Left for Dead – Mary Vincent

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2nd January 2018  •  4 min read

Mary Vincent was just 15-years-old when she was brutally attacked by Lawrence Singleton. He chopped off her arms, threw her from a cliff and left her for dead.

Left for Dead - Mary Vincent

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

It was a scorching afternoon in Berkeley, California, on the 29th of September, 1978. 15-year-old Mary Vincent was a promising dancer. Having worked front stage at the Lido de Paris in Las Vegas, as well as in Australia and Hawaii, her future was certainly looking bright. On that fateful afternoon, Mary decided she was going to run away from home. Her parents were going through a divorce and she needed some time alone. Los Angeles was the destination, she decided.

As she pointed her thumb towards the hazy California sun, a blue van rolled to a halt beside her. Behind the wheel was former merchant marine seaman, Lawrence Singleton, a relatively unsuspecting looking man with grandfatherly features. Singleton offered to drive Mary to Interstate 5 to which she readily accepted.

As they approached Interstate 5, Singleton continued to drive. When Mary realised that he had passed the turn off, she grabbed a pointed surveyor stick that was sitting beside the passenger seat and demanded he turn the car around. Singleton told Mary that it was an honest mistake and turned the car around to head back towards Interstate 5.

A few miles down the road, Singleton pulled the car in at the side of the road and told Mary he needed to use urinate and that he couldn’t wait to the nearest gas station. Mary decided to get out of the car for a breath of fresh air. As she was tying her lace, Singleton crept up from behind and cracked her over the head with a hammer.

After brutally raping and sodomising the teenager, Singleton severed both of her arms with a hatchet. He then threw her down a 30 foot culvert in Del Puerto Canyon in Stanislaus County and left her for dead.  As Singleton sped off, he believed that he had killed Mary and that nobody would ever be able to find her. He was wrong.

The following morning, two women came across a ghastly sight: Mary Vincent was stumbling down the road, nude, holding what remained of her mutilated arms up in the air. “She was holding up her arms so that the muscles and blood would not fall out,” read the court documents.1

She was rushed to hospital where she was able to provide a detailed description of Singleton. The composite sketch was so realistic that Singleton’s neighbour recognised him and called police immediately.

Under the ridiculously lenient laws at the time, Singleton was sentenced to just 14 years in prison which was the maximum sentence allowed. After serving just eight years and four months of that sentence, Singleton was paroled for “good behaviour.”2 Shortly before his release, his psychiatric evaluation read: “Because he is so out of touch with his hostility and anger, he remains an elevated threat to others’ safety inside and outside prison.” In addition, while incarcerated Singleton had written several letters to Vincent’s lawyer wherein he threatened her. After his parole, Vincent was terrified that he would come back to finish off what he started.

While Mary survived, she didn’t feel like a survivor. After the attack, she fell into a deep depression. She had hopes and dreams of becoming a dancer but her reconstructive surgery rendered her unable to dance ever again. She spent numerous years shuddering at the very thought of that afternoon. She suffered from relentless nightmares and drifted from place to place. She was unable to find a job and couldn’t even afford to have her prosthetic arms fixed; she filed for bankruptcy.

“I never smiled one in 21 years,” Mary said in 1999. By now, however, Mary had met a man named Tom and duo got married. Mary went on to have two sons and she attended the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. While she once considered herself a victim, she became a survivor and a victim’s advocate. Beforehand, the very thought of her ordeal traumatised her. But now, she was now willing to speak publicly about that fateful afternoon in the hopes that it would prevent other young and impressionable teenagers from hitchhiking.3

Left for Dead - Mary Vincent

While Mary could dance no longer, she discovered a new talent: drawing. “I couldn’t draw a straight line. Even with a ruler, I would mess it up. This is something I woke up with after the attack, and my artwork had inspired me and given me self-esteem,” said Mary.4

So what became of Lawrence Singleton following his release? He moved to Florida after Californian citizens shared their disdain at the thought of him being released back into their community.  In fact, numerous protests of his parole were staged across the state. “Drop Dead, Larry” and “Get the maniac out,” read some of their banners.5

A couple of years after his release, a painter called police after witnessing something gruesome through a window of a home he was walking past in Tampa, Florida. The horrified caller said that he saw a nude man raising his arm again and again over a bloody woman who was slouched over his couch. He told police he heard “bones crushing like chicken bones breaking.” When police arrived, they were met by none other than Lawrence Singleton. It was his home and he was covered in blood.

