Trained to Death – The Death of Hana Grace-Rose Williams

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12th December 2020  •  5 min read

10-year-old Hana Grace-Rose Williams and her 7-year-old brother, Emanuel, were born in Ethiopia. In 2008, they were adopted by Carri and Larry Williams through Adoption Advocates International and brought over to Sedro-Woolley, Washington, United States. When Hana came to the United States, she had ringworm, parasites and hepatitis B. Three years later, Hana would be…

Trained to Death - The Death of Hana Grace-Rose Williams

Morbidology Podcast

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Morbidology is a weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at true crime cases from all across the world.

10-year-old Hana Grace-Rose Williams and her 7-year-old brother, Emanuel, were born in Ethiopia. In 2008, they were adopted by Carri and Larry Williams through Adoption Advocates International and brought over to Sedro-Woolley, Washington, United States.  When Hana came to the United States, she had ringworm, parasites and hepatitis B. Three years later, Hana would be dead. However, it was none of these things that killed her…

On the 12th of May, 2011, Hana was discovered naked and face down in the mud in the family’s backyard. According to Carri and Larry, Hana had become increasingly rebellious and had refused to come inside. They said that she began to throw herself on the ground and pretended that she couldn’t walk. Carri said she found Hana with mud in her mouth, not breathing. Hana’s cause of death was hypothermia.1

Following her death, the community were left wondering what had happened. How can a 13-year-old girl die of hypothermia in modern-day America? Many called for her death to be investigated with Mulumebet Retta, President of the Ethiopian Community Mutual Association, stating: “We just want the truth..”2 It was noticed during autopsy that Hana had suspicious marks across her body, including welts on the back of her legs and a lump on her head.

In August, it was announced that police in Skagit County were investigating the circumstances that led to Hana’s death. It would be discovered that Child Protective Services were contacted by law-enforcement officers and the county coroner who had come to find out that in the months leading up to Hana’s death, she had suffered significant weight loss. “They were concerned because she was outside at night when she died,” said CPS spokeswoman Sherry Hill. Furthermore, following Hana’s death, Carri and Larry became very uncooperative and forbid the seven other children living inside the home to speak with investigators in private.3

The other seven children living at the home were removed and placed into foster care while a family member informed the media that investigators had theorized that Hana had been placed outside as punishment. At the time of Hana’s death, it was only 42 degrees. A family friend would inform investigators that Carri had given her a book titled: “To Train Up A Child.” This book was written by Michael Pearl, a fundamentalist preacher who encourages parents to discipline their children with extreme corporal methods. He tells parents to use a plumbing tool to whip children, to give them cold water baths when potty training, to put them outside during cold weather and to have them miss meals. The book is extremely disturbing and essentially, tells parents they should be abusing their children to teach them.

It soon became apparent that the Williams had used this book and that Hana had been the victim of on-going abuse and neglect. “It teaches children through fear and so perpetuates criminal punishment of children,” said Chris Jamieson from CPS. Both Carri and Larry Williams were arrested and charged with homicide by abuse. They were ordered to be held on $500,000 bail each.4

In the charging papers, Skagit County Prosecutor Rich Weyrich said that the couple had engaged in a pattern of assault or torture on Hana including depriving her of food, locking her in a dark closet and beating her with a plastic tube. The couple also forced Hana to sleep in a barn, shower outside with a hose and even sit outside alone while the rest of the family celebrated Christmas. When guests came over, Hana would be allowed to sit at the table but was only fed bread. When Hana was locked in the dark closet, Carri and Larry played the Bible on tape as well as Christian music.

Over the course of two years, Hana lost almost 30 pounds. She was so emaciated that when she was forced outside on the night she died, her body was unable to retain enough heat. According to a report on her death, she had died from “a culmination of chronic starvation caused by a parent’s intentional food restriction, severe neglect, physical and emotional abuse and stunning endangerment.”

In addition to the charges relating to Hana, Carri and Larry were also charged with assault of a child in the first degree in relation to Hana’s deaf brother, Emanuel. According to investigators, Hana and her brother were treated substantially different than the couple’s six biological children, who ranged in age from 7 to 17. According to other family members, both Hana and her brother were withheld food.

