It was a warm summer afternoon in Daytona Beach, Florida, in July of 2014, when a father was horrified to walk into his 11-year-old son’s bedroom to find him being molested. The perpetrator was 18-year-old Raymond Frolander, a family friend.
Shortly thereafter, the father called police to inform them that he had beat the molester to a pulp. “I just walked in on a grown man molesting [name redacted]. And I got him in a bloody puddle for you right now, officer. Send an ambulance. He is going to need one,” he said.1
When questioned further, the father said: “He stood up and his pants were around his ankles and nothing else needed to be said. I did whatever I got a right to do except I didn’t kill him.” The operator asked the father if the molester was still unconscious to which he replied: “Yes… I hit hard, sir.”
The operator then asked if any weapons had been used to which the 35-year-old father responded: “My foot and my fist. He is nice and knocked out on the floor for you, I dragged him into the living room.” He added that Frolander was a “damn lucky boy that I love my God.” Presumably he was alluding to the fact that if he was not a religious man, he would’ve killed him.
Frolander was a family friend who had been entrusted to babysit the young son. The father told the 911 operator that he “loved him up until 15 minutes ago.”2 According to the boy’s grandmother, Frolander had been family to them. “I’m hurt because he was family. He was like our family and it hurts that he did this,” she said.
The father later explained that he left the home momentarily to get some food. When he returned, he said he heard a strange noise coming from his son’s bedroom. Upon opening the door, he said he found Frolander with his pants pulled down, sexually abusing his son by performing a sex act on his son. When the son was questioned, he said he had been playing video games but when his father left to get food, Frolander took him to his bedroom where he molested him and forced him to fondle him.
The young boy also told investigators that Frolander had been sexually abusing him for around three years and that he had threatened him that “terrible things” would happen if he told anybody about the abuse.
Frolander was taken to Halifax Medical Centre where he was treated for his wounds. Following the arrest of Frolander, he confessed to molesting the boy for three years. His mugshot went viral; he was left with swollen lips and eyes and a bruised face.
Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said that the father did what any father would’ve done and announced that he wouldn’t be charging him. “Dad was acting like a dad. I don’t see anything we should charge the dad with,” he said. “You have an 18-year-old who has clearly picked his target, groomed his target and had sex with the victim multiple times.”3
Frolander pleaded no contest to lewd and lascivious molestation of a victim younger than 12 which is punishable by up to life in prison. He received a 25 year sentence and upon his release, he will be listed as a sexual predator and will be on sex offender probation and electronically monitored for the rest of his life. “He’s going to learn in the next 25 years why I let him live,” said the victim’s father.
Later, the father faced condemnation after posting a photo of his son – who was unidentified in the media to protect him – along with a gofundme in an effort to raise money for his therapy. The gofundme initially asked for $1 million but was later changed to $100,000 before being deleted completely.
This led many feeling as though his son was being exploited for money. “This is unbelievable. The stigma that goes with being sexually abused is terrible,” said Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood.4
- International Business Times, 19 July, 2019 – “Police Chief Defends Actions of Father who Beat Son’s Sex Attacker Unconscious”
- Charleston Examiner, 20 July, 2014 – “Father Beats Babysitter Unconscious”
- International Business Times, 19 July, 2014 – “Father Beats Raymond Frolander Unconscious After Catching Him Sexually Abusing his Son”
- Charleston Examiner, 22 July, 2014 – “Man Who Beat Babysitter Unconscious Posts Abused Son Photo, Asks for Donations”
Up until the Gofundme page info came up, I was 100% with the father! What the hell you need $ 1 million for? And why would you post your son’s face? Moron!
Father’s violence against molester was justified. Gross that he ends up exploiting his son’s trauma when money should be the last of his concern.
So… there is a reason for the Raymond is Innocent page, I read everything and I thought this guy is horrible. But, I know how ‘people’ are and I know how the ‘system’ is. So I wrote to Ray, and he tells a different story. Besides reading a lot of other things online, other things are left out. Raymond proclaims his innocence. My brother’s mom is a prostitute makes claims against people often and sends them to jail/prison when they did not pay her, bottom line, LIES also send people to prison/jail. And this sort of thing happens a lot.… Read more »
there is zero support for any of that. also you dont need 1mil for disney world. this whole paragraph is hogwash.
Ironic then that you yourself are lying a bad mouthing a parent whilst basically campaigning for a monster. Paedophiles are the worst of the worst as far as I am concerned. People that believe such sick creatures deserve second+ chances or any kind of forgiveness/mercy are almost as bad.
There is no way you are a victim of sexual abuse and truly believe that crap you wrote. It is one or the other.
That kind of pain NEVER leaves you. One is lucky if that pain does not eventually consume them with anger and hatred.
Well, I see they allow you computer access in prison Mr. Frolander😂
i thought i was the only one that got that
I absolutely with and I thought him coming out as bi was part of this horrible attack did you hear on the 911 call Jason Browning told the operator “his just told the kids he was bi 2 days ago and there were other things I noticed during that call I heard someone crying in the background asking “what did he do” I would like to help Raymond get a post conviction attorney. Please contact me if you would like to help Raymond.
