Obsessed Teen Killer or Wrongfully Convicted?

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2nd November 2019  •  6 min read

15-year-old Edward O'Brien Jr. was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his best friend's mother. Was he truly the obsessed killer portrayed during trial or was he wrongfully convicted?

Obsessed Teen Killer or Wrongfully Convicted?

Morbidology Podcast

The article continues below

Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

It was the 23rd of July, 1995, and Janet Downing had just pulled into the drive of her Somerville, Massachusetts, home when her son, Ryan, and his best friend and neighbor, 15-year-old Edward O’Brien Jr., rushed to the vehicle to carry the grocery bags inside. Standing at 6 feet 4 inches and weighing 260 pounds, Edward was described by the locals as a gentle giant. He was a former altar boy that loved sports.

It started out as a typical Sunday. It was a scorching hot summer’s afternoon and Janet had done the grocery shopping and stopped to chat to her neighbor. They spoke of the shock of the recent unsolved murder of 17-year-old Deanna Cremin.

Little did they know that in just several hours, another murder would take place in their city.

Janet decided to take a nap after putting the groceries away. Ryan and Edward had planned on going to the local swimming pool that afternoon. “Why is your mother sleeping?” Edward inquired as he stood staring at Janet. Ryan shrugged and said “Let’s go swimming.” Edward decided against going swimming and the duo went their separate ways.

Some peculiar occurrences had been happening in Janet’s home over the past several months. Items appeared and then disappeared including her favorite Christmas decorations and her daughter’s house keys. Someone put perfume in her coffee, put windshield wiper fluid in her car and left a bag of clothing in her closet.1

It wouldn’t be until 10PM later on that night that Ryan came home from swimming and hanging out with his friends. He was met by an unforgettable scene.

At some point between Ryan leaving the house and returning, somebody had entered their family home and brutally murdered his mother. Janet had been slashed and stabbed over 90 times. Blood was spattered all across the room and across the family photographs.

Ryan ran across the street to Edward’s home and told his parents to call the police. Edward O’Brien Sr. ran to the Downing family home after calling the police, assuming that some kind of accident had taken place. He realized straight away that he was in the middle of a gruesome crime scene and that this certainly was no accident.

Who could do such a thing, he wondered? Within days, however, his own son would be charged with the murder.

As police were rushing to the crime scene, Edward Jr. walked to the store where he worked part-time. He told the manager that he had been mugged and slashed with a knife by muggers who he said were African American or Hispanic. He was reluctant to call the police but the manager persuaded him. His hand was sliced up pretty severely and he had fresh scratches and blood on his legs.

When police arrived to take Edward’s statement in regards to the so-called mugging, they became immediately suspicious. The area Edward claimed he had been mugged was a highly-trafficked area yet nobody saw a thing. They became even more suspicious when Edward recited his address.

Three friends of Edward and Ryan came forward to recollect that they had went to Ryan’s house that night but received no answer at the door. They stated that they heard loud noises coming from the backyard. When they went to investigate, they found Edward crouching in the bushes. They said he glanced and smiled at them before calmly walking away without saying a word.

According to investigators, they found Edward’s fingerprints in blood on the front door as well as on a wooden post in the cellar. In addition, a knife hilt found in Janet’s home matched a knife owned by Edward that they later found in the trash.

When Edward was arrested and charged with Janet’s murder, he was unnaturally cool. “There was absolutely nothing coming out of him. Nothing! No fear. No screaming ‘I didn’t do this!’” Nothing in any way that resembled what you might expect out of a 15-year-old kid who’s being charged with cutting up his best friend’s mother, His eyes were black… nothing there. It made my blood run cold.” recalled Middlesex County District Attorney Tom Reilly.2

While Edward initially claimed that he hadn’t been in the Dowling home on the night of the murder, when presented with the evidence that placed him at the scene, he changed his story. He then claimed that he had encountered a masked man over the body of Janet and that the man threatened to kill him if he told anybody about what he had seen.

Edward was tried as an adult due to the horrific nature of the crime and an ambitious District Attorney, Thomas Reilly. During his trial, it was theorised that Edward killed Janet because he had developed a sexual obsession with her. According to Reilly, Edward used a telescope to watch Janet undress from across the street. He also asserted that he was fascinated with violence.3

Edward denied to testify at trial.

