The Lesbian Love Triangle Murder of Stacy Hanna

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3rd December 2018  •  4 min read

Stacy Hanna, 18, moved to Richmond, Virginia, from Lynchburg, in July 1997. She soon found herself involved in a love triangle which would ultimately lead to her brutal murder by a gang of girls she considered her friends.

The Lesbian Love Triangle Murder of Stacy Hanna

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

In early July of 1997, 18-year-old Stacy Hanna moved to Richmond, Virginia, from Lynchburg to help a friend move house. Once there, Hanna got a job at a bagel shop and decided that she would stay in town. She subsequently moved into a townhouse in the 200 block of South Belmont Avenue with Kelley Ann Tibbs, 19, and Dana Vaughn. Tracy Bitner, 19, – who was Tibbs’ on-and-off girlfriend – was a frequent visitor at the shared home. Two other common guests at the home were Domica Winckler, 18, who lived around the corner,  and Stephanie Cull, 18, who lived in Chester.1

Hanna developed a bit of an infatuation with Tibbs and one day told her that Bitner had a new girlfriend and didn’t want to see her any more. “Stacey was kind of obsessed,” said Vaughn. When Tibbs went and spoke to Bitner about what Hanna had told her, she discovered that Hanna had been lying, presumably because she wanted to peruse a relationship with Tibbs. The group of girls decided that they teach Hanna a lesson by beating her up. However, what the attackers referred to as an “ass kicking” quickly escalated with the introduction of box cutters which, ironically, had been shoplifted by Hanna just the previous day.

The Lesbian Love Triangle Murder of Stacy Hanna
Stacy Hanna.

After an evening of drinking beer on the 27th of July, 1997, Tibbs, Bitner, Winckler and Cull drove Hanna to an isolated popular drinking spot in the county off Cogbill Road near the Chesterfield Airport under the pretence that they were going to a party. Once out of the car, the four shouted: “One, two, three, I love you,” and started to kick and punch Hanna. Things took a dramatic turn for the worse when Winckler lifted up a nearby cinder block and threw it on Hanna’s head, fracturing her skull. As Hanna lay cowering on the ground, a box cutter was introduced and the women took turns in slashing and stabbing her. The women then walked towards the car before deciding to turn back to Hanna – who by now was bruised and bloody – her shoved in the trunk of the car. They did contemplate taking her to the hospital but decided against it. “We gotta get rid of her or she’s gonna rat us out,” the gang cruelly decided.

They drove around for half an hour – briefly stopping once so Winckler could stab Hanna while confined in the trunk because she was getting too loud – before they finally stopped at a logging trail off Nash Road. At this second crime scene, all four women stood over Hanna and spat on her as Winckler stole her watch. Cull then got back into the car as the other three dragged Hanna over to a puddle of mud where they ripped her T-shirt and shorts from her, leaving her in just her underwear. As Hanna lay semi-naked in the mud, she was stabbed and slashed at least 65 times with the box cutter. Two wounds ran 14 inches from her shoulder to her buttocks. At one point during the attack, Hanna said that she wanted to call her mother and tell her that she loved her; the gang denied her this last wish. Bitner then cut Hanna’s throat. The injury opened her windpipe but didn’t cut a major blood vessel. They then left Hanna face down in the murky water, bleeding profusely from the abundance of wounds she had sustained in the brutal attack.  Ultimately, her cause of death was a combination of blood loss and drowning.

Almost as soon as the group returned home, they were bragging about the brutal slaying. “I cut her throat and it felt good,” boasted Bitner to Dana Vaughn, the other roommate of Hanna and Tibbs. Vaughn had come along in the car but hadn’t left the car at all throughout the entire ordeal and  claimed she wasn’t aware of what had happened. Tibbs also bragged that as she slashed Hanna, she screamed:“Give me your heart, bitch, why won’t you die?” The following day, Winckler, Bitner, Tibbs and Cull were apprehended and charged with the murder of Stacy Hanna.

The Lesbian Love Triangle Murder of Stacy Hanna
Kelley Ann Tibbs, Stephanie Cull, Tracy Bitner and Domica Winckler.

