The Little Boy Fed to the Pigs – Adrian Jones

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18th September 2019  •  5 min read

In the fall of 2015, the murder of 7-year-old Adrian Jones shocked the nation. His scattered remains had been discovered in a pig pen near the Kansas City, Kansas, home that his family were renting. His father, Michael Jones, and stepmother, Heather Jones, had fed his remains to pigs in an attempt to conceal his…

The Little Boy Fed to the Pigs - Adrian Jones

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

In the fall of 2015, the murder of 7-year-old Adrian Jones shocked the nation. His scattered remains had been discovered in a pig pen near the Kansas City, Kansas, home that his family were renting. His father, Michael Jones, and stepmother, Heather Jones, had fed his remains to pigs in an attempt to conceal his murder.

So how did an innocent little boy who once loved football meet such a gruesome demise?

The day before the grim discovery in the pig pen, police were called to the house that Adrian shared with his father, stepmother, and his six siblings. The family lived in a rented house in the 5200 block of North 99th Street. The police were there for a domestic disturbance call and Michael was charged with aggravated battery and aggravated assault.

The Little Boy Fed to the Pigs - Adrian Jones
Michael and Heather Jones.

While there, police discovered that Adrian had been missing for several months. They noticed that surveillance cameras were set up all throughout the house. There was a total of 30 or so cameras, overlooking all angles of the home. It was soon uncovered that these cameras had captured the unimaginable abuse endured by Adrian and ultimately, his death.

These images depicted Adrian’s last few months on earth as an absolute living hell.  

When Adrian wasn’t being beaten with fists or objects such as broomsticks, he was locked behind a plywood door in a shower. Some days he would be forced to stand for hours in stagnant water in a swimming pool up to his neck. He was constantly shackled, handcuffed and bound and was systematically starved. He was frequently strapped to an inversion table and forced to stand outside in the freezing cold, where he would sometimes even be forced to sleep. Some days Adrian would be stunned with a stun gun for up to 20 seconds.

In some photographs found on the couple’s laptop, Adrian had cutting boards strapped to his front and back, forcing him to stand straight. One photograph showed a close-up of his shredded and bloody lips, caused by him attempting to chew out of his plywood prison. In another photograph, Adrian was handcuffed with his hands above his head. Other photographs showed Adrian standing naked in the shower stall on what would have been one of the last days of his life; his teeth were rotten due to malnourishment and his eyes were sunken into his face.

In a video recording, Adrian is being taunted with a plate of food. His hands are restrained and a bar of soap had been stuffed in his mouth. “They would put that bar so far in his mouth, and set food down there, and he was so hungry… But it was a way they could walk away and know that he couldn’t eat because that bar was so far up in there,” said Adrian’s grandmother, Judy Conway.1 In another video recording, Adrian can be seen standing shackled outside on a cold winter evening. He shivers with each breeze. He tries desperately to drink from a cup with his wrists bound behind his back.

The Little Boy Fed to the Pigs - Adrian Jones

Heather often posted her frustrations in dealing with Adrian on her Facebook account and even alluded to killing him. In one posting, Jones made a reference to an episode of “The Walking Dead” wherein a character shoots a child in the back of the head while telling her to look at the flowers: “Walking Dead ‘look at the pretty flowers’ yea I’m bout to pull that shit!” she wrote on Christmas Day of 2014. She later posted: “I can’t shoot him unfortunately but I can work the shit outta him til I feel better!” Several days later, she joked that she might have to “feed some pigs a body.”2

Ultimately, Adrian starved to death. Alarms had been placed on the fridge and food cupboard so that if there were ever a time where Adrian  wasn’t constrained, he couldn’t steal food.

Police were led to his body by Heather who confessed that he had died in the home on the 28th of September. She said that following his death, Michael went out and purchased several pigs. Even in death, Adrian received no dignity when his body was thrown to the pigs to feast on.

Adrian suffered immeasurable torture and abuse for such a prolonged period that it begs the question: How did nobody know? As it soon transpired, people did know. Adrian himself had even pleaded for help.

Two years before his death, Adrian told a Missouri Children’s Division worker and a police officer that his father would kick him so hard in the back of his head that a “little bone came out” and that “My daddy keeps hitting me in the head and punches me in the stomach and my mom keeps pulling on my ears and it really hurts.” He also said that he was locked in his bedroom and was never fed. The Children’s Division found “by a preponderance of evidence” that Adrian had been neglected in July of 2013. However, he wasn’t removed from his home due to the fact that they allegedly found no signs of physical abuse.

The Little Boy Fed to the Pigs - Adrian Jones

The child welfare system attempted to provide intensive in-home services to the family but within just weeks, the family stopped attending the appointments and refused to co-operate. They told the child welfare system that their main residence was now in Kansas and their services were no longer required.