Edward O’Brien Jr. was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The jury had deliberated for eight hours before deciding that Edward used “extreme cruelty and atrocity” when he killed Janet. As the sentence was read aloud, his father gasped “oh my god,” but Edward showed no emotion. As he was led from the courtroom, his father shouted: “We know you’re innocent! We love you!”4

According to Edward’s family, Janet’s brother-in-law, Artie Ortiz, was the real killer. “She was afraid of Artie Ortiz. He murdered her!” shouted Edward’s mother, Tricia, following the verdict. “You’re a liar. You’re a liar,” screamed Janet’s daughter, Keri Ann Downing.

Ortiz and his wife had lived with Janet. However, four months before her murder, Janet kicked them out after she discovered that Ortiz had been dealing drugs out of the home. Apparently, he refused to return his keys.

Ortiz was never even considered a suspect in Janet’s murder. According to Middlesex County District Attorney Thomas Reilly, there was never any evidence pointing towards him being guilty but a profusion pointing towards Edward. “It’s a terrible injustice that has been done by even bringing in a man who is totally innocent into this case, by injecting his name into this case,” he said.

Tricia told people that Edward was a scapegoat. She contended that Ortiz’s cab was towed from their street on the night of the murder with a trail of blood beside it. However, police stated that the blood was Edward’s and the cab was towed because Ortiz lost his keys in the confusion of the murder. “Make no sense about it, it was the evidence that convicted Edward O’Brien,” said Reilly.5

In the book, The Politics of Murder, Margo Nash, a trial attorney assigned by the court to be Edward’s guardian, highlighted some of the evidence which she claimed pointed towards Edward being innocent and Ortiz guilty.

The attack was so vicious that there was blood across the stairs and walls, pooling at the floor. However, Edward had no blood on him. The prosecutor decided against identifying the DNA under Janet’s fingernails as well as other DNA and fingerprints at the scene. Gina Mahoney, a neighbor, had seen Ortiz entering Janet’s home when she was out several times in the past. Furthermore, before her murder, Janet had expressed her fears about Ortiz.

When Mahoney asked to speak to investigators, they declined her attempts to be interviewed. They also refused to speak to Virginia Reckley, who had apparently heard a commotion at a point during the short time window when the murder could have taken place but when witnesses had established that Edward was elsewhere.6

While the evidence against Edward may have seen compelling at the time, the crime scene had not been adequately secured for several hours and while more is known about forensic science nowadays, that may have raised reasonable doubts in a jury’s mind.7

In 2013, a ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that juveniles convicted of murder serving a mandatory life sentence should have a chance at parole, meaning Edward’s case could go up for review. However, to be eligible for parole, Edward would have to confess to the crime. Since he professes his innocence, that is something he is not willing to do.

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  1. Boston Herald, 27 July, 1995 – “The Boy Next Door Victim Only Saw The Good in People”
  2. Boston Herald, 2 October, 1992 – “Eddie’s Only Emotion: Indifference”
  3. Boston Herald, 19 October, 2000 – “SJC Nixes New Trial for Somerville Killer of Friend’s Mother”
  4. Boston Herald, 2 October, 1997 – “Emotions Explode as Teen Killer Convicted”
  5. Boston Herald, 2 October, 1997 – “Enraged O’Briens Charge Downing Kin Did Killing”
  6. The Somerville Times, 27 January, 2017 – “The Politics of Murder”
  7. Somverville Journal, 25 October, 2007 – “A Haunting Somerville Story”


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4 years ago

It’s tough to say… wolves can be hiding in sheeps clothing.

4 years ago
Reply to  Norma

He’s a murderer he got exactly what he deserves #lifeforalife screw you Margo Nash , they only wanted him to be charged as a juvenile, his family can’t handle the truth , their son is a monster , rot in hell you scum

4 years ago
Reply to  RayO

Read the truth something Margo Nash & O’Brien family don’t want you to read , their claim is if he’s guilty he should only be charged as a juvenile , his family knew he was guilty that night , the DA did a great job fighting all appeals to try him as an adult ; his family & fake lawyer will reply under fake names that’s how they roll , their the meaning of “ Cowards “

Lauren F
Lauren F
4 years ago
Reply to  RayO

I read the book! And it really makes you think alot.