I have a feeling that the kid liked it when he got raped.
Wow, just found the Biggest piece of shit in the comments after thinking nothing could be worse than a pedo. Nope, it’s that smooth brain Arnica suggesting victims enjoys that..
I have a feeling you’re mentally challenged.
Most disgusting thing I have read all day. Log off and never come back, Please.
wow, that would be an interesting story if any of it were true. If there were evidence for any of that you’d be hearing about it from a journalist, not a random Anonymous comment
Not really. This story is old . You dont see old stories corrected often when they are wrong or need corrections . This story doesn’t add up . You could just beat anybody and say that they did something like this. There is more to the story I dont support anybody. Just the truth
The SON is The PROOF he didn’t kill The boy, so I mean, this kid has the right say whether his dad is lying or not, you forget the mom said he WAS like family to them, I MOST DEFINITELY BELIEVE THE DAD🤷♀️🤷♀️
I agree with you too….this doesn’t seem right
That commenter isn’t just anonymous…they’re “Annonymous!”
Then why did he admit to molesting the boy for 3 years? I know why…..because he’s GUILTY!!!!
If so called “Ray” was abused more than likely he DID RAPE THAT YOUNG BOY, I don’t agree with the GOFUNDME thing BUT that Father had to be traumatized too, so mentally maybe he’s just NOT in a Good space, BUT I will FOREVER be on the Dad’s side PERIOD, the “victim” is that 11yo little boy, he shoulda beat him worse than he did imo, I would’ve shown him NO MERCY……..
None of that is true. I personally watched and heard him admit what he did. The victim told what happened and I heard the interview with the victims mother and she also confirmed the exact same thing. I’m sure the kid is trying to claim he’s innocent now that he’s a convicted pedophile in prison.
That is the shittiest lie i’ve ever heard..
You’re a pos just like him. Justifying this dudes actions. Go shack up with him and let him fuck u up the ass then.
I’m white and I’m here to say you need to eliminate your DNA from the gene pool. How dare you spout that disgusting, vial racism. All races have monsters, like you, who need to not reproduce. A human should be judged by only their character’s content, good or bad, not by how close their ancestors lived to the equator. It is a binary universe- male/female, dark/light, good/evil, and right /wrong. You are WRONG Donovan. I’ll leave you with this old saying- You only gotta hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you gotta hang. The time of rehabilitation is over for… Read more »
And second of all your with the farther side because the kid is white but if Raymond raped someone black you wouldn’t have been on the Farther side. And your not on Raymond side because he’s black you stupid B####!
Learn to string a sentence together you fucktard
Whose farther?
I’m sad for you. The people raising you did you wrong. Imagine siding with a confessed child molestor just because he is the skin colour you like. I can’t imagine a more grotesque display of racism.
It doesn’t say what race they are dumbass. Your pedo raped a kid g I t his ass handed to him and confessed. Those are facts. Common sense would tell you the kid had a rape kit done . Dad had every right to put him 8 ft under. Not a pedo in the world has ever been cured and he most likely have more victims. Hopefully he’s getting raped in prison and that’s probably why he is lying now. And I hope you don’t have kids
Lol. “but I’m not the person who will treat or judge someone badly what happened in the past.” Then I reread your paragraph. I was gonna say more but you are obviously a smooth brained knuckle dragger, that’s punishment enough.
Fuck yourself
Spot on-its ridiculous society wastes resources on that sort of scumbag instead of just eliminating them all
Ya Mammy & The Rest Of Your Folks Filthy
There is a special place in hell for racist like you 👿
wtf, i was with the father until the money exploitation..
Therapy is $200/hr here. That poor kid will never be right. His whole life will be a struggle. A million isn’t enough, but I guess the ba$tard predator doesn’t have anything to take.
Kudos to the dad for his restraint.
I think the farther don’t care about his son because he post a picture showing the child’s face. And it seems like he posted that picture so people can think he needs the money for the kid.
Or he did it without thinking because he doesn’t know there’s headcases like you. Plus he’s probably got hundreds of pictures of his kids on his account like everyone else in the world. And he isn’t the only one that does go fund me when tragedy starts. You are sick in the head defending a child rapist. Rape stays with the victims for the rest of their lives. Idiotic comment about forgiven a child rapist hopefully he’s getting ganged Rape everyday in prison
You are a special kind of stupid
“Leave it in the past.” Proceeds to keep posting comments. Eat shit and die
Do you have a child??? I would NEVER forgive someone who did that to my child! And it’s father!!
Then you must not be Christian
First off, he caught him at night. Second off, he didn’t have sex with the Victim, he raped him. Otherwise, I hope this pos gets a shank stuck up in ass in the pinta.
Personally, As a religious person, I would have killed him. Sorry, But i would have.