The Ultimate Betrayal – Brianna Lopez

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1st October 2020  •  5 min read

While bringing a new born baby home from hospital is often a jubilant moment filled with love and excitement, this was not the case for Brianna Lopez. As soon as Brianna entered the home, she became the victim to unimaginable abuse.

The Ultimate Betrayal - Brianna Lopez

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

Brianna Lopez was born on 14 February, 2002, to Stephanie Lopez and Andy Walters. When she left the hospital, she moved into a trailer with her parents and her uncle, Steven Lopez. Also living in the small trailer was two other children and three other adults. While bringing a new born baby home from hospital is often a jubilant moment filled with love and excitement, this was not the case for Brianna. As soon as Brianna entered the home, she became the victim to unimaginable abuse.

As soon as she entered the house, she was abused. It started off with shouting combined with slaps and pinches when she would cry but this quickly escalated. Soon, she was being kicked, punched, and thrown about the home. She would cry out in pain but instead of helping, Stephanie would ignore her while her father and uncle would laugh. When she was fed up of the crying, Stephanie would bite and pinch her, but most of the torture was inflicted by her Andy and Steven who began to rape and sodomise Brianna when she was just a few weeks old.

The torment finally ended for Brianna, who had endured pain and suffering everyday of her short life, on 18 July, 2002. Her parents and uncle got drunk inside the trailer. Stephanie claimed she had a few beers and headed to bed. At some point during the night, Andy and Steven decided to play a game with little Brianna in which they would toss her up in the air so that she would hit the ceiling and then let her fall to the floor. They explained to police that Brianna would scream and cry during this, to which they would just laugh and carry on.

The following morning, Stephanie awoke and found Brianna crying, which wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. She also noticed fresh cuts and bruises but chose to ignore it. At a later time in the morning, Andy volunteered to change her diaper and when doing so, he wrapped a baby wipe around his finger and molested little Brianna. It was evident that Brianna was on the verge of death yet nobody bothered to call an ambulance or even show her a little bit of care or compassion. Finally, an ambulance was called and Stephanie claimed that Brianna had fallen from a high chair. She was declared dead at 11:10AM at the tender age of 5 months and 5 days.

Medical examiners reported that her little body was riddled with bruises and injuries which indicated prolonged abuse. She had broken ribs, broken legs, broken arms, bleeding on the brain and vaginal and anus lacerations. Brianna was tortured every single day of her life and died without knowing love, care or compassion. Sgt. Ed Miranda described the sexual abuse that Brianna had suffered as “grotesque and gross.”1

Andy was charged with child abuse resulting in death and criminal sexual penetration of a minor, a first-degree felony. Stephanie and Steven were charged with child abuse resulting in death. The other three adults living in the home were not charged and the two other children living in the home were taken into protective custody.2 Shortly thereafter, two more family members were arrested in connection with Brianna’s murder. Her grandmother, Patricia Walters and her uncle, Robert Walters Jr. were both charged with failure to report child abuse or child neglect, a misdemeanor.

The trials were scheduled for September of 2003. District Judge Stephen Bridgforth agreed to move the trial from Dona Ana County due to the extensive coverage of the case. During the trial, the prosecution would argue that all five adults in the home knew about the abuse and allowed it to happen. The defence lawyers, however, suggested that their respective clients didn’t know how the injuries were inflicted on Brianna.

Some of the first witnesses to testify were the ambulance dispatcher and the emergency room nurse who desperately tried to save Brianna’s life. A recording of the 911 call from Stephanie was played out during which she said that Brianna was not breathing and that: “She fell off the bed.” The 911 operator explains how to perform CPR and check for a pulse to which Stephanie replies with: “I can’t feel anything.”