On the sofa inside the living room lay the lifeless body of Roxanne Hayes, a 31-year-old sex worker who had arranged a date with Singleton; he had agreed to pay her $20 for sex. Singleton had stabbed the mother of three to death with a boning knife.6

Left for Dead - Mary Vincent
Roxanne Hayes.

As news of the murder reached Mary, she knew in her heart that she had to face Singleton once again. While she wasn’t required to testify at his trial, she felt as though she had to. This time she would see that justice is served. “I was raped. I had my arms cut off. He used a hatchet. He left me to die,” Mary told the stunned court room as she pointed towards Singleton with her prosthetic hook.7

Assistant State Jay Pruner said that the brutality of Singleton’s attack on Mary and the violent murder of Roxanne are the reason that it was recommended that Singleton be sentenced to death. “Twenty years ago Mary Vincent got into Mr. Singleton’s van. Some 20 years later, Roxanne Hayes got into Mr. Singleton’s van. She, unlike Mary Vincent, did not survive her meeting with Lawrence Singleton.”

Mary’s testimony helped send Singleton to death row where he passed away from cancer in 2001. “I wanted to look into his eyes,” said Mary. “But now I won’t be able to find out whatever I was looking for. I feel like I was cheated again.”8

Left for Dead - Mary Vincent

Singleton became a national symbol of the shortfalls within the criminal justice system. If laws had been less lenient then Lawrence Singleton would never have been released and Roxanne Hayes would still be alive.

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  1. San Francisco Chronicle, 1 August, 1988 – “Quiet Wedding for Hatchet-Rape Victim”
  2. Slate, 15 November, 2011 – “Not Guilty by Reason of Neuroscience”
  3. The Orange County Register, 21 October, 1999 – “The Power of Love”
  4. Ventura County Star, 1 May, 2009 – “Crime Survivor Speaks”
  5. Contra Costa Times, 1 January, 2002 – “Lawrence Singleton Dies of Cancer in Florida”
  6. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 11 JAnaury, 2002 – “Singleton Deserved to Die Lonely and Despised”
  7. The Tampa Tribune, 25 February, 1998 – “Mutilated Victim Faces Singleton”
  8. The Miami Herald, 17 January, 2002 – “Victim Feels Cheated By Attacker’s Death”


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6 years ago

What a strong woman and what a horrid man. Shame on the state of California for giving him such a small sentence. There is blood on their hands.

6 years ago

the saddest part of this is that this stuff still happens today. the lunatic killers AND the criminal justice styems that says it did all it could do under the sentencing guidelines . well who wrote the sentencing guidelines?

5 years ago

I would have tortured him to death if he did that to my wife/daughter.mom etc Like sadistic shit. he would have wished he was dead.

Hello Felicia
Hello Felicia
4 years ago
Reply to  Ducko5

My great grandmother would hide Larry Singleton’s mother in her home when his father got drunk because he would chase her through the neighborhood with knives, threatening to cut her arms off and chop her into pieces. Everybody knew that he would eventually get so drunk that he’d pass out and then she was safe to return home. I’ve wondered what Larry experienced at the hands of his father. When he killed the prostitute it was in the same neighborhood he grew up in and just houses away from where my grandmother lived in Orient Park of Tampa. My mom… Read more »

Lila Williams
Lila Williams
4 years ago
Reply to  Hello Felicia

How very, very interesting. Especially about the threats.

I had an encounter with Larry Singleton 1 year before Mary did but somehow managed to escape. It was eerily similar to Mary Vincent’s. I feel sure Larry practiced for years before attacking Mary and that there are other victims. Few people now remember this crime. But if you ever met Larry, you’d never forget.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hello Felicia

Monsters aren’t born they’re made. If parents show real love to their children and set a good example for their kids, most will follow. So many cases of the abused turning into abusers.

Bonnie Akridge
Bonnie Akridge
3 years ago
Reply to  Andy

That is not true. There really are bad seeds that were raised in the most loving families but still turned out to be horrific humans. Paul Kenneth Keller comes to mind. Check out his story.