Tibbs admitted to police that she instigated the beating of Hannah and then joined in on the attack after Winckler hit Hanna with a belt. “We were all kind of feeding off each other because when Mica hit her, I was, like, `Yeah,’ you know. And I kicked her. And I hit her twice. And then Tracy was, like, `Yeah,’ you know. We’re just going to kick her around,” Tibbs told Chesterfield Police Detective Rick Mormando. In Winckler’s statement, she told Mormando: “I mean nobody deserved to die, but it was just one of those times.” “One of those times for what?” questioned Mormando. “When somebody had to die,” she responded.2 When asked why they had killed Hanna, Winckler said that they wanted to teach her a lesson because “she has a problem with trying to get everybody to turn against everybody… It was like she was telling sob stories and lies trying to fit in with everybody else.”

Winckler, Bitner, and Tibbs were all sentenced to life imprisonment while Cull was sentenced to just 20 years in prison. Cull received a lesser sentence because the jury found that she was the least culpable of the four and was caught up in the violence that escalated. Cull had claimed that she wasn’t involved in the murder and had acted only as the driver. However, she did confess to slashing Hanna on the thigh and down her back. “I did not want them to kill her,” Cull said.3 During Tibbs’ sentencing phase, her eyes filled with tears as she looked towards Hanna’s mother and said: “I would like to say I’m extremely sorry for what I’ve done. It’s not only your loss, it’s my loss too.”4 Outside the court room, Hanna’s mother addressed Tibbs’ apology: “It’s a joke,” she told reporters. “I don’t think she’s sorry at all for what she did. She could have kept her apology. It don’t mean nothing.. Why is it her loss? It was her decision [to take part in the murder.] I’d like to tell Kelly Tibbs: Have a nice life.”

In 2015, Stephanie Cull was released after serving 18 years of her 20 year sentence; she earned time off with good behavior. Coincidentally, her release date was on the 18th anniversary of the crime.

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  1. Richmond Times-Dispatch, 22 April, 1998 – “Videotape Details Role of Defendant in Slaying”
  2. Richmond Times-Dispatch, 17 January, 1998 – “Cases’ Nuances May Be Key”
  3. Richmond Times-Dispatch, 7 November, 1997 – “Testimony Details Fatal Attack on Teen”
  4. Richmond Times-Dispatch, 3 July, 1998 – “Tearful Tibbs Gets Life Term, 20 Years in Slaying”


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6 years ago

This reminds me of the murder of Shanda sharer. None of these women should ever be released. She confessed to participating in the beating that led to the murder so she is just as guilty as the others!

Yetta L Sullivan
Yetta L Sullivan
4 years ago
Reply to  Carl

That’s a bullshit statement 😒 I’m sure you were a teenager once and Stephanie Cull is a passive person, so its definitely understandable how she can get caught in the middle of all the chaos. She served time for the part she played. Yes I’m fully aware that a mother lost her child, however im also more than fully aware that it also could have been Stacey Hannah the one in Stephanie’s position and Stephanie could have been the one killed. They should all be held accountable for their roles in the event and they have been! It’s that simple!

3 years ago

If she is that passive, or stupid, to follow so easily she is MASSIVE danger to society.

Denise Dawn
Denise Dawn
7 months ago
Reply to  Can

Do you know her? Cause you describing someone you know.Kids do dumb stuff but she’s far from that kid anymore and no different than you or i!

3 years ago

Yeah we were all teenagers once and we all committed an horrific murder. Get your head out of your ass. You must be a menace to society too. She’s so passive she didn’t go to the police. You idiot.

Michael T
Michael T
3 years ago

Wow, you stopped just short of victim blaming. Let such happen to YOUR daughter and see how it feels. It’s that simple!

Sean Johnson
Sean Johnson
10 months ago

If you don’t stop it, you’re complicit. Tho, I also agree with someone’s statement below who stated none of them deserved so much of the time that they received to serve in prison. This is correct, they instead should all have been gibbeted in a metal cage until the flesh rotted from their bones or broken on the wheel, especially considering the brutality of this murder. Quick dispoal of all murderers who have been convicted with overwhelming evidence should be completed within just a few days after the trial. It would prevent future murders, save tax dollars on wasted room… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Sean Johnson
Denise Dawn
Denise Dawn
7 months ago

I am very close to Stephanie. She was used for her car,and kindness and manipulated by Tibbs.She has the best heart and has given back to society more so than most who come outta prison and continued an amazing education!