Nurse Yvonne Mouchette next described to the jury how when Brianna came in to the hospital, the bite marks and bruises across her face, head and body were extensive. She said that it was already far too late for Brianna and she had been unable in resuscitating her. She described how before Stephanie was taken to the police station, she was allowed to see Brianna’s body. She said that Stephanie asked to hold Brianna and with her body in her arms, she repeatedly said: “I’m so sorry…” Afterwards, Stephanie asked if she could cover Brianna’s bruises and covered everything except for Brianna’s eyes.3

Detective Ed Miranda took the jury through an interview he had with Brianna’s uncle, Steven, following his arrest. He told the jury that Steven had admitted to raping Brianna and throwing her up in the air and allowing her to come crashing down to the floor. He asked Steven: “Did you have sex with Baby Brianna?” to which Steven replied with: “Yes.” When speaking about how he and Andy threw Brianna up in the air, he said: “We were just playing with her…”

His testimony was followed by some forensic evidence. Homer Campbell, a forensic dentist, said that the 15 bite marks dotted across Brianna’s body had come from at least two adults. However, he could not identify them because they were not distinct enough. A crime lab analyst then testified that tests indicated that blood found in Andy’s underwear had come from Brianna. Supervising medical investigator, Rebecca Irvine, testified that Brianna had suffered skull, arm, leg and rib fractures and that she had sustained extensive bruising to her face, head, and genitals.4

After all of the testimony was presented, it was up to the jury to reach a verdict for all five family members. All five were found guilty of varying charges. Steven and Andy were found guilty of criminal sexual penetration, child abuse resulting in death and other related charges. Stephanie was found guilty of negligent child abuse resulting in death and a lesser abuse charge; she was found not-guilty of intentional child abuse. Patricia and Robert were found guilty of not reporting the abuse. Gary Mitchell, the defence lawyer for Andy, said that the mass prosecution was “an injustice.”5

Andy Walters was sentenced to 63 years in prison and Steven Lopez was sentenced to 57 years in prison. Stephanie Lopez received just 26 years in prison and was released in 2016 on good behaviour.

Citizens of the community paid for Brianna’s casket, burial, and funeral. They also claimed her body as nobody else would. Her grave become a memorial site and was decorated with dozens of flowers and toys. In a disgusting end to a tragic case, Brianna’s family didn’t approve of the compassion by the community and placed a cage around little Brianna’s grave so that nobody could show how loved she was, even after death.

The Ultimate Betrayal - Brianna Lopez

No photograph of Brianna Lopez alive exists. There is only one photograph of Brianna in existence and it was taken on the mortuary slab after she had been murdered. The photograph was photoshopped to remove all of her injuries and bruises and the photograph is kept on the desk of the lead investigator on the case as a commemoration to Brianna and what she could have been.

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  1. El Paso Times, 2 August, 2002 – “Infant Kin Face Charges of Failing to Report Abuse”
  2. El Paso Times, 23 July, 2002 – “Father Charged with Sexual Abuse”
  3. Albuquerque Journal, 4 September, 2003 – “Baby Lived, Died With 5 Adults”
  4. Albuquerque Journal, 9 September, 2003 – “Testimony Says Uncle Raped Baby”
  5. Associated Press, 13 September, 2003 – “Five Members of New Mexico Family Convicted in Baby’s Death”


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4 years ago

Ugh!!!! Crimes against children are especially tough. I wish this was a death penalty case. You have to be really evil to hurt a child like this. Poor Brianna 🙁

4 years ago
Reply to  Alana

It should have been and death should have been immediate for all 3. It is disgusting to think of that pig of a mother, living her life freely now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Just_me

Totally agree, all 3 should have been taken out and shot right after the required trial, quick, cheap and done with.

Christina Mannino
Christina Mannino
3 years ago
Reply to  Just_me

Agreed!! The fact that she is free makes me sick. She should endure all of the abuse that was inflicted on that sweet little baby girl. My God, l love true crime but this is the worst case/story l have ever come across

3 years ago

It really is!!!!!

1 year ago

Sorry to be the one to break it to all the ppl here foaming at the mouth for more punishment for Briannas mom Stephanie – that girl was not able to handle being given a child foremost bc she herself was the recipient of the same sort of treatment and more -did u not hear the monsters she herself was raised by? Sometimes a person under those circumstances who have enough IQ and EQ will put down their foot so all abuse ends there and stop the vicious circle but theres that % who become part of the next cycle… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Ellkell

I’m sorry but that doesn’t fly. I was abused verbally, emotionally, physically and sexually as a child. My mother knowingly sent me to live with a child molester after my stepfather put me through a wall and in was in the hospital. So I had no escape from the abuse, no where to turn. When I became a mother I made DAMN sure NO ONE hurt my little girl. That excuse is unacceptable and poor BS. She CHOSE to allow that. The b**ch should be sterilized. She should still be in prison. I how those men are being beaten and… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Alanna

