16-year-old Cheryl Pierson was a popular cheerleader from Long Island with numerous friends and a loving boyfriend, Robert Cuccio. But behind this facade of normality, she was harbouring a horrific secret. Since the tender age of 11, Cheryl’s father, James Pierson Sr., had been molesting her. The first assault happened when James was driving Cheryl to visit her mother in hospital. As they drove, he fondled her. She later recollected how he would often force her to the bed and tell her to pretend that he was her boyfriend. She was subjected to “all kinds of sex” and was often being raped at least twice a day.1

Whenever James felt as though Cheryl was acting out of place, he would beat her mercilessly and would even exact punishment on her dog, Cocoa: He kicked her so hard that she bounced off the wall and then cried for hours. “He wouldn’t let me go near her to comfort her. She kept crying and it made me feel so sad I wanted to die,” Cheryl said. He was a ticking time bomb. He had such a ferocious temper that he once punched Cheryl in the face when he learnt she had sent a Valentine’s Day card to a boy that he didn’t approve of. Cheryl often showed up to school riddled with bruises.
When Cheryl’s mother passed away in 1985, she hoped the abuse would cease but her hopes couldn’t have been further from the truth. In fact, the abuse became more frequent and Cheryl would be raped up to three times a day.
16-year-old Sean Pica sat beside Cheryl in their high school homeroom. As the duo chatted one day about a recent hitman murder, Cheryl confided in Sean that she wanted somebody to kill her father. After withstanding the abuse for years, Cheryl reached her final tether when her father threatened that he would rape her 8-year-old sister.
One afternoon when Cheryl came home from school, she found James and her younger sister “roughhousing” around on the carpet. She was seething; she didn’t want her sister to go through the same trauma she had been subjected to.2

Cheryl decided she would ask Sean if he would kill her father for her. After informing her boyfriend, Robert, of the plan, he collected $1000 which would be paid to Sean once the job was done. On the afternoon of 5 February, 1986, Sean hid behind a tree outside the Pierson household, armed with a .22-caliber rifle. When James stepped foot out of the door to go to work as an electrician, Sean shot him dead.
It wouldn’t be long until rumours were circulating around their high school. Multiple pupils had heard Cheryl, Sean, and Robert talking about hit men. By the following week, Cheryl, Sean, and Robert were arrested.
Both Cheryl and Sean pleaded guilty to manslaughter. As the lurid details of her father’s sexual abuse came to light, numerous witnesses came forward to admit that they had failed to act on signs of the sexual abuse. Many people said they knew something was awry but didn’t know what to do about it or if they should report it. Alberta Kosser, a neighbour of the Pierson family, said she didn’t go the authorities because: “I’d never seen it. Maybe I blocked it out of my mind. To think that such a thing could go on. I didn’t want to..” Cheryl’s own step-uncle knew of the abuse and decided to testify on her behalf at the last minute.3
For all those tormenting years, Cheryl kept quiet and didn’t tell a soul. Many questioned why she didn’t speak up but silent on the part of a child incest victim is classic. Often children blame themselves and the silence avoids the betrayal of a parent. 4Furthermore, it protects the fear of disbelief or the accusations of lying. Experts estimate that 1 to 4% of all women have been sexually abused by their fathers or stepfathers. The judge argued that Cheryl’s life wasn’t threatened to which her therapist rebuffed by referring to incest as “the murder of the soul. The feelings literally die inside, and what you have left it a shell.”
Although the judge found Cheryl to be the victim of “frequent, repeated” incest at the hands of her father, he sentenced her to six months in jail.5Taking into consideration that the prosecution was recommending two to six years, it could have ended worse.
Ultimately, Cheryl served 3 ½ months of her sentence before she was released. When Cheryl was released, Robert was waiting for her. He had been given probation as an accessory.

The couple got married the same year in at St. Louis de Montfort Roman Catholic Church. Three years later, Cheryl gave birth to their first child, Samantha. Three years later, they had another daughter, Casey.
Sean was released on the 13th of December, 2002, after serving 16 years for his part in the murder. During his time incarcerated, Sean joined a prison education program called Hudson Link which gave him the opportunity to earn a Bachelor’s Degree.