The child welfare system in Kansas was no stranger to the Jones family, either. When the Jones family moved, Missouri child welfare sent Kansas child welfare a report about the family and their concerns. It’s unknown if Kansas followed up on the report.3 However, it was later revealed that Kansas child welfare received 10 phone calls in regards to the evident abuse taking place in the Jones household in the run up to Adrian’s murder. One caller reported that “the mom beats the living daylights out of the kids for no reason.” Another caller said that Heather had been beating Adrian and had even choked him while another said that Adrian was eating out of the trash. Each time they investigated the reports, however, they found that nothing was awry, even despite the fact that Adrian had told them he was being abused.4

During one visit to the home, Adrian told them he was forced to sleep outside and stole food from the trash can. During another visit, he said that his father and step mother were mean to him and that he would be locked in the closet at night. Nevertheless, nothing was done and his nightmare continued as usual. “All that stuff Adrian was saying, why didn’t they pull those kids out of the house?” his grandmother questioned.5 

Michael pleaded guilty to avoid going to trial where he knew that the grisly details surrounding his son’s death would be revisited. He was sentenced to life in prison. His wife, Heather Jones, also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

In 2018, Missouri created a bill to help the state track families that move across state lines to avoid child welfare officials. Sen. Kiki Curls sponsored an amendment which gave the Missouri Children’s Division more flexibility to share abuse records across state lines as part of a larger bill that would make it more difficult for parents to conceal abused children. The Missouri Senate passed the bill unanimously, sending it to the House for consideration.

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  1. The Kansas City Star, 30 April, 2017 – “Nightmare”
  2. The Kansas City Star, 22 May, 2017 – “Court Document Reveals Facebook Postings on Abuse of 7-year-old Adrian Jones”
  3. The Kansas City Star, 7 April, 2018 – “Horrific Abuse of KCM Boy Fed to Pigs”
  4. The Kansas City Star, 24 May, 2017 – “Records”
  5. The Kansas City Star, 11 May, 2017 – “Adrian Jones Told Missouri Investigators he was being Abused”


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5 years ago

My heart breaks for you Adrian, sending much love wherever you are now. Your parents are pure evil and should never be given another chance to treat anyone else like this!

John Matthews
John Matthews
4 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

The parents should be fed to the pigs, that would be justice.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Matthews


Charles Smith
Charles Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  John Matthews

Only a little at a time. Hand one day. Ear the next feet a few days later. I believe in an eye for an eye.

2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

Wherever you are? You must not believe in God, huh?

Anita Race
Anita Race
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Not everyone believes in Heaven and Hell.

Sharni Derrick
Sharni Derrick
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Dose that matter

Carole Brandt
Carole Brandt
5 years ago

CPS must be blind as well as deaf! You can see by the photos here that the little boy was clearly not looking at all healthy. If he had been taken to the hospital & tests carried out they would have known he was telling the truth and he might still be alive. Rest in peace little one.

Beverley Potts
Beverley Potts
5 years ago

This broke my heart… anybody would be lucky to have Adrian as a son.

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
4 years ago
Reply to  Beverley Potts


Roy Spurlock
Roy Spurlock
5 years ago

Why did’nt the Kansas children service step in and do something?

3 years ago
Reply to  Roy Spurlock

Only noted neglect not physical abuse so they left him in that home. Poor baby. Besides his the system let him down

Sharni Derrick
Sharni Derrick
2 years ago
Reply to  Roy Spurlock

Get over yourself

Pamela Shattuck
Pamela Shattuck
5 years ago

They tortured and murdered this poor child. They should be executed. Those in authority who knew and did nothing should have severe consequences as they are accomplices.

DeeDee Davis
DeeDee Davis
5 years ago

I feel so bad for Adrian Jones he went from being a gorgeous healthy child to being a bag of bones unhealthy child. I don’t get why DCF left that baby boy there to die and didn’t do anything to help him out other than having Michael and Heather sign a promissory note saying they won’t be abusive to Adrian Jones again like what type of mess is that to sign a promise note on abuse really. Everytime I think of Adrian Jones I just feel like snapping and the Uncle knew about the abuse and he never did a… Read more »

5 years ago

Adrian, Rest In Eternal Peace. I love you and you will be in my prayers nightly. Bless you Angel child.

