love
3 years ago

She should’ve told them

3 years ago
Reply to  Madria Love

You sound like an idiot!!

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago
Reply to  Dee

You are an idiot. 😚

Tori Love
Tori Love
6 months ago
Reply to  Dee

Why is she an idiot? If she was transgender then say it. Especially to a Man who’s being intimate with you. They have a right to know too. If you’re going to be transgender then be one. Don’t go hiding it neither.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Tori Love

ok but like why couldn’t you be respectful and call her a woman in your last two responses like you did this one? lol

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
2 months ago
Reply to  Tori Love

Also apologies, I thought she was calling ‘Madria Love’ and Idiot for calling Gwen a ‘She’, As most of the people in the comments have been doing.

6 months ago
Reply to  Madria Love

I agree that he should have told them he was a man before sucking them off. He was deceitful and I’m glad the prosecution seen it as such and that all the men are now out free.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Tangawi

Y’all I’m pretty sure there is such a thing as respecting peoples gender identity
also its pretty weird to be glad any murderer is out of prison…

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
6 months ago
Reply to  Madria Love

fuck off

Shaniqua Smith
Shaniqua Smith
3 years ago

They ‘discovered’ by gazing upon the massive Adam’s apple I bet. Ew.

Didn’t deserve to die for that tho

6 months ago
Reply to  Shaniqua Smith

Yes, he sure did

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Tangawi


Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Shaniqua Smith

What adams apple fr????
Like am i blind bc I dont see one

Antoine Fisher
Antoine Fisher
3 years ago

Gwen was a rapist in my opinion. Anyone that was with her did not consent to sex with a biological man. In most religions this is major sin. In an Islamic country for example, Gwen would have been thrown from a roof, without a thought, just for existing. Imagine tricking somebody into having sex with you by lying about your name, your genitalia, and your own biological sex. That’s rape. Men that lie about they’re age to sleep with 16 year old girls are in the same boat as people like Gwen. I would be furious. Not enough to murder… Read more »

Jessy Scott
Jessy Scott
3 years ago
Reply to  Antoine Fisher

Antoine Fisher, how can you call it rape what Gwen did? Gwen never forced them to have sex with her so it’s not rape. You say that you had a transsexual family member so you should know what Gwen was going through in her life and being in the wrong body. I don’t think that you really know what rape is. I can tell you it’s not a nice thing to have happen to you. Gwen was a human being and she didn’t deserve to die.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jessy Scott

She took their choice away by not saying she’s a man so yeah rape. They are human beings and should know what they are sleeping with

2 years ago
Reply to  Antoine Fisher

I swear to God you’re an idiot. First of all, you didn’t need to put her in astrics. It was pointless and rude. And tons of people are actually decent and not transphobic bitches like you apparently are. It’s not RAPE if it was CONSENTED and just because she kept the fact she was transgender hidden from them they still proceeded to have sex. You’re just stupid.

Mari Jones
Mari Jones
2 years ago

It wasn’t really consented though, considering they didn’t even know what sex she was. She didn’t deserve to die, but she also had a responsibility to tell someone before having sex with them.

6 months ago

It was consented because they thought she was female she is a man. It took their choice away and manipulated them so yes rape

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago
Reply to  Antoine Fisher

Um, Okay. Anyways, moving on.

6 months ago
Reply to  Antoine Fisher

I’m Muslim and yes, you’re right. I wouldn’t be too happy if someone deceived me with lies about their true identity in order to trick me into having sex. That’s rape and he’s lucky all he got was strangled because in any Islamic country, he would have had it so much worse with torture and severe suffering.

Tori Love
Tori Love
6 months ago
Reply to  Tangawi

You Muslims also need to treat your women better acting like they are beneath you men is pathetic!!!

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
6 months ago
Reply to  Tangawi

WE all know how you treat women and children, so stfu.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Tangawi

You also treat biological women horrible too, so please leave the conversation. thank you! 😅

Borq Queen
Borq Queen
6 months ago
Reply to  Antoine Fisher

Absolutely disgusting comment. She is not a rapist or predator. Of course it was a transphobic murder and nobody has the right to take a life regardless at how outraged they were to discover she was trans.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Antoine Fisher

Again, just women in general in arabic countries are treated like objects, So please leave the conversation!