Admin: I mistakenly flagged my own comment looking for the edit button. Can’t info it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ellkell

That does not excuse the crime. A person could be declared incompetent to be tried. A person could be declared not guilty by reason of insanity. However, no one has ever been acquitted because of trauma, personality disorder, abuse as a child etc. if a person with whatever IQ or EQ can tell right from wrong, then that person will go to trial and will receive sentencing like anyone else. Then, how many criminals do you think would go free if we based our justice on trauma, abuse, personality disorder etc.? Do you think people who have had a beautiful… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Ellkell

Dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

2 years ago
Reply to  Just_me

Ohhh. Soo agreed. How outdated she not be charged with intentional child abuse?? What’s wrong with these laws?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura

Correction. I mean how could she not be charged with. Intentional child abuse?

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura

Because New Mexico.. is a blue state & that’s how they play!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Xiana

Ahh… ignorance is a blessing. tsk tsk..

5 months ago
Reply to  Xiana

Be quiet

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura

It’s a democratic state they are very relaxed on criminals!! epecially child abusers!!..

Nicole S
Nicole S
3 years ago
Reply to  Alana

no! why let them off easy with death! let them suffer and rot in prison with no bail!

2 years ago
Reply to  Alana

Death penalty?! I would not let them get away so easily…life long prison sentence in a cell full with ‘decent’ rapists and sadists.

cactus girl
cactus girl
4 years ago

This is horrific and evil…this poor innocent child…how could anyone do this to her? It makes me feel ill and sickened. These evil monsters and I can’t believe the mother is out of prison now. Rest in eternal peace sweet little girl. I am so sorry that this happened to you and that no one came to help. Rest in the arms of the Savior. May nothing but bad come to those to who did this to you.

Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago
Reply to  cactus girl


Pickle Juice Coleslaw
Pickle Juice Coleslaw
4 years ago

Her whole family is trash.

Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago

Yes they sure are they lower than dirt!

4 years ago

Brianna’s mother will face her karma soon…

Cindy B
Cindy B
4 years ago
Reply to  Dexterismyidol

I hope that bitch meets her karma and I hope she dies a similar death and torture like she allowed to happen to her daughter. What a vile evil woman.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cindy B

While I 100% agree with you those sub-human males should also be subjected to nothing but torture and misery until they finally die.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ronin

And I’d make sure their lives of torture lasted waaaaay longer than baby Brianna’s did. But, they will suffer until the end of time.

Mike Sidman
Mike Sidman
2 years ago
Reply to  Cindy B

The Daddy and the uncle should be put down like fat loanshark William “Action” Jackson was in Chicago back in 1961, and the so called “mother” should have been stripped, bullwhipped, and kept in solitary confinement, and the “grandparents” locked away as well. also, remove the cage from around the baby’s grave and charge the family with grave robbery if any of them show up again, THAT WOULD WORK

Cindy A Abrams
Cindy A Abrams
4 years ago
Reply to  Dexterismyidol

She should have been forced to have her tubes tied.

Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago
Reply to  Cindy A Abrams

I agree

g deherrera
g deherrera
2 years ago
Reply to  Cindy A Abrams

I agree!! Ive been saying that ever since I found out about this case

Cassandra Winton
Cassandra Winton
1 year ago
Reply to  Cindy A Abrams

Hysterectomy and remove her abilities to recreate the fact that she was in charge of this child and she aloud it all to happen even participated in the abuse. No not tie her tubes no she can undo that with money later nuh uhhh sorry no, just remove the factory completely and both men should be vesectomized and remove the ability to procreate…. ASPECAILLY after this kind of UNIQUE case the justice should be just as unique. Just my opinion. I want to be in law but with cases like these as a mother of 5 holy shit I’d be… Read more »

1 year ago

Hystetectomy without anesthesia !

4 years ago

The 3 of them need to be fed into a wood chipper very slowly.
I will volunteer to do it if they’d let me.