Then in November, the couple were also charged with first-degree manslaughter by domestic violence. The charging documents alleged aggravating factors in the manslaughter that “the offense was part of an ongoing pattern of psychological, physical or sexual abuse of a victim or multiple victims manifested by multiple incidents over a prolonged period of time.”5

The trial of Carri and Larry Williams began in July of 2013. Emanuel was one of the first witnesses to testify. Through a sign language interpreter, Emanuel told the jury that he and his sister were repeatedly beaten and punished with a water hose. “They would beat me very hard,” he said. “It was the same for my sister. The father would use a beating stick to beat us. If we wet the bed, they would use a water hose all over us, spray our bodies. They would hit me on the bottom of my feed and around the toes as well.”6

Emanuel said he witnessed Hana’s beatings and described her as being “sad and unhappy.” He said that Larry touched his private parts but this was stricken and the jury were told to disregard it. The prosecutor said that Emanuel may have been referring to Larry checking to see if he had wet his pants as opposed to something more sinister.  According to a mental health therapist, Emanuel had post-traumatic stress disorder because of how he was treated by Carri and Larry.

His testimony was followed by graphic photographs of Hana’s body while Dr. Daniel Selove detailed Hana’s autopsy. He said that Hana weighed just 78 pounds and that her ribcage was visible. He said she was “abnormally thin” and pointed out various bruises, scrapes and other marks on Hana’s body which he said could have been caused by a switch.7

Both Carri and Larry would testify on their own behalf and both would turn on the other.

 Carri once again stuck to her original story – that she had asked Hana to come inside that night but “she began throwing herself down.” She said that Hana had bumped her head and scraped her knees and that she believed that was “acting out.” She said that she sent three of her sons outside to hit Hana for not coming inside. She said that when Hana collapsed, she put a sheet over her naked body, stating: “Modesty is important in our family.”8 Carri went on to make the startling claim that Hana probably unintentionally killed herself.

Larry told the jury that he felt “responsible” and “ashamed” of what had happened. He said that sometimes, he disagreed with Carri’s ideas for discipline and that he regretted not intervening. He said that he worked long hours at Boeing and didn’t know the full extent of what was going on at home. “I’m the dad. My daughter died. Possibly, I could have done something to stop it, but I didn’t.” He said that on the night Hana died, he wasn’t sure how long she had been outside, whether she’d eaten and whether she’d been spanked. He had been at work when Carri phoned him to say Hana had collapsed.9

After a five week trial, Carri and Larry Williams were convicted of manslaughter in the first-degree and assault in the first-degree. The jury deadlocked on one charge – they convicted Carri of homicide by abuse but did not reach the same verdict for Larry. Carri was sentenced to just under 37 years in prison while Larry was sentenced to almost 28 years in prison.

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  1. The Seattle Times, 30 September, 2011 – “Murder Charges for Parents who Left Adopted Girl Outside”
  2. NBC – 5 KING, 12 August, 2011 – “Ethiopian Community Wants Answers in Girl’s Death”
  3. The Seattle Times, 2 August, 2011 – “CPS Will Investigate Death of Adopted Girl”
  4. FOX – 13 KCPQ, 30 September, 2011 – “Book Advocating Extreme Discipline May be Connected”
  5. Skagit Valley Herald, 21 November, 2012 – “Prosecutors Add Manslaughter Charge to Williams Case”
  6. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 30 July, 2013 – “Child Testifies About Beatings”
  7. Skagit Valley Herald, 31 July, 2013 – “William Girl Was Abnormally Thin”
  8. CBS – 7 KIRO, 28 August, 2013 – “Carri Williams, Accused of Child Abuse, Took the Stand”
  9. Daily World, 28 August, 2013 – “Father Testifies About Shame, Regret”


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Laura Harris
Laura Harris
3 years ago

