The Murder of Amy Robinson

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23rd August 2019  •  5 min read

Amy Robinson was a young woman with mental disabilities. In 1998, she was abducted & murdered in her hometown of Arlington, Texas, by two men she believed were her friends.

The Murder of Amy Robinson

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

It was the 15th of February, 1998, and 19-year-old Amy Robinson was riding her bicycle to a Kroger grocery store in Arlington, Texas, where she was employed as a cashier. Michael Wayne Hall and his friend, Robert Neville, approached the young woman in their car and asked if she wanted a ride. The two men had worked at the grocery store with Robinson in the past so she recognized them. When she got into the car, they drove her to a rural field in Fort Worth. 

The two men got out of the car and walked into the field as Robinson sat in the car listening to the radio. Robinson was born with a mental disability and Turner’s Syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by short stature and lack of sexual development at puberty. Due to her disability, Robinson didn’t realize that something ominous was about to happen. It didn’t occur to her that being out in a field in the middle of the night with two men who were behaving very peculiar could be dangerous. “She was very loving and trusted everyone,” recalled Robinson’s grandmother, Caroyln Barker. “She said everyone is a good person and no one is bad.”1

The Murder of Amy Robinson
Amy Robinson.

Hall and Neville asked Robinson to get out of the car. As she stepped out, Hall shot her in the back of the leg with a pellet gun and attempted to shoot her with a crossbow. As Robinson started to cry, the men burst into laughter. Neville went to the trunk of the car and retrieved his .22 calibre rifle and shot Robinson in the chest while Hall shot her “three or four times” in the chest with his pellet gun. As she fell to the ground, crying in pain, Hall stood over her for about five to ten minutes. He just watched as the life drained out of her.

When they became bored, Neville finally shot Robinson in the head. Days later, they returned to the scene and fired more shots into Robinson’s body before stealing her keys and money.

It wouldn’t be long until authorities had identified Hall and Neville as suspects in the grisly murder; they had bragged about what they had done to numerous people. They were apprehended on the 3rd of March during a customs check at the Mexican border, where they were attempting to flee the country. Following his arrest,  Neville said that he had been infuriated about losing his job at the grocery store where Robinson worked. He said he was unable to find another job. “I would like to kill somebody because I am just pissed off,” he allegedly said to Hall before the duo went out and purchased two .22-caliber rifles from a local pawn shop.

Hall and Neville said they chose Robinson because she trusted them and because they wanted to kill a minority; Robinson was part Native Indian. “She wasn’t exactly white and she was the only one around at the time,” said Neville. Following his arrest, Neville told reporters that he was a white supremacist and that he and Hall had checked out Robinson’s work schedule and then drove along the route she would cycle to work. According to Hall, “she was suffering anyway. So I guess we just gave her a back door.”

When questioned, they laughed throughout the interview as they recollected what they had done. The two men also spoke with a news reporter and said that they had used Robinson for target practise. “My first two shots rang out – one hit her in the chest, and the other hit her in the head. Then he – Michael – picked up his rifle and fired another set of shots into her,” said Neville.2 He said that as Robinson died, “we just busted out laughing.”

Both Neville and Hall grew up in their mothers’ homes and their fathers were not that much involved in their lives. Nevill was a convicted burglar and had been in and out of trouble with the law since a young boy. Hall, on the other hand, had no previous criminal record. Following the arrests, Neville’s mother said that Naville had been a loner as a child and had felt rejected by his father. Much like Neville, Hall too was a loner. He had the mindset of a 10-year-old child and his mother stated that he was bullied throughout his childhood due to his apparent mental impairment.

When Neville and Hall met, Hall’s mother felt like Neville was a bad influence on her son but didn’t want to tell him to stay away from him. “Michael was showing a lot of depression,” she said. “When Robert was around, for a few moments, Michael was like a happy child. I was really torn about taking the only thing he enjoyed away.”3

During their trial, the prosecution showed televised confessions and read a letter from Neville to another inmate. Neville smirked as the jury watched his lurid confession. “We was gonna go out and pick up a couple of guns and stuff like that and go out and shoot and kill a black girl,” he said.4 In the aforementioned letter, Neville bragged that he and Hall were “sociopaths,” adding that it meant that they had “no respect for the people they kill.”