3 years ago

It is impossible to change your gender. You can cut stuff off and add stuff, but your hormones will always be the sex you are born.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Please don’t ever breed

Christina Confair
Christina Confair
2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Aren’t you a peach

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

I’m am saying this from the bottom of my heart, SHUT THE F*CK UP☺

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

You, idiotic person, are completely wrong. It is possible to change your gender, how the hell do you think people do it now? Sure, you can get gender reassignment surgery but you can also change your hormones. There’s testosterone shots as well as estrogen transgender people can get so they basically go through puberty again but as the opposite gender. Educate yourself and don’t say stuff like that especially in the comment section of an article that is about someone who was murdered just because of their gender and sexuality.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago
Reply to  Dee

It is impossible to see who asked 😚

2 years ago

Gwen was a beautiful women better looking then the average females !!

L. Flynn
L. Flynn
2 years ago
Reply to  Susanna

First of all, it’s spelled “woman”. Secondly, HE wasn’t – you can NOT change genders!

2 years ago
Reply to  L. Flynn

First of all, I don’t know if you’re delusional, or just a filthy little retard, but obviously you have no brain because obviously people can change fucking genders, or a little thing called ***gender reassignment surgery*** wouldn’t be a thing??????????????????? i don’t care if it’s religion, or just your personal shitty opinion, but people can be who they want to be, and they don’t need your opinion. And it’s making me aghast that you would type something like this on an informational text about a trans person who literally gets beat and strangled to death??? I honestly hope you get… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  ghia

You‘re the delusional one here, if you think surgically mutilating a penis and the ballsack makes a vagina. It‘s an open flesh wound, that has to be dilated every day for the rest of their lives so it doesn’t heal together. Besides that there are sooo many biological markers in one’s body showing that you’re male: they lack ovaries, they cannot lubricate, they don‘t have a womb, they usually keep their prostate, the hip bones are different etc. etc. Besides that the rapist Gwen Aurajo HAD INTACT MALE GENITALIA, HE HAD NO SO-CALLED „GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY“. Also it shows a… Read more »

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago
Reply to  Geewizz

Lets go by gender identity, please! Thank you!

Eric G
Eric G
4 months ago
Reply to  Kiyana T

If we don’t go by biological sex but by gender identity, then what even is gender identity? If a man that identifies as a woman, like Gwen Aurajo, claims to be a woman then on what basis? “I am a woman because I feel like a woman.” How would you even prove or disprove that? It is no more true or false than a shizophrenic claiming to be the reincarnation of Napoleon. It’s basically like a religion (or rather a cult in this case). You believe it but have no proof. Which would be fine, if you wouldn’t force everyone… Read more »

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
3 months ago
Reply to  Eric G

Again, I’ve noticed it’s mainly the older generation who says this, if you have a problem with someone being transgender, Then lets try this fun little thing called minding our business ❤️ Not all transgender women or men dress extremely gender stereotypically. maybe Gwen did, yes, but that is called someone’s clothing style, or also what they like to dress in. There is nothing wrong with that. But also, I have seen some pictures where Gwen didn’t dress in the stereotypical style everyone says she dressed in. I get using Jefree Star as an example, But he isn’t transgender, So… Read more »

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  ghia

You kinda took it too far with the insults…
But yes. as a trans girl, I can say you can change your gender sexuality-wise, just not biologically. It is impossible to change your biological gender.
Hope this makes sense!!!!

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago
Reply to  L. Flynn

and you CAN have the decency to go by HER gender identity! Thank you.

Last edited 11 months ago by Kiyana T
Kiyana T
Kiyana T
4 months ago
Reply to  L. Flynn

Gwen was a woman, Lol.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
6 months ago
Reply to  Susanna

dumb ass alert

Marcus Halberstram
Marcus Halberstram
2 years ago

Gwen was a rapist. Him believing himself being a woman and presenting himself in stereotypical female clothing does not make him a woman, being born with primary female sex characteristics does. If the boys had known that he was biologically male, they wouldn’t have slept with him. Therefore it was rape.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago

gwen was not a rapist, lets go by gender identity, please, thank you. 😚 – heres a smooch for listening.

Tori Love
Tori Love
6 months ago
Reply to  Kiyana T

Gender Identity? Then call it like it is. He was a Man!!!!!All the surgeries, makeup and hormone pills will never ever change that!!!