Justice for the innocent
Justice for the innocent
4 years ago
Reply to  Lauren F

The book , Margo Nash & Eddie O’Brien family are nothing but proven trash , you can take all her assumptions accusations ,unproven lies & hearsay they have tried to use against multiple innocent people an shove it where the sun don’t shine , Thats why their in hiding now , because people she’s trying use are speaking back against their baseless unproven lies for 25 yrs now , they just wanted him tried as a juvenile so he would of been out by now , not happening , guilty as charged LWOP , stop hiding you cowards ….were here… Read more »

joseph ortiz
joseph ortiz
2 years ago
Reply to  Lauren F

What is to there to think about,He is a stone cold killer….Got what he deserved…

Justice Pilot
Justice Pilot
4 years ago

One of the most shocking things about this case (other than the viciousness of the killing) is that Judge Regina Quinlan actually let this psychopathic killer out on bail after four lower court rulings keep him in jail where he belonged until his trial. She set the bail at only $20k so that he could be “home for Christmas” [Boston Globe Dec. 19, 1995, & Dec. 20, 1995]. Fortunately, this warped old judge is off the bench now, but she managed to get her tired ass on the Community Ombudsman Oversight Panel. What a joke.

Jawn Lord
Jawn Lord
4 years ago

Artie Ortiz likely murdered Janet Downing. He was creeping around the house (which he had previously been kicked out of) the night of the murder and even asked the cops if he could look for his keys that he conveniently “lost” in the backyard. And she had told her friend across the street that she was afraid of Artie. How in the world would Eddie, accused of stabbing her 98 times, not have any blood on him? He was a martyr for the criminal justice system’s crusade against young black teens involved in gang violence by charging them disproportionately as… Read more »

Ortiz Oride
Ortiz Oride
4 years ago
Reply to  Jawn Lord

Lol , come on you need more than that nice try , but please don’t stop now keep adding more it just shows how much of a scumbag all you O’Brien’s are …Jawn Lord you coward !

4 years ago
Reply to  Jawn Lord

The reply from Ortiz Oride along with the one from RayO up above seem fishy to me. Sounds like the same person using similar verbiage and screen names that could correlate easily with Artie Ortiz (R.D.)….. maybe it’s him being paranoid that he’ll be caught soon. Especially since a lot of podcasts these days have caught criminals that have gotten away with crimes for decades. I’m with you Jawn Lord. I think it was Artie Ortiz. There was not enough evidence to prove the Eddie did it at all. Artie on the other hand should be worried if he’s still… Read more »

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Absolutely no evidence what so ever to convict this sicko Eddie , LMAO , they just held a kangaroo court , Eddie had the best lawyer in all of New England money could buy , your a family member who knew that night he did what he did or your just a fool I believe your both , bring it on it’s been 25 yrs , your mouth is still just full of shit , an nothing to show for it , Eddies the scum who murdered this victim , evidence that convicted this scum will never change or as… Read more »

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

Justiceseeker , your nothing but a coward, if you believe in your post stamp your name to it you , your no better than Eddie the convicted murderer you coward , you know who we are ! we’ll fine & respond to every comment you & your family mention our name Ortiz Pride ! why did Eddies lawyer have Artie on his witness list but never called him …. even Eddies own lawyer knew he was Guilty nothing was helping this loser ! Cheers 🍻

4 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

Hey all, first thing… Not family and not even local. Also, just some advice, remember your right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. If you didn’t do it, stay quiet. You never know if this will come up in the future. Cheers 🍻

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Eddie can use a visit I bet he’s been real lonely, he’s nothing but a coward convicted 1st degree murderer who snuck into an innocent woman’s home after his best friend left, an murdered his mother , there’s nothing that will ever change that truth , you can talk the talk you’ve been doing it for 25 yrs now but all the proof is in the pudding , Eddie nothing but a coward he has the right for a parole hearing why does he do that , cause he’s just like you nothing but a coward lying piece of shit… Read more »

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Your credibility went out the with the trash , you can’t even post your name you coward , we will never be quiet like we said every time there’s a post with our Name we’ll be there with a truthful reply ….

4 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

I don’t post my name because I’m not stupid. You should consider the same path. Keep name calling me, it doesn’t hurt. I just listened to a podcast and now you’re calling me Eddie’s Family. Truth is, I’m not Eddie’s family. I’m just an outsider with no bias and no connection. I just see the facts, and it doesn’t look good on your part.

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Id say it never looked good for Eddie from that very moment he was seen coming out from the murder scene by his own friends , he left all his own evidence there an lied multiple times , he was proven guilty by a jury of peers an is spending his life behind bars , he got what he deserved, write him a letter tell him how bad you feel for him your both cowards ….!

4 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

Both? I’m only one person… say what you’ve got to say. I hear you, but also, your consistent replies on these types of posts only helps the case against you. Your replies are very emotional, which proves to have a stronger connection to the case in fact. A jury of your peers will be swayed by that. It could be in your favor, but I wouldn’t count on that.