Thank you for telling Hana’s story and exposing the dangerous and ignorant writings of Michael Pearl. However, let’s be fair to the Amish. Michael Pearl is not Amish and his attitudes are not reflective of Amish culture. Also the term “Fundamentalist” can’t properly be applied to the Amish. The term has a particular meaning in Christendom that has nothing to do with Amish theology, culture and tradition.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

“The ordeal disrupted the whole household”? What about the children? The children who were given a family, beaten for “severe emotional problems” (adopted children can had emotional issues. That is common sense) and then returned like they were a product? Would you be fine if your parents were to one day simply give you away without rhyme or reason? You were grounded from playing outside and from using the phone? Hana was murdered. She was beaten and froze to death because her body was too small to stay warm whilst she was outside, in the cold, naked. Is it God’s… Read more »

3 Pluse
3 Pluse
2 years ago
Reply to  Romane

Well said some humans seriously shouldn’t be allowed to breed x

3 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Missy you are clearly mentally ill. It’s a generational problem I’m sure based on your parents piss poor parenting. Defending child abusers who starved a child for years & abused them both?!!! Obviously you’re a racist piece of shit to blame this on the fact they’re from Ethiopia. You’re not a follower of god’s words- you are a misguided evil person & the angels weep for your ignorance. Complicit with the abuse of children lands you in HELL. Rot in hell Missy- right where you belong

3 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Scripturally speaking, this is not a justification of beating and punishing a child with impunity! The goal of discipline is to guide a child not use it as an outlet to vent your rage because a child is problematic! Clearly this couple have a very skewed idea of discipline! A LOVING parent/parents take everything into consideration and DON’T resort to such cruel and concocted TACTICS and ideals. It’s NOT a battle of wills! Let’s also keep in mind just because someone professes to be godly, doesn’t absolve or shield them of WILLFUL and INTENTIONAL gross neglect/abuse. Have you forgotten the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

AMEN !!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

So…no “devil worship” in the great us of a??? You are EVIL. Torturing children is EVIL. And “spare” us the Bible quotes. Ever read the one about “leading the little ones to sin?” [hating yourself, which destroys live]. Millstone around the neck.As for racist filth like yours- Ethiopia was christian when “aryans” were still eating their firstborns. Oh wait, THEY STILL DO IT.

Leanne Harrisskitt
Leanne Harrisskitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Your fucking vile

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Ethiopia is an overwhelmingly Christian nation, lmao. The Ethiopian bible is 400 years older than the King James version. But they’re African, so vOoDoO. Take your vile racism elsewhere, you waste of skin.

2 years ago
Reply to  Abby

How naive you are. Nothing to do with racism. Snowflake.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy

How tf would you even know she’s white? Like, keep your nasty ass racism and sh*t at home. I feel bad for your children if you have any. They have to live with a vile, nasty, rotten mother like you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

Voodoo was invented by slaves in America you fucking moron it wasn’t invented in Ethiopia.

3 Pluse
3 Pluse
2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Are you for fkn real wtaf kinda evil just rolled naturally off your tongue. I hope you never left alone with any child you should be medically sterilised🤬

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Try it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

I hope you are an AI programmed to be absolutely vile and lacking in moral fibre, because no human can seriously be so stupid.

savior trope overplayed
savior trope overplayed
2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

That putrid wall of text which had no reason much a pretext as to how and why she died. white devil playing white savior trope has got to go and stop. With the destruction the race does and benefits from; namely mass genocide, nation to nation starvation and destitution and pillage/plunder natural resources to name 4, there is no need to talk like that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

OMG< what kind of ignorant mind would even think of a response like this are you on drugs a jury convicted these two monsters people raise extremely self-destructive autistic kids and kids with other difficulties without allowing them to die its your job as a parent to keep your kids safe this little girl had zero wrong with her and didn’t cause her own death she was horribly abused and tortured she was left outside in the cold for hours on end naked it takes a long time to die of hypothermia, especially in 40-degree weather. All your ignorant quotes… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Missy, I have been checking up and reading these comments for months. I remember when I first saw your comment and it still said “3 months ago” you are deluded. As a believer in Christ, I can say that it doesn’t matter how much one reads and studies the bible without others to give you their interpretation you will just be stuck with your own opinion and version of it. I believe that you haven’t taken the word of christ into true consideration and read it in its true light. I am 14 years old and was 13 when I… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Taryn
1 year ago
Reply to  Taryn