Devin morley
Devin morley
4 years ago
Reply to  Dexterismyidol

.I’m n agreement with u on this dexter sick pos family just sick sick sick

Nicole M Capone
Nicole M Capone
3 years ago
Reply to  Dexterismyidol

Find the scumbag murderer bitch they released and do it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nicole M Capone
Angry mother
Angry mother
2 years ago
Reply to  Dexterismyidol

I’ll help

4 years ago

I feel so sad and angry reading about the horror that happened to baby Brianna. In 2020, she would have been 18years old, just a year older than my baby sister. For a life cut so short by people who were her family!!! There’s a grave injustice…and the fact that the mother’s now out there makes me shudder in fear and revulsion at other kids around her. I hope she’s never allowed neat any children, ever

3 years ago
Reply to  Phoenix

So many people I know (myself included) can’t have children naturally, for one reason or another and it’s so hard of a process to use IVF or qualify for adoption unless you are a celebrity or have tons of money. I hope that Briana doesn’t have any siblings and never will. Forced sterilization doesn’t sound that outrageous of part of their punishment, for anyone who was a part of this disturbing crime. I want to share this story with some of those really crazy “Pro-life: NO MATTER WHAT” people and ask them what they think was the point of Brianna… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

To Stephanie. So agreed. And I like ur comment….. the system, the murderes of this poor baby. . I remember reading about this back in the early 2000s and I almost fell off my chair. How does one do this to an in. Innocent victim and they can’t defend themselves? She was only a baby and the law is a disgrace!!!

Heidi Blankenship
Heidi Blankenship
4 years ago

Sickening! This poor lil innocent baby my heart breaks for her omg its unbelievable 💔 these ppl deserve the worst for of torture they not only deserve the death penalty but to be beaten and raped daily in prison! Rot in hell u fucking pigs!

4 years ago

I hope it hunt’s them everyday. Of there sorry ass life. As for the so call sorry bitch. She no mother she the Devil. You all will get whats comeing to you. !!!!!

Hope Leonard
Hope Leonard
4 years ago

I want to peel their skin !!!

Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago
Reply to  Hope Leonard

And then feed it to the dogs in front of them and then stick thornes in the bed of there nails and then pull them off one by one and then pull there dicks out and smash them with a sledge hammer then cut them off and the feed it to them and then beat them with an inch of there life and then thrown back in the jail for them to think about what they did and her to for allowing it to happen low life poor excuse of a mother she wasn’t even that! No child deserves to… Read more »

4 years ago

Sick vile she shouldn’t be out ever absolutely awful made me feel sick poor baby RIP GORGEOUS GIRL

4 years ago

Such evilness, they will pay. They have another Judge to stand before😉🙏
Poor baby so many women are unable to bare children yet these evil ppl are allowed to have. Rest in Peace baby girl Brianna🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😔😢😪😥😰😭

Tina Sawyer
Tina Sawyer
4 years ago

Now they will be judged by God himself, they will feel the pain they inflicted upon this child of God, and rot in hell for eternity, Their fait has been sealed.

Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Tina Sawyer

Why did god not intervene and save his child then? Why does he allow this to happen to babies? What sort of god just watches this and does nothing? 2000 years ago God was hands on distributing out punishments. Now he’s silent. He created all so he created evil.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michelle Brown

He gave us all of the tools we need to keep this from happening, but it’s us who have failed to use them. All we need if for people to wise-up and vote for judges and leaders who will enact legislation to make it a punishable crime not to report child abuse and to make child murder a “life without the possibility of parole” case. Don’t blame God for what people aren’t willing to do to stop this hell on earth. And stop voting for dog whistles and sound bites instead of fearless leaders who will work to create the… Read more »

Christina Mannino
Christina Mannino
3 years ago
Reply to  SlimJim

Very well said!!