Sam Mal
Sam Mal
3 years ago
Reply to  Bonnie Akridge

Not necessarily. Even Paul Kenneth Keller didn’t have a great childhood – “In that program, it was reported that Keller has said that he was molested by a volunteer fireman when he was twelve years old. His family has been described as being devoutly Lutheran. Some of the fires he set were at Lutheran churches.”

5 years ago

A lot of the details of this story are reported wrong. Like- it wasn’t two women that stopped to help her- it was a newly wed couple in their honeymoon that had gotten lost and happened to see her.

5 years ago
Reply to  Carabear

And the entirety of her harrowing trek through the desert has been left out. It’s one of the most incredible stories of survival and the indomitable will of the human spirit and it was just..brushed aside.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ash

Yep. They also left out the part where a red convertible with two men it it saw her first, and drove off. She walked for 3 miles after that before the honeymooning couple found her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney

They were black? Great shame on them. Can you imagine their lives had they stopped, and the poor girl had not lived to give an account of what happened to her? Oh dear Lord.

Last edited 2 years ago by Susan
Jodi Boydston
Jodi Boydston
3 years ago

Thank you Mary, you are phenomenal.

1 year ago

I heard about your ordeal and strength years ago- you were a kid and I am so in awe of your presence of mind. It’s terrible they let him out and he got to harm again and take a life- I can only imagine how his natural death in prison didn’t seem like any relief or closure, but like you mentioned on TV , you have children- that type of love gives you the strength to keep going! I’m sure by now you probably have become a grandmother as well, like myself! I know for me , and I was… Read more »

4 years ago

And we’ll never know if these two women were the only victims of this horrible man …

Lila Williams
Lila Williams
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I actually had an encounter with Larry Singleton 1 year before Mary Vincent did. It was eerily similar. but I managed to escape, although I have rarely told anyone about it. Because of my almost identical experience, I think Larry was “practicing” for maybe even years before attacking Mary. i also feel quite sure there are other victims.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lila Williams

Hi Lila, I was a hitchhiker in the late 70’s – early 80’s, traveling multi states alone as a teen girl. I knew there were dangers, but somehow, I never thought it would happen to me. I purposely avoided watching or reading the news back then. Instead, I filled my head with music and smoke. One night I knocked on my sister’s door in Lodi, CA, after having hitchhiked the 360 miles from my home in Manhattan Beach. My older sister was shocked to see me (I was 17, alone and unexpected.) She pulled me into the house where her… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

The 1960s and 1970s were the eras im which people disappeared and were never ever found so probably he had many other victims.

4 years ago

Stay away from drugs, kids!

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen


3 years ago

“She was holding up her arms so that the muscles and blood would not fall out,” jeez, that shit is really messed up.

Randall W Duren
Randall W Duren
3 years ago

in1978 I was young boy living on a very large cattle that use the brand (SPJ) in Del Puerto Canyon California where Larry Singleton chop’t Mary Vincent arms off with a hatchet and left her for dead. When my mother found out about this incident without a doubt it changed our lifestyle. We were very free running and adventurous kids with very little worries. At the time my older sister Lori was 11 my brother Doyle was 10,and myself Randall was 9, and my baby sister sheila was 8 . we lived miles anybody in a section of Road ironically named murderers Gulch right alongside Del Porto Canyon Road. I have followed the story of Mary Vincent ever since this evil person Larry perpetrated the evil things to that young lady. Without a doubt after that our old time ranch life experience was never the same again. When an animal such as Larry Singleton commits a crime of this manner there are more victims than most people realize! and that man was released after half of his sentence 2 murder a victim in Florida. attempted murder and the man did little over 4 years. how many more were brutalized before he was captured?

it’s a photo of my father in the middle my uncle on the right and my cousin on the left on that ranch inspecting a rattlesnake dad caught in 1978


[…] Morbidology […]


[…] bathroom. Vincent got out too, to get some fresh air. While she was bent tying her shoe, Singleton hit her over the head with a hammer. He tied her hands and shoved her in the back of the van. Singleton raped her repeatedly over the […]

2 years ago

He raped her for hours and hours for a 3 day period in that van. She would pass out from it. I cannot imagine.

3 years ago

what the hell does liberals have to do with this horrific case?