The prosecution presented an avalanche of evidence that showed that Neville had a history of  violent and deviant behavior, dating back to his childhood. When he was just 4-years-old, he set numerous fires in Tarrant County. Then as a juvenile. He committed several thefts and in 1988, he was treated at a psychiatric hospital for lying, behavioural problems and the sexual assault on a female relative. Court records showed that Neville’s “bisexual pedophilia” was diagnosed in 1991 and that he had a history of animal abuse and bestiality.5

Hall’s defense lawyer attempted to argue that his client had a low IQ and was borderline mentally disabled. They argued that due to his mental deficiencies, he was susceptible to being influenced by people such as Neville. “I think he’s just mean, sick and selfish,” said Robinson’s father, Ben Grogan. “He’s just trying to save himself.”6

The Murder of Amy Robinson
Michael Wayne Hall and Robert Neville.

Ultimately, the jury sided with the prosecution and the two men’s unremorseful behaviour sealed their death sentences.

Robert Neville was executed on the 8th of February, 2006. His last words were: “I hope you can find it in yourselves to forgive me and I hope all this here will kind of settle your pain. And I hope the Lord will give you comfort and peace. I just want you to know I am very sorry for what I have done. If I see Amy on the other side, I will tell her how much you love and miss her. And we will have a lot to talk about.” 

Michael Wayne Hall was executed on the 15th of February, 2011. His last words were: “I would like to give my sincere apology to Amy’s family. We caused a lot of heartache, grief, pain and suffering, and I am sorry. I know it won’t bring her back. I am sorry for everything. I wish I could take it back, but I can’t.”

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  1. Tallahassee Democrat, 3 December, 1998 – “Target Practice Case Goes to Trial”
  2. Longview News-Journal, 3 December, 1998 – “Trial Begins in woman’s Torture Slaying”
  3. The Dallas Morning News, 7 March, 1998 – “It Took the Two of Them Together”
  4. The Odessa American, 5 December, 1998 – “Neville Found Guilty of Capital Murder”
  5. Arlington Morning News, 7 December, 1998 – “Neville’s Threat Can Hurt Him”
  6. The Odessa American, 22 February, 2000 – “Sentencing Phase Delayed in Torture Case”


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Amy Howell
Amy Howell
5 years ago

This is heartbreaking. How dare he try and claim he was developmentally disabled to try and get away with this evil, evil crime. RIP sweetie.

Amanda Robinson
Amanda Robinson
5 years ago
Reply to  Amy Howell

Both men were executed and I was their to watch them die like they did my sister I just wish she went as peacefully as they did

4 years ago

I will never forget her candlelight vigil and hearing that recording of her singing Momma he’s crazy by The Judds. If anyone deserved to be executed they did. Rest in peace Amy💕💕

Donna k West Moore
Donna k West Moore
4 years ago
Reply to  Crys

Amanda honey it’s me it’s Donna West do you remember me we went to Bowie Middle School together Amy was my best friend I miss her so much I know it’s been over 20 years since she’s been gone but there’s not a day that I don’t think about her and wish she was here I’m 42 now No children but that’s okay I miss you honey I’m reaching out hoping that you will communicate with me I need to hear from you I’m going to go and put flowers on Amy’s grave and I’m also getting something of an… Read more »

Barbara E Campbell
Barbara E Campbell
3 years ago

I truly hope and pray that you and Amanda have connected since you posted and that the reunion was filled or will be filled with happy comforting joyous memories of Amy in happy times.

Amanda robinson
Amanda robinson
3 years ago

This is Amanda I literally just saw this.

Teresa Cashion
Teresa Cashion
3 years ago
Reply to  Crys

I remember all the cold, rainy days in the Kroger parking lot and walking ditches and fields looking for her. I think about her ALOT. She was so sweet and yes, she was very trusting.

Barbara E Campbell
Barbara E Campbell
3 years ago

My heart breaks for you and your family’s suffering, I pray that you found some peace and comfort in knowing their lives were terminated for what they did to your dear sister Amy, may she rest in peace with the Lord. I know it will always be painful to think about, but I pray that the termination of their existence brings you the closure you and your family desperately deserve. I am so sorry for your suffering and grief but as Hall said as Sorry as he might be at the end of his existence he brutally snuffed hers out… Read more »

Gibson Jean
Gibson Jean
3 years ago

I am truly so very sorry for your and your family’s loss, and even more so for the pain that your sister must have experienced!!! I am from cleburne, tx so this isnt too far from where im from….and id just like you to know that i will continue to lift you in prayer, as im sure your pain and grief will never really go away!!!

Cindy Clark
Cindy Clark
1 year ago

Sweetie I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my cousin in 2004 to a man that she trusted. This happened in Tallahassee Florida and they found him in Kingsman Arizona sleeping in her car on the side of the road.