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
3 years ago
Reply to  SlimJim

No new laws would stop something like this from happening. But consider- If you or I were in the room witnessing the abuse, and we had the power to stop it, but didn’t then we would be complicit. It’s the same for god in this case. He knew it was happening, had the power to stop it but didn’t. And you believe that these guys will be eternally punished in hell after they die. Well It sounds to me like your god loves suffering because he created a world full of it, now, and for eternity and he does nothing… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Jake the snake

You. Have a. Point jake , we also need laws to change. The so law protects the guilty, and never the innocent I’m over 60 and pro ably not the first person. Or the last to say the least. And they. Defend the hardened criminal!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jake the snake

I’m sorry that you understand so little about God that you blame Him for this. 😔💔 God created a perfect place for us to live, the Garden of Eden. There was no evil, no death. That was His plan. WE messed it up. This world is ruled by evil & we must live in it unfortunately… until the Lord returns & takes us out of it. People that perpetrate evil do so of their OWN choosing, not God’s. God did not create us as “robots”, but gave each of us the gift of free will. It’s our choice how to… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  LaydeeTee

No such thing. And if it was real…lets babies die every day. But when the perp is found praise god? Is he in control or not? It makes zero sense

1 year ago
Reply to  Jake the snake

Who is God? Who is this person your referring to, huh? The creator put it all into motion and to do more denies man the free will which makes us relevant bc without it everyones just automatons. Thats the point of Michael Jackson’s ‘Man in the Mirror ‘ we are a chip off the old block – a tiny bit of the universe made conscious built from the elements and far from perfect but works in progress – a persons a blank sheet, DNA provides the blueprints for the machine but our upbringing provides the software, the personality – a… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Michelle Brown

Why did God not intervene to save this child? Because there is no God! If I’m wrong, then I hate him as much as I hate them for allowing that to happen to that beautiful little girl. This is the worst thing I’ve ever read, absolutely sickening!

2 years ago
Reply to  Michelle Brown

Wow. Never thought about it that way… I have often asked the same question. Why would God allow this to so many babies? I like your comment. Michelle. You nailed it

Britt Moore
Britt Moore
3 years ago
Reply to  Tina Sawyer

Exactly? Where the fuck was your God. Total bullshit.

Disgusted mother
Disgusted mother
1 year ago
Reply to  Tina Sawyer

I hope you’re right

4 years ago

Absolutely disgusting people, scum of the earth. Poor defenceless Brianna, the excruciatingly agony she must have endured, and her own mother was part of it. They should be tortured themselves. I feel nothing but hatred towards them.

Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez
4 years ago

Where does the mom live? I want to torture her.

4 years ago

New Mexico

4 years ago

I believe the one uncle living in the house was killed in a car accident a few years back, so karma got one of them. Hope it gets the rest sooner rather than later!

Cindy A Abrams
Cindy A Abrams
4 years ago
Reply to  Just_me

Hope he died a slow painful death.

2 years ago
Reply to  Just_me

@ ,just me. Yes. He was. The uncle that didn’t participate. But witnessed it and didn’t report. It. I believe his name was. Robert .
I think it was a truck in the accident that was fatal……

4 years ago

She had a job in muleshoe Texas in 201

4 years ago

I will help you. Please somebody give full details of her address.

Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago
Reply to  Mike


Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago

Yes where does she live?

3 years ago

Please don’t forget the father and uncle. I’ll help you

3 years ago
Reply to  Justhuman

If you find out any info on them lmk

4 years ago

im heart broken 🙁 poor little girl. I pray your in heaven with god and are feeling no pain. God is with you and you are loved beyond measure. I love you ❤️

4 years ago

I wish I could go back in time to 2002, so I could come and set those three assholes (and those useless relatives too) on fire, after which I will then shoot them in their miserable faces and then not only rescue that poor baby, but maybe even consider adopting her.

Some people should never have kids!

Christina Mannino
Christina Mannino
3 years ago
Reply to  Roxie

Isn’t it crazy how some women have such a hard time conceiving, or can’t get pregnant at all, but then this disgusting animal gets to have this beautiful little baby girl and this is what she does to her?!?! It makes me so sick

4 years ago

How do you know what was said during the 911 call? Or what the nurse said??

4 years ago

These pieces of human excrement should be tortured to death. Her POS mother should have had her uterus ripped out before she left prison, so she can never do this to another baby again. Our justice system sucks, they should have all been executed.

Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown
4 years ago

I read somewhere that the place Brianna lived had no cot or toys, nothing to indicate a baby was there. The mother would get up in the morning and Brianna could be on the floor where she was left or in the sink, anywhere they left her after they had tortured her. How is this possible? No one, not the people living there, not the grandmother, not the other brother cared about this tiny, defenceless baby. My god, they are the most pathetic scum to ever walk the earth. Then the family further degraded Brianna’s memory by putting a cage… Read more »

Jo Annette Pena
Jo Annette Pena
4 years ago
Reply to  Michelle Brown


4 years ago

reading the detail that the baby’s blood was found in one of the men’s underwear made me so queasy and upset. how could you do that to a baby? how could you as a mother listen to your baby cry and then bite and pinch her? how could you know that your child was being raped and not try to save her?

this is so horrific. the worst child abuse case I’ve ever heard of. I don’t believe in God but I hope that wherever Brianna is, she’s safe and loved.

4 years ago

How did they not get life in prison? And how the hell is she already out of prison? RIP BABY BRIANNA

4 years ago

Pure evil. No other way to describe these pathetic excuses for humans. Hopefully there’s an afterlife and they get what’s coming to them.

Marilyn Willett
Marilyn Willett
3 years ago

GOD ALMIGHTY WILL INFLICT HIS PUNISHMENT MORE SEVERE THAN ANY OF US COULD IMAGINE. Trust this, she is happy now and has no memories, she lives in paradise.

3 years ago

lol dumb

Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown
3 years ago

Trust a god that allows this to happen? No thanks. If god sat there and watched this abuse on a helpless baby then he’s just as evil as these maggots.
He gave out justice personally once 2000 years ago, now he does nothing.
Don’t bring your god into this. If he exists he’s just as guilty.

Britt Moore
Britt Moore
3 years ago

Really? So she has to suffer first to get God’s attention. That’s a shitty evil God.

Michelle Baines
Michelle Baines
3 years ago

I became aware of this incident purely surfing the Internet, I’m a mum, mum’s and dad’s protect, prison was too good for them, I can only hope that bitch was sterilised before being realised, I’d like five minute’s alone with her.

3 years ago

If you need help, I’d be glad to help but I want the same for the father and uncle too. Poor subhuman, lowlife monsters.

candice nuts
candice nuts
3 years ago


3 years ago

I couldn’t stop crying while reading this. This poor child was abused so horribly! And as she was dying, these monsters raped her. Not a day in her life was she shown love. I don’t understand why they couldn’t give her up for adoption. Beautiful soul. They can’t hurt you anymore beautiful girl. RIP Brianna

Rebecca C Olivarez
Rebecca C Olivarez
3 years ago

Don’t tell me, they all found God while in jail. Typical low lifes.

3 years ago

I’m so mad at them in a way i can’t explain They should get into an electric chair at this Point. How could Someone do that to a Newborn Child, she probably had so much on her Future to Happen And These Monsters ruined her life 🙁

3 years ago

I wish Brianna was my baby she still would have been alive.
It’s so sick that a female can have kids and let this happen to your child whenever there are other females like myself that cant have kids RIP BABY BRIANNA

Melanie Cook
Melanie Cook
3 years ago
Reply to  Ofelia

How has she been allowed out after what she allowed to happen to her baby. She should of had her throat slit and the two blokes and gutted like a pig. Disgusting excuse for human beings what a waste of oxygen.

Shaneequa Jackson
Shaneequa Jackson
3 years ago

I remember first hearing of Baby Brianna’s tragic story from a news report on the day of her abusers’ conviction. I was visiting home while on break from college, and my mother and I had been laughing and acting a fool when suddenly we both became silent and frozen in time. There on the tv was a compilation of photos of a baby – completely nude and barely the size of the clipboard lying beside her on what appeared to be an autopsy table- and from the top of her little crown and all across her sweet angelic face and… Read more »

3 years ago

Your mom sounds like a wonderful lady. The world needs more like her.

Irina G.
Irina G.
3 years ago

That fat ugly pig who gave birth to poor baby Brianna, Her monster Husbans and her evil Brother all should be beaten and raped to death for what they done to this baby. They are nothing else but The Evil Monsters! Having 3 kids myself it’s hard to even imagine to inflict such pain and torture on your newborn child. I hope all 3 of them will burn alive.
Baby Brianna didn’t have justice served. Shame on the legal system for letting that fat pig out for good behavior! DISGUSTING!!!

Britt Moore
Britt Moore
3 years ago

Where are these scumbags now? Someone please give thier address to a serial killer.

3 years ago

I hope these POS’s are “Falling out of highchairs” for the rest of their lives in prison.