Taryn this was the most intelligent, humane and adult answer anyone could have given Missy. I have hope for the next generation knowing people like you and your sister are going to be in charge soon. Missy: The best thing your family ever did was give those children back before y’all had the chance to create even more hate through them. No one but creatures of evil and hate would ever refer to a child in such a way as you have. But we all know for every angel that visits for awhile among us, as HANA WAS and HER… Read more »

Iris Longview
Iris Longview
1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

Oh Missy, I can so read that you are actually a man hiding behind a female name. The comments you make are for a reaction and hold no truth. So sad that this is how you entertain yourself.

Paige Hedberg
Paige Hedberg
1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

You Missy are a fucing whack job and I only hope you don’t have children. You’re advocating cycles generational systematic abuse. Your fucked up method is only going to guarantee more broken children become adults with mental health issues, adults who also abuse children, and adults who struggle with substance abuse issues. Your Gd is one fuced up individual if He teaches inflicting pain on humans who can’t defend themselves, or understand that you’re a fucing lunatic, then I’m glad I’m not small minded enough to believe. Young children are scientifically proven to function at a lower level of consciousness… Read more »

Your name here
Your name here
1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Harris

You’re either a moron or mentally ill. She didn’t kill herself. She was starved and beaten.

Marcelle McDonald
Marcelle McDonald
3 years ago

Inhumane practices against adoptive children. I’m quite convinced Hana and her brother were the intended victims but poor poor Hanafelt the brunt of it. That EVIL mother and pathetic father got off lightly. They should both be on Death Row.

3 years ago

I think she would be happy it was her and not her brother more than likely. You find that with the older child being abused but they let them. They had the fear that it would be done to their sibling. Such a sad thing 😓

3 years ago

Thats easy for you to say. How do you know she didn’t accidentally kill herself? YOU DON’T. Funny how you call the mother and father “evil”… yet, their other 7 children grew up without being killed. Know anything about the “religious” practices in Ethiopia? Satan worship.. voodoo practice is rampant. Hana could have been satanically ritually abused as a small child. She may have been majorly demonically influenced… or even demon possessed. Think it can’t happen? If so— you’ve be wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Missy, you are either deliberately lying or you are the most ignorant person on the internet. Ethiopia is a Christian country. The church actually runs the country and controls most of the land and resources. There is no satan worship, no voodoo (you’re thinking of Haiti, I guess) Shame on you for spreading these lies. You will have to answer to God for this.

2 years ago
Reply to  MollyT

The USA is a Christian country… but, if you don’t believe satan worship in the USA is rampant, you must live under a rock.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Right we are, so what country you living in??

3 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Missy something is CLEARLY wrong with you…. you are a very disturbed person that has immensely deep rooted issues and is a true racist. The fact that you would blame the victim of her own death by the hands of those so called “Parents” is beyond me. She was a child and because of those unruly parents that adopted them & did not love or care for them at all and treated them like scum of the earth she’s dead. Of course their other 6 biological children did not die because they were white and also they were removed immediately… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  LB

You’re way, WAY off. Seek mental help.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Clearly you need it more than this more than the correct person does

Leanne Harrisskitt
Leanne Harrisskitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Sounds to me like ure a member of their fucked family

2 years ago

Sounds to me like, YOU are.

Michael Tobin
Michael Tobin
3 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Folks like you are who make me glad I’m an atheist. Hopefully you don’t have kids of your own. If so, those poor b@stards must quite f_cked up…

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Tobin

Enjoy Hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy

You’d come much closer to riding a unicorn than, to kill me……… COWARD.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy


1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

Voodoo and Satin worship is happening allover this world, that doesn’t mean that she killed herself and where she came from has nothing to do with this what matters is that she was abused and no child no matter were they came from or who they are should deserve any type of abuse. The bible says that parents are to teach their children right from wrong not abuse them. Me and my class are studying debate and this is one of the most heartbreaking topics I could ever think of, but over all God will judge and he says “Judge… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

How do we know it wasn’t an accident? Umm, because it went through THE COURT? And there were police and CPS involved? Expert evidence? You’re a special kind of stupid that thinks your “internet opinion” is somehow more valuable than those familiar with the case.