In addition to his own education, he assisted other inmates in learning to read and write. After his release, Sean returned to prison to run their college program, becoming the executive director of Hudson Link. 6 He speaks around the country to high school students and helps paroled inmates get back on their feet following their release.7
In 2016, Cheryl and Robert wrote a book detailing her traumatic past which is titled: “Incest, Murder and a Miracle.”
- UPI News Track – 29 April, 1987 – “Youth Sentenced in Killing”
- UPI News Track – 10 October, 1988 – “A Teenager Who Served a Jail Sentence”
- Providence Journal – 23 October, 1988 – “A Terrifying Tale of Incest and Murder”
- The Philadelphia Inquirer – 8 October, 1987 – “When Incest Goes Unchallenged”
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution – 6 October, 1987 – “Girl Gets 6 Months in Father’s Slaying”
- PR Newswire – 25 May, 2017 – “First Degree”
- People, 14 April, 2017 – “Inside Teen Hit Man’s Journey Behind Bars — 30 Years After Killing Classmate’s Abusive Dad for $400”
He deserved it and they should have got a smaller sentence.
so Cheryl you should have gone to the police. But then again, Suffolk county was so corrupt and full of perverts, nothing would have been done. Cheryl was surrounded by anti Semitic, racist neighbors , alcoholics and misogynists’ Did he really spend 20 years in jail? funny coming from corrupt police, politicians and so many who knew Cheryl was being abused as was her mom being beaten and did nothing .My sister was Alberta Iarussi , I rented from Cheryl’s dad and he was abusive to my live in girlfriend. we rented from her dad. I was not allowed to… Read more »
People underestimate trauma and abuse. Her dad got what was coming to him, it’s just unfortunate he didn’t die slowly instead of instantly. The dad got off lightly! I stand with Cheryl! ❤
So republicans are degenerates ? Okay, I take your word for it. ANYONE torturing children should be publicly executed. FREAK.
Leave it to a liberal POS to bring politics into this
Concert are the ones who wants to legalize incest and refuse to outlaw child marriages. So sit down you mentally challenged hillbilly.
She’s a cold blooded murderer and got away with it.
That is an ignorant comment. Imagine your father raping you 3x a day, beating you, threatening you, constantly having to live in fear, not having anyone to protect you as your mother was dead, then he threatens to do the same to your younger sister/brother?
“Cold blooded killer”?
Your a moron. Whomever lost their village idiot, he’s right here, I found him for you. God I hope you don’t have children.
Cheryl you should have gone to the police. But then again, Suffolk county was so corrupt and full of perverts, nothing would have been done. Cheryl was surrounded by anti Semitic, racist neighbors , alcoholics and misogynists’ Did he really spend 20 years in jail? funny coming from corrupt police, politicians and so many who knew Cheryl was being abused as was her mom being beaten and did nothing .My sister was Alberta Iarussi , I rented from Cheryl’s dad and he was abusive to my live in girlfriend. we rented from her dad. I was not allowed to complain… Read more »
And your point is what? None of that matters at all. Apparently, you are totally tone deaf, completely uninformed, and don’t even have the common sense to know how much suffering that man inflicted on his very own daughter. You would do yourself a big favor by teaching yourself to become more educated, more empathetic, and less misogynistic by learning a lot more about the suffering and the plight of girls or boys whose fathers are literally raping them. I am still trying to figure out how you do not already know these things. Maybe you are 11 years old… Read more »
Grow up
I suppose it’s better to take the side of the father who committed incest with the poor girl and also abused her and was cruel to her dog. The father should have lived out his old age surrounded by his children and grandchildren. Dies peacefully and go to heaven. While his daughter moved on with her life like nothing happened. Always blame the victims. So may men have abused young kids and their own children and have gotten away with it
Cheryl you should have gone to the police. But then again, Suffolk county was so corrupt and full of perverts, nothing would have been done. Cheryl was surrounded by anti Semitic, racist neighbors , alcoholics and misogynists’ Did he really spend 20 years in jail? funny coming from corrupt police, politicians and so many who knew Cheryl was being abused as was her mom being beaten and did nothing .My sister was Alberta Iarussi , I rented from Cheryl’s dad and he was abusive to my live in girlfriend. we rented from her dad. I was not allowed to complain… Read more »
AND so many females. I can testify to that. Had 27 years of psychological and physical torture. Crippled now. EVIL is EVIL. Gender has NOTHING to do with it.