Britt Moore
Britt Moore
3 years ago

How do we find that scum that was released? She needs constant harassment and needs to never have peace. Where the fuck does she live?

3 years ago

The mother should never be allowed to have children or even be around children

3 years ago

This infuriates me no way in hell should this people been allowed to step out of that prison doors I can’t believe they weren’t handled and taken care of while they were in prison this is sick sick sick . Do unto them as they did that innocent baby.

D Baker
D Baker
3 years ago

Monsters that hurt kids in this manner need the death penalty. We have no use for them in society

3 years ago

I cannot understand how no one cared about this beautiful little girl. Not one person. Everyone in the family knew. There’s no words. Unbelievable.

3 years ago

The perpetrators should be sterilised. I hope they all die very slow and painful deaths. Absolutely disgusting. All children deserve to be loved and this poor little angel didn’t get to experience what it would have been like to grow up in a loving family home. RIP beautiful angel, you deserved so much more in life.

Christina Mannino
Christina Mannino
3 years ago

Every single one of them should have received the death penalty. They should have been tortured, raped, bitten snd thrown up in the air to just fall on the ground until their execution date. What fucking animals. I’m sick to my stomach after reading this.

3 years ago

Bit yet there’s people that do the least bit and get life with out parole when I was in prison one woman there had the longest time then anyone life and a dark day and she had that for just attempting to have her husband killed she couldn’t put up with him abusing her anymore and this yeah is set free and so will those other people one day

3 years ago


3 years ago

Quisera eu ter dinheiro suficiente mas contratar um matador para dar cabo desses vermes, o mundo seria um lugar melhor sem eles todos, e Baby Bri seria vingada.

Kay Cee
Kay Cee
3 years ago
Reply to  thatiana

Se que es en portugués pero bem entiendo! Sim!!

3 years ago

Absolutely VILE. i wish death upon those so called “parents”. Burn in hell, evil c*nts.

KC Cousins
KC Cousins
3 years ago

Infuriating that this bitch got out for “good behavior! “ where was that behavior when you & your scum people were torturing this baby?! I’m tired of criminals having more rights & freedoms than their victims! I worked for our local CAs & the horrific perp interview I had to transcribe was from an evil piece of crap who killed a 4 year old little girl and described it all so non-chalant! The things he did to her were so matter of fact, and they were just as sickening as this came. They can all have a party in hell!… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by KC Cousins
KC Cousins
KC Cousins
3 years ago

right now Infuriating that this bitch got out for “good behavior! “ where was that behavior when you & your scum people were torturing this baby?! I’m tired of criminals having more rights & freedoms than their victims! I worked for our local CAs & the horrific perp interview I had to transcribe was from an evil piece of crap who killed a 4 year old little girl and described it all so non-chalant! The things he did to her were so matter of fact, and they were just as sickening as this crime. All these bastards can all have… Read more »

3 years ago

I have no words! All of them deserve to suffer!!!

3 years ago

This is the most sickening thing i’ve ever read in my life!!!! Where do people like this come from?? My heart hurts so bad for this baby!!! She’s with God now!

Susan R Lang
Susan R Lang
3 years ago

A baby’s precious little body is treated with such callousness , I can’t understand how anyone could hurt a precious child Crying! Happy Birthday innocent baby 🙁 <3

3 years ago

Que desgraciados y la madre tan maldita q hiso a su propia hija no le dolio hacerle nacer para q lucharé por su hija es una bebe inocente me duele en él alma d que esa bb se quejaba d dolor ….ojala pague cada día todo él recuerdo q hizo a su hija y mas nadies le de a trabajo a esa señora y que los abogados ayuden a esos mostros que no olviden q puede ser sus propios hijos dezcanse en paz

2 years ago

Why didn’t they just give the child up for adoption so someone else could love her and give her happiness ? That poor baby didn’t have anyone standing up for her to protect her- that’s a damn shame.

Further Reading:

The Juggalo Murder of Adrianne Reynolds
The Final Hike of Jolee Callan
Friends Close, Enemies Closer – Christine Paolilla
The Texarkana Moonlight Murders
The Farmhouse Murder of Septic Tank Sam
Who Killed the Masked Marvel?
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