Rhea Patino
Rhea Patino
5 years ago

R.i.p brutha… may you Rest In Peace from those inhumane people. I wish they got death sentence… but at least justice has been served

3 years ago
Reply to  Rhea Patino

Not really. Justice is making them confess to everything on the record if they were to get a plea deal. Maybe prison justice will kick in.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ella

I’m sure word got out in prison as to what they did. Little birdies tend to fly around the prison systems and whisper things into certain prisoner’s ears. I’m just saying, some murders are justified 🤷🏼‍♀️

2 years ago
Reply to  Erin

Wow. My comment was very similar to yours. I even said “the word will get out”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ella

The word will get out and they will suffer inside. Someone in there won’t be able to let that slide and they’ll earn some prison points doling out some vigilante justice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

One can only hope! I would literally put money on someone’s books to beat the ever living daylights out of that awful woman and “man”. They should have been given the death penalty for what they did and didn’t do. This story makes me feel absolutely sick! I couldn’t imagine what that poor baby had to go through before he left this world with his set of wings. RIP sweet boy 😔

jennifer meyer
jennifer meyer
5 years ago

Children’s services what a joke! They don’t do their jobs and harass the wrong people

5 years ago

Absolutely HeartBreaking .. A Precious Innocent Boy .. Now An Angel💧💧💦💦💧💦

Krystall Saunders
Krystall Saunders
5 years ago

This might not be helpful but i found out about this on an Instagram post and at the time i was researching the Gabriel Fernandez case, I had told my mom about it so i walked up to her and told her “Adrian’s case is similar to Gabriel Fernandez, sadly they had their lives taken by their own parents. Honestly if i knew these two boys, I would’ve done something about it and helped them get out of the abusive lifestyle their living. I would’ve showed them what love and affection is”.

2 years ago

Wrong their is right as they’re means they are and that doesn’t read right

Olivia Cariani
Olivia Cariani
2 years ago

You are a sick MF,to come here and make such comments.Go and seek help,if there are any for you psycho.

Sharni Derrick
Sharni Derrick
2 years ago

Get a life instead of correcting everyone

1 year ago
Reply to  Sharni Derrick

I thought the same thing. That man thinks correcting peoples comments is more important than that sweet child’s murder. RIP Adrian! 💕

5 years ago

This the type of crap that would cause me to risk going to jail. I would have taken him out of there and let the county decide but nothing would have allowed me to leave him there looking like that.

Sasha B.
Sasha B.
4 years ago

I can’t stop thinking about Adrian. I didn’t know this child but I love him. I am close to contacting a vicious prisoner that is locked up with Heather & paying them to do a favor for me…I’m serious.

Sylvia sanchez
Sylvia sanchez
4 years ago
Reply to  Sasha B.

Well that would be wonderful i hope you do it🙏

Olin Bradshaw
Olin Bradshaw
3 years ago
Reply to  Sasha B.

I bet u are buddy

Last edited 3 years ago by Olin Bradshaw
2 years ago
Reply to  Olin Bradshaw

She’s so full of 💩

2 years ago
Reply to  Sasha B.

Shut up. You ain’t don’t shit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sasha B.

Please, please, please DO!!

4 years ago

This is so sad, I cannot believe people are that cruel now days. Does anyone know what happened to the siblings? Are they okay?

3 years ago
Reply to  Layla

What siblings?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ella

In the article it says that he had 6 other siblings…

4 years ago

Not much on the internet really bothers me anymore, but this…..I can say, calmly, with conviction, without even a shred of hesitation or doubt, that I would happily do to the “parents” every single thing they did to poor Adrian, and proceed to sleep perfectly fine that night.

Rowida A
Rowida A
4 years ago

I was saddened a lot by what happened to you Adrien and since I learned about your story and I am very sad and my tears did not stop … I would like to tell you I am sorry because I did not know you and I am sorry because whoever did this to you are of our kind and humans …you deserve love deserve happiness deserve comfort not Pain and hunger I hope you are happy now

4 years ago

I’m sure these assholes sitting in a clean prison cell with 3 square meals a day, a clean bed, and clean water to shower..they should be stripped naked, and tortured 10 times worst the way they tortured that innocent child and skinned alive and feed to the dogs..i hope they rot in hell for eternity..

4 years ago

OMG this is unbelievably sad.poor poor boy I wouldn’t even call the people who abused this child humans. They are nothing but evil bastards. They should be whipped to near death for their actions. And what’s left of them fed to the pigs. RIP sweetheart, this should never have happened. The people who was supposed to be there to protect you, failed you massively

Cadaza mcabee
Cadaza mcabee
4 years ago

Literally tears my heart from my chest. That poor, beautiful child.

4 years ago

The children services knew he was abused and they didn’t do nothing! The kid itself begged for help only to be ignored.
Most of the killers in the world had experienced or had grown up in an abusive environment. Children services and people knew but no one bothered to help them. When they turn to be murderers they take all the blame. They could have been different of they had received the help they needed.
Damn you society!

4 years ago

What the fuck! Holy shit that not only pisses me off but breaks my heart. The fucking legal system is fucked off completely. Dirt bags like that deserve to die.