So I’m going to guess you’ve been raped then?
You people are idiots. There was no incest. She gets pregnant by her adult boyfriend who is the rapist here, get it. The father is trying to stop the relationship but is failing. He threatens the boyfriend(adult rapist) with statutory rape. The daughter( a real sweetheart) hatches a plan to off the father and sets up one of her idiot school chums. To get this done, she cons him into it by telling him the father is abusing her, double get it people. She’s no genius, this plot has been done a million times before. DNA showed she was underage… Read more »
how do you explain multiple witnesses that say they saw signs of abuse?
Clearly, you are still suffering my trauma made in the past. That type of trauma is not something to shrug off. Clearly again, you are not going to be able to work through it without professional help. I really, really think if you found a trauma based counselor who was a good fit with you, you could process through the trauma that is constantly on your mind. Rather than try to spread your negative and raw emotions to strangers on the internet, why don’t you put the same energy towards yourself and try to get your thinking more balanced. I… Read more »
How do you explain all of the bruises that everyone witnessed or her being punched in the face by her dear old dad until she passed outS
You are such an idiot.
It’s okay to be a cold-blooded murderer if you’re murdering a rapist/pedophile. It’s valid. Fuck him. He was a garbage anyway. The only thing he didn’t deserve was a quick death. He should have suffered.
This might be a little controversial, but seeing how Sean ended up dedicating his life to helping others after going to prison for doing the same thing makes me feel very happy for him.
Glad he made something good come out of it. However he should never have received that long a sentence if any at all. She definitely shouldn’t have gotten jail time. Maybe probation like her boyfriend and Pica the 6 month sentence. That monster of a father got just what he deserved.
Even though she was abused she should paid longer sentence even years. She destroyed someone else life .
What about the life HE destroyed? She was a little girl when he started abusing her! While most girls were still playing with dolls, this little girl had to play with her father! He destroyed hers before she even had a chance to even live hers. He got exactly what he had coming.
I would have done the same too. I will destroy the life of a rapist and someone who plans to rape my baby sister. I will cut his dck and stuff it into his throat.
Ok pedophile supporter. That makes you a pedo too
and what about the life her father destroyed? also he was about to destroy another life, her sister’s
he deserved whatever happened to him
I feel bad for Sean. He rid this world of an abusive pedophile. He should have been given an award!
Was the baby she miscarried ever proven to be her fathers child ?
The first time DNA was used to solve a crime was 1986, and it was used very rarely at the time because people were still quite skeptical about its validity. I doubt it would have been used in this instance.
And even if the miscarriage wasn’t her father’s, so what? She was being raped, it doesn’t mean she couldn’t have been with her boyfriend consensually. Just because the pregnancy isn’t necessarily from the rape, it doesn’t mean the rape didn’t happen. Back then they didn’t use DNA evidence often anyhow, so I guess we will never know. It doesn’t even matter, many witnesses corroborated what she said.
What difference does it make? Why would you even ask such an obtuse and rude question? Do you think someone who is being raped by their own father never has sex with anybody else? She had every right to have sex with whomever she wanted to have sex with. And it makes ZERO difference to the fact that her own father forced her to have sex with him for years and years. Now put yourself into her shoes, full stop. Stop judging, full stop. Learn how to act and think with more empathy. Get out of mommy’s basement and join… Read more »
One good thing to know females who have been molested as children do not think that all guys are evil sickening bastards , and they have successful happy relationships with guys and have families live happy wonderful , productive lives . Shame the Aunt and Grandmother did not believe her or show support . The bastard go what he deserved glad he is gone
Sick disgusting pedophile, should have tortured the BASTARD. Should have killed him after hurting the dog.