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Are you insane or just stupid ? Are you his boyfriend or something I’m sensing a strong bond here , that’s fine jail would do that , wishing you two all the happiness !

4 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

Hahahahahahahaha that’s a good one. No strong bond. I’ve never even spoke to Eddie. I just want the right person to be convicted. You should see yourself right now. It’s comical that you won’t stop. We could have an adult discussion on this topic as to why a 15 year old boy changed his story, we could have a discussion on why Artie was freshly showered after the incident and only was concerned about his keys being on the property, which were never returned to the victim after she kicked y’all out, we could discuss why there was more motive… Read more »

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Please send him our best , I’m sure his story has changed again funny how they keep changing their theories an nothing will fit … hmmm wonder why ? Eddies bloody fingerprints found around the house , his blood on the victim , Eddies blood trail collected on the same exact path he was seen walking away from by witnesses who seen him coming out of the house ( his own friends ) a witness seeing him using a hose in their backyard washing off , wet shorts found on him , evidence speaks the truth . But yet Eddies… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

All I’m saying is if this wasn’t something I was worried about, if I didn’t really know who committed the crime, I wouldn’t be scouring the internet of people who didn’t agree with the verdict of the jury. It’d be one thing if it had happened recently, but it’s been over 20 years, and here you are, letting people know it was Eddie and not Artie that committed the crime. Yeah, that part has already been published. It’s already known to the public. Eddie’s already been convicted, and as you say he’s 100% guilty. So why are you here? Narcissists… Read more »

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
4 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

#lifeforalife tell the coward he’s eligible for parole , please go before the parole board you coward ….,

2 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Narcissist is exactly what I got from his comments too. And they are more than capable of murder…I knw from experience how scary those kind of people are.

joseph ortiz
joseph ortiz
2 years ago
Reply to  Ortiz Pride

Rot in prison you punk….

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
3 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

What facts do know about me 😂 all lies to get the scum bag off

2 years ago
Reply to  Artie Ortiz

why are you two pretending to be ortiz? just fuck off

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
1 year ago
Reply to  bob

We are the Ortiz’s no reason to lie about our name

1 year ago
Reply to  bob

I’m not pretending I am Artie Ortiz so you can suck ass

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
4 months ago
Reply to  bob

Our name is Ortiz that is my family members also commenting. I don’t hide behind anybody’s name like I always said my name is Ortiz so you people need to get your facts straight before you comment about anything?

Artie ortiz
Artie ortiz
11 days ago
Reply to  bob

We Ortiz’s don’t lie like the O’Briens and Gina Mahoney and Margo Nash. I’m the real Artie

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
1 year ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Stay quit when Margo Gina the bitch Mahoney keep bringing my name in to it I will never stay quit. Only the guilty stay quit like Eddie O’Brien

Artie ortiz
Artie ortiz
11 days ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

I will never be silent you all are a bunch of clowns

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
3 years ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Wow you really have no clue wake up because that dirt bag will rot in hell a long with Mahoney and Nash so now you all can kiss my ass. Artie Ortiz.

Rich D
Rich D
3 years ago
Reply to  Artie Ortiz

Maybe eddie were in co hoots with killing janet dowling

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
1 year ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

You idiots have no clue I’m not the only ortiz on here family on here I use my name and only my name I gave no need to hide you fucking cowards. Artie.

Ortiz Pride
Ortiz Pride
1 year ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

Ok Margo Nash you fraud ! We told you where ever you post lies about our family member we’ll be there to post the proven truth , your boy Eddie got exactly what he deserved #LWOP post your real name Margo you fraud !

1 year ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

You people are a fucking joke

Last edited 1 year ago by Artie
Artie ortiz
Artie ortiz
11 days ago
Reply to  JusticeSeeker

What a fucking joke you are have fun trying to prove it’s me the real monster Eddie did it

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
3 years ago
Reply to  Jawn Lord

Jawn you have no clue about this case everything about me is a lie from all them dirt bags on Boston st I can prove all them lies I hope that scum bag toys in jail. If they had any evidence they being the O’Briens Gina Mahoney and the bitch Margo Nash 25 years they have been trying to blame me so get ya shit together and prove it was me I would live to prove all you wrong. Artie Ortiz

3 years ago
Reply to  Artie Ortiz

I’m pretty sure I know Eddie from back in the day. There had been an attempt at something sexual on a kid. Where is he now?

