The Intruder – The Murder of Leila Fowler

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22nd September 2020  •  5 min read

In California in 2013, a little girl was found stabbed to death in her bedroom. Her 12-year-old brother would claim that an intruder had broken in and murdered her. However, evidence indicated that somebody else may have been involved...

The Intruder - The Murder of Leila Fowler

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

On the 27th of April, 2013, California police received a phone call from 12-year-old Isiah Fowler. He told the stunned operator that he had been at home with his 8-year-old sister, Leila Fowler, when he noticed an intruder inside the home with long grey hair. At the time, their parents had been attending a Little League game.

According to Isiah, he had been in the bathroom when he heard an unknown voice say “Hey, I know you’re in there..” before he heard his little sister screaming. Isiah said that he then came out of the bathroom and saw the man fleeing from the home. Isiah claimed that he then discovered Leila; she was on the floor surrounded in a puddle of her own blood. She had sustained over 20 stab wounds.

Their parents rushed home and before Leila was taken to hospital, her father, Barney, got to hold her in his arms. Barney lifted her up in his arms and could see the numerous wounds dotted across her body. He lifted up her shirt and would later recollect seeing blood seeping out of her chest. “One of her arms dangled down and I had to pull it back up. She felt light,” he would later recollect.  Leila was pronounced dead around an hour later at Mark Twain Hospital in San Andreas.

The grim murder sparked a massive manhunt in the Rancho Calaveras neighborhood of Valley Springs. Investigators conducted a door-to-door sweep of homes in the area as well as searching storage sheds and horse stables. Divers were also called in to search any local lakes and reservoirs. According to one neighbor, she had spotted a man fleeing from the Fowler residence but shortly thereafter, she recanted her statement. An investigation of the crime scene found no evidence of burglary or robbery. A handful of knives were discovered in the kitchen and investigators removed them from the home to conduct forensic testing. 1

One point of action for investigations was to identify every single registered sex offender in the area and question them. Meanwhile, residents had to show identification cards before being allowed to pass barricades in the neighborhood. Due to the severity of the murder, the case was prioritized. The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office would spend more than 2,000 man-hours on the case, collecting evidence, interviewing people, and following up on leads.

The Fowler family rallied together, donning t-shirts with photographs of Leila’s smiling face plastered on the front. They spoke to the media and urged anybody with any information to come forward.

Hundreds of people showed up to the vigil held in Leila’s honour at Jenny Lund School where purple ribbons adorned the fence at the school and many trees out the front. A number of students wrote notes to Leila and hung them on the fence outside the school.2 Isiah was often at the forefront of these tearful gatherings. During one gathering, he said: “I’m not saying goodbye to Leila. I’m saying ‘See you later.’ There are no goodbyes.”

The Intruder - The Murder of Leila Fowler
Isiah Fowler.

Isiah appeared to be the epitome of a loving and caring big brother… but was he?

Within days, investigators noticed discrepancies between Isiah’s version of events and the evidence. For one, it was evident that Leila had been stabbed to death whilst in her bunk bed but had somehow ended up across the floor. There were no bloody footprints indicating that she did not walk there herself. Furthermore, a steak knife was discovered placed back in the kitchen drawer. This knife blade had been bent and contained traces of human blood. According to one neighbor, she had been in her garden all morning and had not seen anybody enter or exit the Fowler home.

Another inconsistency was the length of time from the attack to when Isiah called the police. When investigators arrived, Leila’s body was cold to the touch, indicating Isiah took several hours to call the police. When he called 911, he didn’t even mention that Leila had been stabbed until a minute and a half into the conversation.

Isiah was arrested and charged with second-degree murder.

The arrest came as a shock to the entire community. Isiah’s teachers at Toyton Middle School said that Isiah never showed any behaviour that had caused concern. “Nothing honestly that would resonate something like this,” said Superintendent Mark Campbell. At the same time, many let out a collective sigh of relief that a sadist child killer was not lurking in the midst. “It’s a relief knowing there is not some crazy person running around. It’s the first time I ever held a gun,” said Carla Plunk.3

Isaiah staunchly denied that he was involved in his sister’s murder. His parents rallied around him and said that they didn’t believe that he was guilty. His mother, Priscilla, said: “There is no way Isiah would hurt his sister.” In fact, she even insisted that Isiah wouldn’t even push her around like a number of other siblings do. His father, Barney, said: “Until they have proper evidence to show it’s my son, we’re standing behind him.”4

During the murder trial, District Attorney Barbara Yook suggested that Isiah had stabbed his sister to death before cleaning himself up and calling for help almost an hour later. A number of neighbours would testify that they had not seen anybody enter or exit the home around the time that the murder had occurred.

The most distressing part of the trial came when photographs of Leila’s body were displayed. Dr. Robert Lawrence testified that the injuries were mostly to her chest but she had also suffered other injuries including abrasions on her back. He described some of the wounds as “prod” injuries; at least 14 of them had been made by an object that she was poked with. Ultimately, Leila had died from shock and haemorrhaging.

Bradley Swanson, assistant lab director of the California State Department of Justice, testified that a drop of blood had been discovered in the kitchen sink. Blood was also found on a door that connected the kitchen to the garage. He further stated that the bathroom was evidently much cleaner than the rest of the home. He stated that the attack had begun on the top bunk but Leila had been found on the floor; he said she was either moved there or had “propelled off.”5 According to Elizabeth Schreiber, senior criminalist of the California State Department of Justice, there was no evidence of a sexual assault and there had been no semen evidence. She testified that in the kitchen, she had found a bent kitchen knife which had evidence of blood on it.