3 years ago

How is a family with 6 children allowed to adopt 2 more? And how are they not investigated for extremist ideas before handling them 2 vulnerable kids?! This is so insane to me!

3 years ago

What in the hell fuck is wrong with people!? I mean damn. If everyone just considered the golden effin fuckin rule, absolutely none of this woulda happened, ever. Is that asking too much???

3 years ago
Reply to  MacD

Most people have no idea what the Golden Rule is.. nowadays.

3 years ago
Reply to  Missy

If the adoptive parents cared about the child they would’ve called the police and had her hauled off if she was really that out of control. In the end it’s the parents fault that the girl died because they allowed her to stay outside and freeze to death after starving her for years! You are an ignorant fool & The fact that you’re more concerned about defending a book that condones child abuse than you are about the murder of a little girl underscores that you are not a Christian! Burn in hell Missy

3 years ago
Reply to  Katie

Than you, well said!

2 years ago
Reply to  Katie

You should buy stock in Fleet (enemas). You’re full of SHIT.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Missy… wow I have no words… I hope if there is a god he makes the correct judgement against you. You shall burn in hell. I could say so much more but I’m nit going to even waste my time. You should be ashamed. And I fear for any children you have or may have.

2 years ago
Reply to  missXvamp

Born-Again believing Christians do not burn in Hell. Only those of whom die without Jesus Christ. I am a born-again believing Christian. You can be one, too. Belief is a choice. Seek and find. Start by cracking a Bible. Also—– you are a vile individual. All ,my children are grown adults. Quite successful in their own chosen endeavors.

2 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Too bad missy , whoever said Jesus is God , they gonna become resident of hell for eternity .. The Father is the Only True God .. Christians are fcckng stupid cant even understand that statement .. pitiful .

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

No that is not true if you are a Christian then you would not be wishing for other to burn in hell we as Christians should live like Christ and forgive not wish everlasting death upon others but instead pray for them, that’s what God would do. It makes me sad to read your comments. If you are a Christian and you know the bible you should know that it says to forgive and love not to tear down and hate.

Mama Kate
Mama Kate
1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

Missy, the bible itself says that there will be many who come before God claiming to know him and he will tell them that he does not know them. The bible also says that people will be able to identify us as Christians by our love for others and by our fruit that we produce. I beg you to look at your words and how you speak to people. It says in 1 Corinthians 13 “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  missXvamp

Lot of words for someone who claims to have no words. You have already wasted your time…. as you have no clue what you’re talking about.

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

Get off the internet and go back to school. Really.

Ba Barbara Kilman
Ba Barbara Kilman
3 years ago

The system is broken.
And even the great Dr Spock wasn’t a great choice for advice on how to raise a child

Joyce williams
Joyce williams
2 years ago

Why can’t we see these parents? We saw Taylin Hill and many others!
on another note, I realize that psychopaths and sociopaths have some charismatic traits, but when CPS sees that the children look emaciated, why do they NOT REMOVE THEM?!! I’d rather the “rescue” children be left in their own country where they mostly die of starvation rather than torture!

Last edited 2 years ago by Joyce williams
2 years ago

Just why?! Why go out of your way to offer children, who have probably suffered enough due to no fault of their own in their home country, a home and let them travel so far to come and join your family jut to beat and degrade and eventually kill them?! Why even apply to adopt them?! These disgusting excuses for human beings went through a process to get these kids to them and no doubt offered a good home! Makes my blood boil, they literally went out of their way to get children to abuse 🤬🤬🤬

1 month ago

Should have been life or the needle. Justice system needs to throwing the book at people like that. And yeah that knew she was abusing those kids probably took part in it to

17 days ago

Both should have gotten the death penalty. That poor baby. Praying that little boy gets a good home with loving parents.

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