3 years ago
Reply to  Artie Ortiz

Bro whyd you kill that woman

3 years ago
Reply to  Abidexter
3 years ago
Reply to  Abidexter

Prove it that’s all I say to you ass wipes

1 year ago
Reply to  Jawn Lord

*He was a martyr for the criminal justice system’s crusade against young black teens involved in gang violence by charging them disproportionately as adults.*

Edward O Brien is white.

1 year ago

Clearly you don’t understand the meaning of the comment. It was becoming more known in the media that black kids were being charged as adults far more than white kids were, so they made an example out of Eddie and threw the book at him, charging him as an adult.
I think Eddie is guilty, just pointing out that the fact that Edward O Brien is white goes along with the comment you quoted.

3 years ago

I had to comfort my elderly parents when they were told of this terrible murder. I will never forget their reaction. A Somerville police officer came to tell my Dad and he couldn’t believe it. The cop said that they had O’Brien’s handprint in blood in the victims blood. They were all crying because of my Dad’s position in the city.

Thomas Phillips
Thomas Phillips
3 years ago

I knew Chief O’Brien ( he interviewed me for a pistol permit in 1972). I was sorry to hear this tragedy unfold, but nobody can tell when a person is going to go over the edge.
Back then Somerville was in large part very neighborhood friendly, so I can see this occuring.

3 years ago

Margo Nash’s “book” is completely biased. She was obviously paid by the O’Brien’s. This self-published book is in the same league as supermarket tabloids. Her poor research was obvious when she misspelled Ms. Cremin’s name. What a slap in the face for the Cremin family! The right killer is where he belongs and hopefully he’ll never get out to abuse or kill more women.

Erin D.
Erin D.
3 years ago

Wow! Just read through these comments and there is so much misinformation being spread. So, I’m going to clear a few things up. And as the daughter of the victim, I know the true story and facts better than anyone commenting here. 1. My uncle Artie (and his family) was not kicked out of my house. That’s simply a rumor – not fact. My mom actually didn’t want them to leave and cried the day they moved out. 2. Did my Uncle come around the house after moving out? Yes, because he was family. 3. In response to there not… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Erin D.

Love Erin ❤️

1 year ago
Reply to  Artie

New Evidence Implicating Uncle Artie.. oh boy

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
4 months ago

What evidence there is nothing on me about this case so kiss my ass

Artie Ortiz
Artie Ortiz
4 months ago

Bring on the evidence because I know you have nothing against me, Gina Mahoney Margo, Nash. I’ll just a complete bunch of freaking liars.

2 years ago

This man child is guilty. Full stop.
He has only become worse in prison. He should never be allowed freedom and is a complete danger to the public.

Some people are just unable to be redeemed. Stabbing someone 90÷times except in the beasts and then Stabbing the bra and sort of putting it back on. come on this is clearly the work of a massive child that has.many really twisted problems.

I hope you die shitting yourself in a dirty colostomy bag. Then have a long and personal relationship with the worst possible level of hell.

rick smiff
rick smiff
2 years ago

I remember being in the convenience store and police asking me if I had any words with a tall white kid(of course he said the black guy did it)I then someone called the cop exclaiming,”lookit the fresh cuts on this kid”! It was apparent he was in a struggle with someone!

2 years ago

Eddie O’Brien is where he belong I hope he will rot in hell

Susanna Vesna
Susanna Vesna
2 years ago

The lack of emotions is such a big red flag for me- if one has not done it, it would be apparent. He should have been screaming that he did not do it. He did not even try to lie! Kid got mental issues. Disturbing how we can let such people into our lives without suspicion.

2 years ago

I honestly am starting to regret reading these because I now know how horrible humans can be.

Boston St
Boston St
2 years ago

animals like Eddie O’Brien deserve to be locked down for life !

Jaq Rim
Jaq Rim
2 years ago

I do not know enough about this case to form an opinion one way or another as this is the first time I have heard about it . However, I’m in the U.K. and we practice law differently to the USA in that we arrest on the initial suspicion or belief that a perp is involved in an offence and then secure evidence by utilising PACE ( Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) to question and secure evidence though questioning ( albeit they have the right to not reply ) and through search warrants and Forensics and witness’ etc Once… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Jaq Rim
Bright eyes
Bright eyes
19 days ago
Reply to  Jaq Rim

I was wondering the same thing myself about the scraping of the nails. That would have been the best evidence for the prosecution and if nothing else it would have left zero doubt as to Eddies guilt.

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