The defence had argued that investigators had botched the initial collection of evidence at the home and that the pathologist had conducted a “lousy” autopsy. They also argued that prosecutors had ignored the signs of an intruder and that they had rushed to judge Isiah. The prosecution ended their case by stating: “There is no evidence whatsoever to support Isiah’s story,” adding: “We know it’s the murder weapon because the victim’s blood was inside the handle. Leila’s blood seeped into this knife. Why would the murder weapon be on the counter if an intruder did this? Why would an intruder clean it off? When would an intruder clean it off?”6

Isiah was ultimately found guilty of second-degree murder. He was ordered to remain in custody at the O.H. Close Youth Correctional Facility until he turns 23-years-old. No motivation for the brutal murder has ever been put forward; Isiah’s family still believe that he is innocent.

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  1. Fox – 2 KTVU, 13 May, 2013 – “Community Shocked Over Arrest of 12-Year-Old Brother”
  2. The Union Democrat – “Fowler Murder Details Emerge”
  3. The Modesto Bee, 13 May, 2013 – “Calaveras Reeling”
  4. Salem News, 24 May, 2013 – “12-Year-Old Isiah Fowler Still Behind Bars”
  5. The Union Democrat, 22 September, 2015 – “Fowler Trial”
  6. The Record, 6 October, 2015 – “Closing Arguments Made”


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Sisko Jyrala
Sisko Jyrala
4 years ago

Really disturbing! The parents should open their eyes even it would be hearthbreaking. So sad.

3 years ago

This psycho should die in prison, not released from it. His parents have severe mental issues.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gina

he should and it hurts to see him get out especially when i was close friends with the victim myself. i was in 1st grade when this happened and even i knew he did it.

Denishea Bates
Denishea Bates
3 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

Who are you

2 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

All of the people who were truly close to the victim like you CLAIM you are, are still standing by Isaiah till this day. Therefore it ain’t your place to comment on anything when half of the story isn’t even put on this website which of course, YOU WOULDN’T KNOW.

Margie Richards
Margie Richards
3 years ago

I believe that the neighbor guy that recanted on his statement could be a very possible suspect. Has his hair/ DNA been tested for a match???????

Margie Richards
Margie Richards
3 years ago

I believe the neighbor guy that recanted his statement is very likely to be a suspect. Has his hair/ DNA been tested for a match????

3 years ago

The neighbor who recanted their statement was a woman.

Denishea Bates
Denishea Bates
3 years ago

That little girl shouldn’t had to have her life take away from her because some selfish ass wanted to be evil and heartless

3 years ago

The funny thing about this entire thing…half of what is on this is FALSE!

1 year ago
Reply to  Thea

Would you care to explain why you feel that way and how do you know

2 years ago

maybe you should add the facts that he passed the lie detector test and that they found a pubic hair belonging to an unknown male so def not her brother in her underwear. Before you settling on a decision you should always clear the facts and not just showing off one side of the story

6 months ago
Reply to  Janet

I totally agree with you. I did not know these extra facts despite researching on Google about the case. I only just saw this story on a 911 show on YouTube. I was shocked that Isaiah was convicted like you. I believe he is innocent. People are only supposed to be convicted if fully proven and beyond reasonable doubt and there’s a lot of doubt in this investigation, the investigation was a total botch up from the beginning the Authorities made so many mistakes and the DNA found on Leila‘s body did not match Isaiah or anyone else who touched… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Janet

They did not find a pubic hair, stop lying.

4 months ago
Reply to  Anon

They found DNA on the hair in the cleft of her buttocks. They couldn’t determine if it was spit, semen or another type of DNA. But it wasn’t a hair you lunatic.

2 years ago

This a disgustingly misinforming article, with very little facts and a lot of rumor and speculation. It’s not hard to do research and find what was actually said and proven to be a fact in the trial , and in that research you’d also find many holes in the investigation along with prosecutions story. There was nowhere near enough blood or damage on the knife for it to have stabbed someone that many times. Also a clean bathroom would still have traces of blood SOMEWHERE but there was none . Along with no clothes or bloodied cleaning supplies . Do… Read more »

6 months ago
Reply to  Rebecca

I only just saw this story on a 911 show on YouTube. I was shocked that Isaiah was convicted like you. I believe he is innocent. People are only supposed to be convicted if fully proven and beyond reasonable doubt and there’s a lot of doubt in this investigation, the investigation was a total botch up from the beginning the Authorities made so many mistakes and the DNA found on Leila‘s body did not match Isaiah or anyone else who touched her. That in itself proves somebody else did it. And why did that woman make a statement that she… Read more »

2 years ago

little psycho wanted attention & got it

6 months ago
Reply to  lulabelllalula

I was never aware of this story until now when I just watched a 911 show on YouTube I am shocked by the whole story and doubt his guilt. you are so quick to judge. I’m sure you don’t know all the full facts. There was nothing in Isaiah‘s character that suggested he could do such a thing. So, who are you to call him a little psycho? Who deserves what he got? The American Justice system has wrongly convicted so many people even innocent people have been put to death. Sentencing children as adults especially one as young as… Read more »

6 months ago

I just saw the story on a 911 emergency call show on YouTube. I don’t believe Isaiah is guilty. American investigation authorities have so often botched investigations and whatever happened about the DNA that was found on Leila‘s body that did not match Isaiah or any of the other people who touched her? That DNA should be kept in the CODIS Database. And why did that woman officially make a statement that she saw the intruder run from the Home and then recanted her statement? why did she make it in the first place? If she did not see anyone… Read more »

2 months ago

Probably got tired of baby sitting and lost it he should be in adult prison for life

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