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen


3 years ago
Reply to  Valhal

Fantastic explanation, you must have thought really long and hard to come up with that

2 years ago
Reply to  Valhal

Lenient sentencing

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Well for one thing they are a bunch of baby killing murders.

Rebecca Lucille Lowe
Rebecca Lucille Lowe
3 years ago

Rita patel diagnised my grabdson with cancer stage 4 she was his primary peditrician in the whole 12 yrs of taking Abthony Jason Castillo to Kaiser Permanante she never saw him once as a patient. If my grandson coughed we were at tve doctors. Then I find out she was the delivering doctor for my daughter Holly Marie Lowe ( Forgham) in Germany. Holly had triplers all blue eyed blondes but only has or had a sin and daughter called Aerial and Oliver. My grandson was with J D Forgham when he had his throat slit open. In the nake… Read more »

Rebecca Lucille Lowe
Rebecca Lucille Lowe
3 years ago

Christine wirks for the Mission in Indio it was a Christina Verdugo Forbes who was given the childrens social security cards to care for Hustons chikdren. That trailer was on gilbert garcias property along with the 1964 chevy el camino belonging to Martin O Lowe the second. And Sarahs jeep was sold ti Robert abd Brebsa Palafix Mills by Rita Rodriguez abd Bills jeep from 2465 Nirrus Street was guven to Jessie Martinez in Lancaster Ritas brother. Her mother Vivian lives in lancaster. And jessie garcia may hace been mad vecayse his girlfriend Sussane wirks at a massage parlor possibly… Read more »

Rebecca Lucille Lowe
Rebecca Lucille Lowe
3 years ago

She is vest friebds with Iris Busramante married ti David Ramirez who wirked in Anageim at Heating and cooling abd Tim the one who sugned tve paperwirk and went to Iregan was fruends with a Ken Hughes who himsekf eventully moved to Oregan.

Rebecca Lucille Lowe
Rebecca Lucille Lowe
3 years ago

It was a Mary Vincent who had her arms cut off and left fordead and Alex Hwrrera Parades hangs out wuth Rodney and Adam Ford who were accused of dismemberment . There was a boik about them called body parts and it was little evo morales druving in a white shirtbed truck wuth tve coyote logo on theack window and he said his name was ben davidson and a sandy davidson has dussapeared. Abd Rachel and Vrenda palafox were wuth the so calked evangalist along wuth pax.. it was a brebdawho toik a jose in a burgundy car ti coacella… Read more »

2 years ago

Folks, I have reported this troll.

3 years ago

Interesting how they said that the “Californian citizens shared their disdain at the thought of him being released back into their community”. I lived in West Pittsburg at the time they were trying to put him in our neighborhood. Disdain isn’t exactly what they were told. They were told if they took their eyes off him he wouldn’t be breathing tomorrow.

3 years ago

Ahhh … california … as the song goes … still crazy after all these years.
The judge that set this maniac free should be made to watch Larry cut his daughters arms off with an axe … followed by watching Larry cut their limbs off … one by one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mookie

STOP THAT!!!! You sicko!! How insane for you to wish this mutilation on another innocent girl!! You should be locked up! For a long time.

3 years ago

So, this guy spent 8 years in prison for this horrific crime. Wonder what the punishment would have been if he were a black man?

2 years ago
Reply to  Felicia

THe police who arrested him would be called racists!! And thrown into jail!!

Secret Bear
Secret Bear
2 years ago
Reply to  Felicia

The media would have totally ignored it.

3 years ago

All liberals are all servants of satan.

2 years ago

So this guy tried to live in the small Northern California town I used to work in after his release but was run out after just a couple of weeks. During that time the apartment building was known as “Singleton Arms”. Tasteless I know.

2 years ago

You are lending credence to the stereotype of today’s liberal democrats.

2 years ago

You are one nasty horrific sadist with such a sick comment. The fact that your brain came up with such mutilating trash speaks volumns of the monster you are! You are no better than this serial killer!!!

2 years ago

Go smoke another one!

2 years ago

Wasn’t there a movie about this .. ?

11 months ago

alot of folks are thankful hes dead. wish he hadve gotten life without parole for even just doing what he did to Mary Vincent. was a go fund me taken up for Mary Vincent? if not there shouldve been. im shocked he got 14 yrs.

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