Marjorie Kansel
Marjorie Kansel
5 years ago

This is just awful… I am usually against the death penalty but there is no saving someone this evil. She was defenceless and harmless!!

Barbara E Campbell
Barbara E Campbell
3 years ago

God brought both to the realization that their crime was evil and to a place of remorse before they died. I pray they met Christ after suffering their brutal crime against an innocent precious person whose life they brutally took without remorse. Who knows whether they were redeemed and forgiven at the time of their executed termination of life. AT least God brought them to a place of remorse and sorrow expressed to Amanda even though they can’t bring her back, their accountability ad remorse at the end is something I hope gives Amanda the ability to forgive these two… Read more »

M tobin
M tobin
1 year ago

If this god of yours is so great, where was it while the girl was being used as target practice by a couple of slack jawed hillbillies? It’s odd how whenever something good happens, it’s because some invisible entity intervened aka a miracle. Yet, when stuff like this happens, well, that’s a different story…? No one cares about your inane prophesying…

Melissa Graybeal
Melissa Graybeal
1 year ago
Reply to  M tobin

What is it to you, M Tobin, that someone believes in the grace and mercy and forgiveness and compassion and comfort and judgement and punishment and long suffering and love and greatest of all, the salvation of Jesus Christ? The answers to your questions can all be found in the King James Bible, God’s Holy Word. You can read it Genesis to Revelation and have a head knowledge, but until you become a child of God and have a relationship with Him, your heart will remain as cold as it is the day you wrote your comment and you will… Read more »

1 year ago

We don’t forgive them and it’s been 25 years…. I’m her niece and we never will forgive these sorry men who took this amazing woman so please don’t spread lies

5 years ago

This story isnt even the real one. It didnt happen at night for one! She didnt know what they were going to do to her before hand and so much more. Maybe if you want to write about someone you should get the damn story right! This is so absurd!

Amanda Robinson
Amanda Robinson
5 years ago
Reply to  Lindsy

Yes it is baby girl! Don’t believe everything you read! I love you

Lindsy jo
Lindsy jo
5 years ago

Oh I dont! This is complete CRAP!

Barbara E Campbell
Barbara E Campbell
3 years ago

You are the sister who knows the actual story by heart and I want every one commenting to recognize this fact before opening mouth and inserting both feet. Peace be with you Amanda.

Lynn M Couch
Lynn M Couch
3 years ago
Reply to  Lindsy

She was schedule to be at work during the day bc me & her were to break down the tent from valentine’s. At this time of the yr, I haunted by this. I was the Store Orintation Adminstrator at that store. God’s Blessings being sent your way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lynn M Couch

Lynn, i was haunted by our talk in the kroger deli yesterday (4/4/23) and did read about beautiful Amy. I just pray her family and you have been able to find some peace.

4 years ago

My own daughter has turners syndrome. I cried reading this. I would have loved to have had just 15 minutes alone with each of those men. They would have been praying for death when i got through with them. That poor sweet girl. What they did was unforgivable and i hope those two reap what they sowed, in hell.

Last edited 4 years ago by K.L.
Teresa Cashion
Teresa Cashion
3 years ago

Amy was like a daughter to me. I was at the hospital the night she was borned. She grew up with my kids. I think the death sentence was an easy way out for them . They should have had to suffer the way they made Amy suffer. Hope they are burning in hell.

1 year ago

Although if anyone deserved it these two definitely did, I do not believe in the death penalty, it’s far too expensive for taxpayers, 5% of the people on death row are innocent, that’s not a statistic I can live with although I think mass murderers certainly would qualify as well…. It’s the cases that no eye witness or a false eye witness & racism & dna testing prove the innocence of someone who’s already been put to death it’s too late! I think sitting in jail forever til death is a far worse punishment anyways! I can totally understand how… Read more »

11 months ago

Those bastards.It’s so sad that this happened, I hope they will always burn in Hell

Ash Snowfrost
Ash Snowfrost
7 months ago

To see that quite alot of the commentors actually knew amy pr family of amy, wow. I just saw the docu on tv just. Now. Is how i heard of amy Robinson. So many questions why, but evil is evil. I hope these two turds got prison justice before their execution

Further Reading:

Breck Bednar: Targeted Online
A Mother’s Revenge – Connie Serbu
The Grindr Murder of Paul Jefferies
The Monster of Worcester – David McGreavy
Pompom Mom – Wanda Holloway
Who Killed Penny Bell?
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