6 years ago

Women can be brutal. Why not just kick her out of the house and not speak to her? All this for a crush.

Denise Dawn
Denise Dawn
7 months ago
Reply to  Curtis

You stand correct! I know all these girl, and am close with Stephanie today!It was Tibbs who started it, planned it,ect all because she was jealous of Stacey possibly wanting to sleep with Tracey! Tibbs is still manipulative and still dating women in prison and continuing her domestic violence there to this day! Stephanie was used for her car and because she wanted friends and somewhere to fit in and Tibbs preyed on her due that fact! Who didn’t Tibbs prey on is the real question. Stephanie paid for her crime, and given back to society and has her Masters… Read more »

Celeste McKenzie
Celeste McKenzie
6 years ago

I don’t get why they didn’t just ditch her. They killed her and ruined their OWN lives as well just because she annoyed them…

Susanna Vesna
Susanna Vesna
5 years ago

You can see it from their faces- children from abusive families from some hill-billy area! Pure trash!

5 years ago
Reply to  Susanna Vesna

I wouldn’t even compare them to hill billies. The place where I live has plenty and none of them would do such a thing. The average people around here seem to be the most likely or the methheads.
Average people are most likely considering sociopaths, psychopaths, etc. Appear normal. Methheads? Well, they’re methheads. They don’t even need an explanation.

4 years ago

I did 8 1/2 years with all of them and no none of them deserve to be free. They participated in taking a life.

4 years ago

And no one deserves to be brutally murdered by a pack of wild animals masquerading as human beings either !

3 years ago

I was in DOC with “Turtle”. She was such a weird person. Walking around with calves the size of Lil Abner, & as hairy as an Ape. If I’d known what she actually done, then I’d still be in PRISON today, because I would’ve stomped that bitchs to a pulp

Fluvanna in Troy va
Fluvanna in Troy va
3 years ago

I did time with these girls and all I can say is it’s a tragic loss to them all, it’s sad how a solit second decision can change a life forever. God bless Stacy’s family.

Fluvanna in Troy va
Fluvanna in Troy va
3 years ago

I did alot of time with these women I dont feel like any of them are to sorry for what they did only sorry they got caught. STEPHANIE CULL could’ve walked away, hell she was the damn driver she could’ve drove away but didn’t Turtle walks around like she is better than everyone mica still has an attitude problem and tracy looks like Paul bunyan and stephanie why does she care now for she’s home and got out at a young enough age she can do it again and do another 20

Michael T
Michael T
3 years ago

Anyone who stabs an innocent girl, cuts their throat and leaves her to drown/ bleed to death DOES deserve that time. Unless it happens to your daughter, your opinion about the punishment being to severe is invalidated.

3 years ago

One of them wrote a book about the murder ,what is the name of it

2 years ago
Reply to  Monique

Book is called;
Movie to follow starring-
Raylene Labiotta
Josephine Pussy
Roberta DeNirHo
Paulette SoreVagino
Samantha L. JackedSon

2 years ago

They need to make a movie about this;
Dykefellas! Starring-
Raylene Labiotta
Josephine Pussy
Roberta DeNirHo
Paulette SoreVagino
Samantha L JackedSon

Last edited 2 years ago by GGOF
Mike Oksmall
Mike Oksmall
1 year ago

Crazy dykes…

8 months ago

I did some time in fluvanna , I remember that girl turtle , I didn’t really hang around her , I just remember hearing the story and there was a book about that story and it was not allowed in the library, also remember she was very short and pleasantly plump, way different from her pictures, she definitely deserves a worse fate than what she has prison for a gay woman is a playground she will have a good life

Further Reading:

Kimberly Leach: The Final Murder of Ted Bundy
Marianne Bachmeier: The Vengeance of a Mother
The Boy Who Snapped – Marco Tulio Flores
Freedom Behind Bars – The Ashlee Martinson Case
The Sasebo Slashing
The Starvation of Stephine Devine
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