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Tori Love

Or you could be a decent human being and quit being extra
its giving closeted 😅

Eric G
Eric G
4 months ago
Reply to  Kiyana T

Parrotting provably false claims (= Gwen was a woman) is NOT being a decent human being. It’s called being a liar. And insinuating that people are closeted because they disagree with a claim is really weak.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
3 months ago
Reply to  Eric G

Would any of you say this to your children if they ended up being trans?
I wasn’t ‘insinuating’ she was closeted, I was making a joke, which you obviously can’t take.
But personally, I do find it really funny how you transphobes get REALLY defensive when someone calls you a gay or a closeted. Funny, isn’t it?

1 year ago

Sad, for both Gwen and those YOUNG minded boys…. In a way, Gwen does bare guilt in this for not disclosing her sexual identity to them and then engaging in the act…. You can’t fault the boys for being blindsided… they were not into men, how do you know what mental fracture accrued in their young brains finding out this truth knowing they’ve shared their bodies with her? Now I’m not in any way saying what they did to her was warranted/justified/legal in any way… yes they should of gone to jail… they killed her and that should have justice…… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tracy

They didn’t have sex with a man though? They are straight, they had sex with a woman.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leo

They had sex with a man. Man = adult human being who’s body is designed to produce small gametes, aka sperm. Gwen was male. Please stop this delusional reasoning. Otherwise you have to definine man/woman along the lines of sexist clichees stereotypes, eg. women have long hair and wear skirts, men have short hair and wear pants, which is not only stupid because what is defined as male/female clothing, behaviour etc. is different depending on time and region, but would also imply that every gender non-conforming man or woman is in fact not the sex that they actually are.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
11 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

lets go by what she identified as please, thank you. 😐

Last edited 11 months ago by Kiyana T
Eric G
Eric G
4 months ago
Reply to  Kiyana T

Let’s rather go by falsfiable objective facts. It is truely mind-boggeling to me how people can simply declare themselves as something other than what they provably are and everybody else has to play along. This is absolutely like when children do make-believe.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
3 months ago
Reply to  Eric G

Thank you for replying to me twice in a row love!
I appreciate the attention, And I just want to say please do read the response I gave to you six comments above this one. Thank you!

2 months ago
Reply to  Kiyana T

„Accept my false claim and do as I tell you or you are a big meany“

ok dude

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
2 months ago
Reply to  LoonyTroons

I never said that 😅
But most of y’all have been a bit rude about her being transgender, Some even saying they were happy her killers were out of prison, which is… weird. And most of you have also been purposely calling her a man as an insult, Which is a tad bit extra. if you don’t want to call somebody by their preferred pronouns, Try referring to them by ‘This person’, ‘They’, Or ‘Them’, Or just say their name they go by. Not that hard, Lol.

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
2 months ago
Reply to  Kiyana T

And yes, I do agree that what she did was wrong, and that she should have been honest with them instead of hiding the fact that she was transgender. I’m just a little confused, since most of the people in the comments are angrily going after the fact that she’s transgender and not the fact that she was murdered.

Last edited 2 months ago by Kiyana T
Tori Love
Tori Love
6 months ago
Reply to  Leo

What planet are you on. Gwen was 100% a man

Kiyana T
Kiyana T
5 months ago
Reply to  Tori Love

They are on planet earth 🤩

6 months ago

Trans ppl should tell people before they start dating their trans . That’s a form of rape. Horrible she died . It was a lifetime movie. I don’t get why they didn’t get longer and why they weren’t charged with kidnapping. And beating someone to death is premeditated murder

6 months ago

They had no right to take her life. I do think people should be honest about who they are just as she has the right to live her life as she chose the man should have been given a choice. We must respect each other regardless how we choose to live our lives

Eric G
Eric G
4 months ago
Reply to  Punkin

What Gwen did was on the face of it heineous. Although I do have trouble believing the boys didn’t know that she was in fact a he. And of course murdering someone or even being complicit in it is way worse than what Gwen did.

1 month ago

To me that would feel like rape; being tricked into sexual activity with a person who I believed was of the opposite sex to myself…

Despite all the woke brigades claims that ‘it doesn’t/shouldn’t matter’ what’s between someones legs, the fact remains that, ultimately, sex is for procreation, and most people are keen to be with a person whom that will be a possiblity with.

Further Reading:

Killed By My Brother – Johnathon Madden
5 Murders of Christmas
The Unsolved Valentine Murder of Jodine Serrin
Satanic Panic & The Acid King – Ricky Kasso
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