Deacon Rose
Deacon Rose
4 years ago

Its funny to me how Child Protection offices let this kind of stuff happen and continue.
But will take kids away from lesser even not dangerous homes.
Adrian Deserved to be taken out of that home.
That boy told them for years he was being abused. How many people have to tell you something before you save them you assholes.
This is also on Child Protection Services.
The people on his case should be fired.

Momma of 6
Momma of 6
4 years ago

This type of shit pisses me off…it was clear something terrible was happening to that poor little guy and no one did a damn thing. I dealt with cps when I was a child and was removed from my home on nothing more than a rumor and this little boy says “hey their abusing me,” and hes left there?!? I dont understand how parents like this can keep their kids and keep abusing them until they’re and people like my mother get her kids taken away with absolutely NO evidence anything was taking place. It makes me sick

4 years ago

Where was the boys mother and grandmother through this whole situation? This breaks my heart as a mother and grandmother! Poor baby didn’t deserve any of this! Our justice system is a joke!

4 years ago
Reply to  Brandy

They were removed from the biological mother and kept moving so the grandmothers did not no where they lived she called socail services to say mike and heather would not let her see kids they ignored

cactus girl
cactus girl
4 years ago

This is a sickening and terrible case. Why CPS did not step in and remove him?? Rest in Eternal Peace, little sweet man. No one can hurt you ever again. I am so so sorry that this happened to you. Those monsters will be flung out into Outer Darkness for this. Their eyes are so dead, they have no souls or conscience!!! What awful awful people.

4 years ago

I literally do NOT understand how there were so many times for child services to step in and they failed?? In my country, ANY claim a child makes has to be fully investigated!!

4 years ago

I hope they are haunted every day and night… I wish that everytime they close their eyes, they see what they did to this helpless child! There are people in this world who wants kids but can’t have them! People like me, who would have done anything to have this beautiful boy… Shame on you both! I hope you rot in hell! And I pray your days in prison are long and slow! God won’t have mercy on your soul!

3 years ago

wow, scum bags, just look at their homunculus heads, you can see they are no good and beneath most, garbage, drug addled, sad little emotionally stunted fuck heads, what I want answered for me is this….if these assholes make it to whatever prison system, why on earth would nobody kill them on sight inside, even just for fun. IF I were ever locked up, that’s all I would spend time doing, killing every sick asshole locked up with me till there are none left. Literally attacking and killing every soul on sight.

Ernestine Davis
Ernestine Davis
3 years ago

Somebody needs to do them the same way, beat their asses every darn day. Poor baby suffered even in death. RIP

Leora Schulte
Leora Schulte
3 years ago

This evil b**** was my side bunkie in prison and tried telling me it was all her husband and he would not let her leave him and take her kids she acts like she had done nothing wrong

2 years ago
Reply to  Leora Schulte

Did “anything” ever happen to her while you were there? I’m going to apologize in advance if that question was out of line…but you get my drift.

3 years ago

That poor kid. There should be a test required to have a child. Those pieces of shit should be tied behind a truck and dragged to death. Bust their teeth out with a hammer first.

Vickie Carbonell
Vickie Carbonell
3 years ago

I just read about this horrible terrible abuse that was done to this beautiful 7 year child by the name of Adrian every sense this came across my phone saying breaking news this baby had been being abused over some years I didn’t know about this and here it 2021 I don’t watch much news if I had known I surely would have followed this story my heart has been acking sense reading and see the pain that little Adrian went through like Adrian’s grandmother I go to bed thinking about Adrian and I wake up thinking about Adrian every… Read more »

Roxana Nunez
Roxana Nunez
3 years ago

Rip sweet baby 😪😪😪🙏🙏😞😞these monsters are pure evil .if I could go back in time I would give anything to have this beautiful child into my family and give him all the love he deserved 😪

3 years ago

This poor angel deserved the world! Fly high baby boy✨

2 years ago

All I can say is let me in a room with these subhumans for even just five minutes and that would be enough. I look at that poor, sweet, innocent, little child’s pictures and what they did to him and I want them to die, with pain.

2 years ago

This hurts my heart so much. Only God knows how much one suffers,he did not deserve this. He is now in a better place <3.

4 months ago

Those 2 deserve death sentence. Poor Adrian.

And child welfare should have more power to actually do something.

4 months ago

Disgusting they should be all gotten rid of. I would love to see these asshole miscreant not humans killed Save this planet from the murderers

Further Reading:

Gwen Araujo and the Panic Defence
Michele Kalina & The Babies in the Closet
The Grim Discoveries in the Garage: Megan Huntsman
5 Murders of Christmas
The Osaka Sister Killer – Yukio Yamaji
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